how to seduce a scorpio man!!!???

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by escorpiana on Thursday, January 31, 2008 and has 11 replies.
So I have this scorpio, and I dont know what charateristics he likes in a girl!!!
can anyone help me
be true to yourself - don't put on an act. scorps hate that. we can tell you're putting on a mask from a mile away. just don't worry about impressing him and he will be impressed. scorps like independent, confident women.
I am a scorpio as well, so I always feel like we know what we are talking, we can talk about anything, that most of the people wouldnt know
Yeah, I am scorp too and with a scorp male there is this "Je ne sais pas" where we just know and get eachother at times. But there are times we piss eachother off.
Scorp males need to be reassured that you are into them and only them, very possessive and jealous if they are really into you. Be sexy, but classy. Be honest and sensual. Lots of sex we scorps have no problem with that right? I don't know if the males like it more than we females. LOL!!!
lol...of course we female like more....
yeah we do get into each other nerves sometimes, and it will be nasty, but whenever every thing is is just beautiful I feel like I am talking with myself, and learning more and more about my personality, but most the time I also feel unconfortable to go talk to him, since scorpios are not so much about the whole talking thing!!!!

I just feel that he is perfect because we both are independent, confident, natural leaders, mysterious, sarcastic, ambitious, and we are so hotttttt together hihi
Yeah, I know what you mean, you have to pull stuff out of them, but when you do most answers are honest. When it is good it is Reallly good and mushy. When it is bad it is uncontrolable. Make up is the best tough.
The short answer is: People only think they like certain characteristics, because of their own life experience. Even if your traits matched up with his idea of what those characteristics are, the notion of compatibility would only carry you so far.

I think your question is more interesting than a potential answer. Why do you ask? What action would it result in? If his likes and dislikes matched up with a description of you, what would you do? If it was the opposite, then what? Do you abandon the attempts at a relationship?
People don't like traits, they like individuals. Sometimes those individuals carry traits in a way that we find desirable, or undesirable. The key is the individual, and how they carry the trait, rather than the trait itself. In my experience as a Scorpio male with several Scorpio male friends, any trait expressed with self awareness, without self consciousness and with the desire to grow attached to it, will be seen as desirable, or at the very least, acceptable.
My husband is a Scorpio and he dont like sex all the time he dont like the classy look and he is a no no def no no for romance which is good for me as I hate romance smile he is not athletic to me he is very sexy but others dont think he is he is rather geeky and i love him for it smile he is born on 31st oct smilehe is very honest erm he dont show much love even though i know it is there and we can talk about the most deepest secrets and he likes me asking about his secrets maybe it is becuse he trusts me and we tell eachother everything and its all just fine n dandy smile but i think scorpios are steriotyped alot like cancerians I am a cancerian and I am not very emotional I can be extreamly cold and I hate romance and I hate love in films Big Grin I am more secretive than my husband erm and I am not a mother hen even though I will fuss over my husband, I think I am super sexy and no one needs to reassure me as I know I am smile Ciao.....
I am also a Scorpio with a Scorpio. In some ways I feel more connected with him than any other man I have ever been with, but then in other ways I feel like he is such a big mystery and that I will never totally figure him out. He says the same thing about me though and I guess it is probably a good thing. It keeps us on our toes.
LOL@Antibling. Agreed. Cheesy!
"In some ways I feel more connected with him than any other man I have ever been with, but then in other ways I feel like he is such a big mystery and that I will never totally figure him out."
Welcome to the world of water on water relationships. Winking The mystery is the best part! There will always be something more for you to figure out about each other.