How many days consecutively should you see someone

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by taurusgoddess on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 and has 7 replies.
Rules & regulations?
I like to miss people.
I can see someone for about a week straight. I can go without seeing someone for 3 days no more because my needs start to surface
It depends. Are you referring to love relationships? Once or twice a week in the beginning. After a couple of months, you can slowly increase.
As much as you both desire,,,,,there aren't rules on eveything
WOW, I did a week recently, seemed like lots! I didn't get sick of the person, but I was nervous that they would need their space. I guess it depends on how compatible you are. smile
Well I think it is nice to miss someone...
Well,I live with my boyfriend so apart time is relax time os is viewed as a good thing in all honesty.I think I may want to beat the person if they were attached to me 24/7,would start feeling clastraphobic and stuff...