Hurting someone you love.

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by confusedcrabgirl on Monday, September 4, 2006 and has 22 replies.
A scorp male friend of mine admited something to me that didnt make sense to me atall.He said he likes to hurt those he love.Every body sees his good part but the one he love had to deal with bad him,he said he has been meanest to the girl he loved most.
I know him since many years and i know he as a amazing friend and a good human being but to her he has not been good but still cailms to love her.Is it possible to delibrately hurt some one you love?Anmd if yes why do you need to do such a thing?
i'm not really a scorpio..if it isn't obvious..but from my experience with them i've found that they are at times cruel to people that they love. mainly this is because they are extremely sensitive (even if you can't tell) and they feel like anyone they have strong feelings for needs to pass some test. you're friend is probably mean to the girls he loves because he wants to know just how far he can take them, just how much they're willing to put up with..just how much they love him. so partly, i'm sure this is him trying to see if she can love him all of him(even the bad stuff). Its a test of loyalty which i'm sure was absurdly harsh, but scorps always work in extremes. In the game of's even worse..they're at their most vulnerable..and handing themselves over to someone else on top of they NEED to know that, that other person will put up with hell on earth for them and still be there in the morning.
now noone ever said it was fair or logical to his mate, but it's in her hands whether or not she can take and pass this test..because once and if she does..she'll have so much lovin' it'll be ridiculous.
hope that helps..
notso07,got to what I was thinking about this and in particular younger people who aren't too experianced with having a relationship.However I don't agree with purposely doing it,life will do that all in due time on its own.I've unintentionally hurt people that felt bad about forever and still pops up even when its been forgiven n stuff.Kinda like the scorp starsign thing about never forgetting a hurt done to the scorp thing,its works both ways on me and I also never forget a hurt I did to someone else also.
Oh and its normally girls who play these games and fuck up thier relationships so he could have pcked up playing them himself to supposedly "protect" himself or see how much they care or whatever.
When I hurt people that are close to me, it's because I'm trying to help them-as weird as it may sound, sometimes I get close to weak people(mostly my family, so I really don't have any choice on the subject) and weakness is the one thing I can't stand, so I challenge, because I hope they'll rise to the challenge and become stronger people.
"i doubt if there are scorps who are going to admitt their faults"

It's not really a fault, it's just a thing we do.
"and weakness is the one thing I can't stand, so I challenge *them,"
Yes Transform....Thats the key word in our lives..
I think LisforLeo has a good point, as crazy as it may sound. I've dealt with Scorps before who hurt the ones they love, and others who just simply test them, and ones that do both. Some may or may not relate. What it boils down to is they need strong partners, and if they can prove this through hurting or testing them then they will do just that. They need to see that you will stick with them through thick and thin. While some of us use our intuitions to test a person's loyalty, some Scorps need to take that loyalty to another level.
"Buddy this won,t make your parterner strong it just makes them have stronger urge for divorice. This is go to be the most dumbest logic in the world ."
I'm not talking about a "partner", I'm talking about friends and family, and it's really not as dumb as you think it is-it'll either make them stronger, or-like you said-keep those weakling away from me, so either way-I
"-keep those weaklings"
"there is your truth, there is my truth and then there is THE TRUTH r u ready to accept??????"
The truth is not accessible, so it's really
"I guess it all has to do with the fact that scorpio is ruled by um god of the underworld!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Like Apollo is any better?
The guy is a total jackass.
"after all, who can improve the perfection "
I can.
Yes-I'm that good.
Oh, and I have no idea what's fischer exact or chi square.
"but in your case; ther are not aplicable"
I'm special.
"no,you are scorp.... "
You just can't keep away, huh?
hey.. i've only known three scorp guys(two of them, briefly).. and from wht i've seen all of them seem to have an intense depthness about thm.. but only one of them have managed to take me down to tht level of theirs.. i've met him online.. and we seem to have gotten along pretty well conversational-wise.. and thn after weeks of knowing each other properly.. he started to explain me of his life (in-depth u cud say).. he took me to the point where I couldnt come to understand where he was comin from at all ..
I wish I cud've understood where hes coming from n the pain he has to deal with in life.. he TRIED to make me understand.. like he needed the right answer / advice from me and no matter how much advice i've given him.. hes already dealt with thm.. so its like I cant help him out..
I guess .. if to put it astrologically, scorp guys or maybe even girls, try to in a way, before really wanting to settle down with someone ..or develope a really close bond with someone.. they need to test the person their with and whether or not they can deal with their 'depthness' that was born into thm.. like if the 'other' person cud accept thm 'all' for wht they really are... esp. the ones close to them.. or in my case, we were on tht level of becoming close
'hurting someone u love', and even more '"like" hurting someone u love' cud be a way of saying tht 'im just trying to see how far they can handle me'...
The guy might have enjoyed testing the girl tht he loves n becuz of it loves her more if she was able to keep up with him.. and n still .wants. to be with him.. n its not a bad idea if u want to be all tht u can be with the person u love.. thts wht I really admire about a person, it takes courage i think to do somethn like tht. Not everybody has the guts to go all the way.. It shows tht they are real in doin wht they do.. or wht they want out of a rela. n tht is 'realness'
and i just read 'lisforleo's' comment lol.. I totally agree with tht.. and I guess u can also take my side of the story of dealin with a scorp guy as a compilation tht.. wht their doing isnt really tht hurtful as it seems.. but depending on wht kind of 'hurt' they are imposing on the other person .. it shudnt be too massive to the point where the girl is about to die-out.. if this happens.. thn he shud know .. tht maybe their not 'meant-to-be'.. but unless hes still going on with it while shes dying there.. thn someone shud tell him to stop! lol
How did your defence on the thesis go? Did you get to harpoon the sharks?
"How did your defence *of the thesis went?"
...I didn't get enough sleep.Tongue