How would a Scorpio Lady react to this?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Lysander on Tuesday, June 12, 2007 and has 7 replies.
Please imagine the following scenario:
a Scorpio girl is very fond of a Leo guy but even though she gave him all the necessary hints for him to "close her" and they both fell they like each other and act weird when together the guy does not seem to move a single step to make anything happen. Scorpio Girl starts getting tired of this and has troubles figuring out Leo and starts dating other guys but only as friends for the time, she hides the fact from Leo; she notices he looks sad or preoccupied at times.
Then something happens, someone reveals to Scorpio Girl that the Leo is holding back because someone has been threatening him because of old family issues and he fells that if he starts a relationship with her she would probably have problems because of this and he believes she must be as calm and peaceful as possible because she is finishing College and need to focus on this subject without being disturbed by problems created by someone trying to hurt him indirectly, that is why he is acting with her in this repressed way.
So, what would a revelation like this do to a Scorpio girl and her feelings towards this guy? Will she stay or will she go?
Afterall...I would go, and just leave Leo guy alone. In that scenario, Leo guy has shown me that he is not brave enough for me, but would rather be sad or preoccupied. And, to add insult to injury, Leo guy would then turn it all around and then try to put it on me as being too weak to handle the life I've chosen to live. Perhaps he meant well, but sadly (because I like him, and probably more than enough to handle whatever), I would leave him alone.
Hi, Lysander.
Just saying, because I'm Scorpio female too.
Hi Scorp-In-Law, Roxijam and Ocean, thank you for your opinions. I can see that to Scorpios this sounds a little like overreaction and excessive drama. She has indeed heard this from a third party to whom I told this, I asked this third party to keep secret. I know she knows because this so called third party came to me and told me she had spilled her guts because she thought it was necessary in this stage. Like Roxijam said I decided to keep this to myself because If I told her directly it would probably sound like an excuse. This third party said that her reaction was saying that I should not condition any decision in my life because of anybody and that I should trust other people to be smart enough to handle this kind of situation coming their way.
The problem is I am dealing with a weirdo and I still cannot predict what he is capable of but I will solve all this in the next couple of weeks/months for sure. I am pretty sure that he would at least bother her with crazy phone calls or text messages (he can get her number easily) if he knew we had a relationship and I have no right of asking her to stand whatever he is capable of doing or saying on such an early stage of a relationship that doesn't even exist especially in this phase where she has to worry about her studies. I know she is strong enough to handle something like this, that is not the point, I just don't want her to endure problems caused by me when we haven't even seriously dated. I was thinking of letting her finish her College exams and talk with her in the middle of July or so when all this situation becomes clearer either way; I am only afraid of losing her before that...
"as far as scorpios are concerned they either want someone or they dont...there isnt any middle ground...if it looks as though it will be difficult to get it together because of various outside influences and problems...they will fight to the bitter end to achieve it, such is their loyalty and devotion."
I luv that Roxi....soooo true!!!
"The problem is I am dealing with a weirdo and I still cannot predict what he is capable of but I will solve all this in the next couple of weeks/months for sure. I am pretty sure that he would at least bother her with crazy phone calls or text messages (he can get her number easily) if he knew we had a relationship and I have no right of asking her to stand whatever he is capable of doing or saying on such an early stage of a relationship that doesn't even exist especially in this phase where she has to worry about her studies."
Lysander....what's this guy know about u that u don't want to have leaked?...tell me ur secrets...i won't tell anyone :-)
Winking Hi Lady Scorp, fortunately he could know my whole life inside out and still have nothing bad to say about me and whatever he makes up I know she would probably not believe; she knows me well enough and is smarter than that. I just fell really uncomfortable with this situation because I really like this girl and truly care for her and can't picture myself starting a relationship today and say after the first kiss: "Oh, by the way, I have a Loony Toon after me who swear to make my life miserable so you will probably be troubled by him because you're with me (and he is crazy so I don't know his limits) so for the next couple of weeks, until I deal with him once and for all, please just ignore him and everything he says".
Oh she WILL stay! The scorpio woman will not only stay but after finding out what's keeping her from her love she will weed out the entire source of the Leo man's trouble. Anything that gets in the way of a Scorpio woman no matter how small is ruthlessly removed forever. The Leo man is soon going to get the love of his life.