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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
I think a lot of us don't know.
A women inspired me a few years ago, how she walked away from a passionless relationship that looked "perfect" to marry the man of her dreams. They argue lots, but she said that there was PASSION & that was totally worth it.
I followed that motto and find myself wondering, How much Passion is too much?
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
When words become heated and hurtful ... that is when Passion becomes too much. I understand passion to be good and bad.
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
how much passion is too much?...when you based the relationship on it. Passion is not a lasting may last through the first couple of months...of maybe a year...but then it fades and then if you have nothing else in common...chances are the relationship will not last. I think friendship is the key. You have to have a common interest beyond sex and passion.
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
I do agree that Friendship is Number 1 in a relationship, however, without passion, all you have is friendship. By definition Passion is a powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger - a Strong sexual desire; lust. It is a need to be "one" with eachother - to be drawn to eachother - to feel like you belong - without question.
I don't believe that true love and passion goes away. I do believe that as you become more comfortable with eachother, passion relaxes a little - but does not fade away completely.
Friendship + Passion = A Love Relationship
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
The only time it can be too much for me is when it becomes blind. Rage is fine .. anger is a normal emotion for everybody .. but, when this passion causes a person to act foolishly on behave of a person who has erred .. that would be too much for me.
To walk away from a passionless marriage to one that was full of passion, even fury, would be acceptable to me.
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
I agree with P-Angel, except for the Rage part. I don't think rage or fury is necessary - anger and disagreeing loudly as long as you listen to each other is completely fine and healthy.
You are right though - a passionless marriage is not only no way to live, but it is not fare to either person. Passion unites you and makes you feel alive. We all need passion in our life and our relationships. To what degree depends on the individual/couple.
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Jul 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 544 · Topics: 13
having ended a passionless 10 year relationship myself, if i had to do it all over again, i would still walk away.
love can exist without passion, however, in my case we became friends/roommates more than lovers. there was trust, love, comfort, stability, respect - a loving, caring relationship. same kind you have with family.
passion is what keeps romantic love's how you interact and affect each other. passionless to me was routine, to the point of day melds into the next and you aren't affected by each other as much. it was like living the same day over and over again - and for the rest of my life? no thank you.
passion in its positive forms helps keep life much passion? like anything else it's a personal preference and finding the right balance/mix that works adds to the challenge and rewards of relationships
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Mar 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2950 · Topics: 49
strong feeling or emotion
heat: the trait of being intensely emotional
mania: an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action
a feeling of strong sexual desire
love: any object of warm affection or devotion
I am in an 8 Year relationship. I will tell you right now passion holds us together. We are both passionate people. It's our passion for each other yes! But there is so much more to it. It's his passion for life I love! His sports, his friends, what he believes in, his work ethnics......Whatever he does he is passionate about. He throws himself 110% into what he loves. That's what caught my eye about him. It's the same with me. I am all white or black. There is no gray in my middle. I am either red hot passionate in all I love and do or I don't think much at all on the subject if it is not close to my heart. That is what keeps us close.
Passion is not just sex. It's a deep love for all you love and believe in. It's a feeling that is contagious when you talk about it. Everyone around you feels the passion coming out of you when you express it.
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Oct 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6167 · Topics: 146
"Passion is not just sex. It's a deep love for all you love and believe in. It's a feeling that is contagious when you talk about it. "
Very well articulated indeed. If passion is something which surpasses consistent commitement in all the departments , then U may not come across too many people practising it. In that case, as Notso said, trust, comfort and stability shall come into the picure. Otherwise, just walking out of "passionless" relationships every 5 years in search of an "all or nothing" saga all over again will eventually lead U to an abyss in all probabilities. One also needs to think about the situation when oneself is not contributing any value to the relationship and proving to be a drag.
Also, emotions of "passion","love" etc. are relative in nature. Such feelings may actually suppress the ability of Ur brain to weed out the irrational from rational. So, what I see as passion can be idiotically boring to U and vice versa. In fact there are times when most of us tend to think in glorifies romanticized terms and fail to see that the reality which anywayz is going to dawn upon all in due time.
I dont know if there are many matches which are "made in heaven" and durable too.
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Mar 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2950 · Topics: 49
Have you ever known a passionate person, GA?
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Oct 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6167 · Topics: 146
"Have you ever known a passionate person, GA?"
If the claim of scorpio being the most passionate is true, then Yes.
Passionate ( in absolute terms ) people arent missing as such, just that there arent as many. Thatz why I said , Love or Romantic imagination can subdue the rational-thinking part of the brain and make us see what we want to see and make us feel what we want to feel.
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Mar 15, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2950 · Topics: 49
GA, I respect where you are coming from but it's late and I need to go to bed. I say we pick this topic up at a later date.
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Oct 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6167 · Topics: 146
"or when you are kidnapped..hehe"
LOL....That reminds me -
Lisa Marie Nowak (born May 10, 1963 in Washington, D.C. as Lisa Caputo), is an American astronaut. She flew her first mission into space onboard the NASA Space Shuttle mission STS-121 in July 2006.
On February 5, 2007 she was arrested in Orlando, Florida. Police allege she was planning to kidnap and murder a romantic rival.
On February 5, 2007, Nowak was arrested at Orlando International Airport on charges of attempted kidnapping, battery, attempted vehicle burglary with battery, and destruction of evidence. She told the Orlando Police Department she was involved in a relationship with fellow astronaut William Oefelein, with whom she trained, which she described as being "more than a working relationship but less than a romantic relationship." She believed U.S. Air Force Captain Colleen Shipman, who works as an engineer at Patrick Air Force Base, was also involved with Oefelein.
Oefelein's ex-mother-in-law has said Nowak, while a friend of Oefelein for years, had nothing to do with the breakup of his marriage. In a handwritten request for a protective order against Nowak after her arrest, Shipman referred to Nowak as "acquaintance of boyfriend," but did not identify him. Shipman also claimed Nowak had been stalking her for two months.
William Anthony "Bill" Oefelein (born March 29, 1965 in Fort Belvoir, Virginia) is an American astronaut. His first mission was as pilot of STS-116.
He is a graduate of Oregon State University and an alumnus of the University of Tennessee Space Institute. He entered flight training in Texas in 1989 and was designated a Naval Aviator in September 1990. He is divorced (his marriage to Michaella Davis ended in 2005) and has two children.
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Nov 10, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 436 · Topics: 22
This hit home with me, and i completely agree with you.
"love can exist without passion, however, in my case we became friends/roommates more than lovers. there was trust, love, comfort, stability, respect - a loving, caring relationship. same kind you have with family"
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
OMG, she was a bull?!!! haha
One of my best f's (sag) was married to a woman for 10 years, and he said one day he woke up, rolled over to look at her and said, "I cannot live a life so lacking in passion." He walked out that door & never saw her again. That was 10 years ago, and he still talks about her. Problem was, their passion used to be strong and had turned into zero passion. So little left that she started cheating on him. He knew, but he also understood why. Passion...we all need it to keep things amazing & real.
But WHY do we loose it?!!!!!!!!!