How would a Scorpio man react if someone wanted a break from them?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by HopefullyIrememberthisone on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 and has 4 replies.
Not forever but for maybe like 2 to 3 weeks? And it's not just from them it's from everybody basically

Let's say I tell him we won't be in contact for a few weeks but that it has nothing to do with him it's just me dealing with some stuff. Would that make him mad and do you think he'd lose interest after this break?

It will be fine as long as you tell him what the stuff is and he too considers that worth the break.
can i post here?
Posted by blackphase
Well it likely depends on how your relationship is with the guy.. Have you already established a good relationship with communication and trust?

I would think that if you were open with him about what was going on that he would be more understanding as opposed to you just telling him that you are dealing with stuff and won't be in contact.
I wouldn call our communication great but I do think we're close enough for me to tell him my reasons, I'm just worries that he'll cool off after this break