How do you know if Scorpio man has lost interest?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Aries on Friday, April 4, 2008 and has 18 replies.
Well, the scropio I was seeing suddenly backed off, stopped calling and making flirty eyes, no more txt msgs. NOTHING!! He kept saying that he just is dealing with serious issues that hs nothing to do with me, but I should go ahead and do what i need to do for myself.
But because of his sudden coldness, I asked him what the heck was going on, he would just give me a cold shoulder saying it;s not me it's just that he is dealing with somethig right now.. i have no idea what and he won't share it with me. Not even a hint.
After about 3 weeks of not seeing eachother, he called wanting to talk, but I was hurt by his mindgames and didnt answer. when he realized that he was all "I want you like crazy, want to make love to you and kiss you forever" Soon as I pulled in, he backed off again...
Finally, after weeks of Bullshit, I just told him that we needed to talk NOW ! I told him that if there's someone else, that's fine, but just tell me. I don't know where we are. He wanted to know with whome I was going to hangout with in the evening - man or woman. I said that if has broken up with me (he says yes and no and then that he does not know cuz he is confused) that he has no right to ask me. he said that he's jealous, but that he is not focused on us, but he is focused on some family problem he is dealing with. He opend up a little bit about it, but it sounded fishy to me, yesterday. Today he was cold again.... is this normal or am I not seeing something?
the person I was hanging out with is a woman, but if the scorpio wants to break up and unbreak up and does not know what he wants, then I thik he should not ask me. He told me to move on, but he does not want me (I think) to move on - I have no clue what he wants
any advice
yeah... I would second that nomination.. Seems like all women who date scorpio men have the same damn question. If they are all deep and passionate and crap, why do they take a coward's way out?! Why wont' they just man up and say hey, I am done !
because most of the time the woman did something to deserve our cold shoulder. Winking
I don't get it, really ....
I am new to this - you responded but your answer is hidden (?)
I can see your second comment, so what don't you get?
no no, I was not asking him for "love" I just wanted to know WHAT was happening. If he wanted to break up, that's fine. but he was playing pull and tug.
If he wants to break up, I am fine going on my own and start dating other guys. But I can't date someone else, if HE and I are still together.
I just wanted to know where we were, that's all. If he does not love me, that's fine,too.
I'm a firm believer of ....... love doesn't have anything to do with happiness, but, happiness has everything to do with love.

Markella, thanks for your advice.. I will do that. It's hard, being honest, but I will do just that !
thanks smile
***It is in a man's nature when they have serious problems they need to stay in their "cave" and have a thought about them without talking to anyone. When they feel ready they will talk to you. This is not a mind game. This is just human nature. Give him space because the more pressure you put to him the more needy you seem and this a really big turn off for a guy.***
Until you actually have their heart then you will be the first person they come to. My scorp friend tells me everything even now we are going through this transitions from lovers to platonic friends, which is very hard.
If you are too clingy and needed and he cares about you but might not want or be ready to be in a relationship with him. It will make it harder for him to be honest because of fear of hurting you.
Aries lady .. here's the thing ... when a person has the Scorpio's heart (either gender), there is not hot and cold ... just hot.
So, I would take his behaviour to mean he's not serious about developing a commited relationship ... however, he is also a tad insecure and this is the reason why he makes these random contacts.
I raised a Scorpio son ... and when he was into a woman, he was full-steam ahead .. no cold. He was only cold at times when he wasn't interested in her, yet, she made herself available to him, so he took it. Of course, your Scorpio isn't my son, but, that's my experience.
Geeeeez ... term "her" means woman in general .. as in whatever "her" was at the time for him to be hot or cold, depending on whether he was into her or not.
Got it now?
Nevermind ..... lol ..
Only minds that have the ability to comprehend, actually comprehend ..
..... the others have to wear helmets because of all the matter flying overhead.
*no no, I was not asking him for "love" I just wanted to know WHAT was happening. If he wanted to break up, that's fine. but he was playing pull and tug.
If he wants to break up, I am fine going on my own and start dating other guys. But I can't date someone else, if HE and I are still together.
I just wanted to know where we were, that's all. If he does not love me, that's fine,too.*
Hiya, sounds like you're after Closure. Which is exactly why these situations suck. Trouble is, when we feel rejected (IMHO) as women we tend to go all round the houses to avoid it - looking into what he said, reliving his facial expression, tone of voice etc. BUT!!!! I think as a general rule it's safe to take what a man says at face value. I mean, when it's about emotions. So:-
Instead of hanging round wondering if you and he are still together, for your own peace of mind, decide you're not. (He can soon come running and talk you round if he needs!) If you read my thread, where there's some really helpful advice been given to me, you'll see that even though I'm still doing all the hopeful analysing in private, as far as he's concerned I have accepted that it's over (because really, it seems like it is, and my heart has to catch up with my brain). If by any chance he was bullshitting around, well too bad - I've called his bluff. He shouldn't be doing that to me, should he?
You want to know where you stand.
Alone. Sad
You want to know if he loves you. In my opinion, the easiest one of all. Has he told you he does?
Or has he said he wants a break?
Simple really isn't it... Sad I think the trick is to stand back and pretend this is someone else's thread you're reading. What advice would you give her? And as someone wrote on here somewhere (very specific, sorry!) when you're the one IN the relationship, you just don't see clearly. We all know that really - that's whey we come and ask for outside perspective from total strangers!
Good luck with it - I know it's painful but there is so much power in realising that actually you can stop worrying right now if you take the initiative and decide that of course it's over, he's pissing you off too much!!
Thank you ! Yes, I am looking for Closure, you took all my ramblings and put the right definition.
He did say to me that he loves me and misses me alot, but he needs to focus on something else with illness in his family.. The thing is that his excuse makes sense, but what does not make sense is that would want me to move on and then at the same time ask me if I am dating.
But in either case, if I have to pull teeth to get him to talk, he's not worth it. Open and honest comminiation is HUGE for me, just like privacy is HUGE for Scropios.
Thank your for your kind words, I will follow all the advice I recieved to my answer
FuckinA - I do love the honesty thrown in my face hahahaha smile Will do girlfriend !
I don't like a make yanking me along, so I have already started looking and am not planning to go back to him.