Posted by sexyleo83
Thank you FUN for your quick response. Our date was actually supposed to be last night. He never responded to my Wednesday text and never contacted me yesterday. I really hope I hear from him again. I did send a few text Tuesday to his 1 response so I'm thinking he might think I'm chasing him a lil too much so I stopped texting Wednesday
'd let him go. He cancelled *strike one* (what was the reason?) then he's a no show *strike two*...I??m not impressed and no longer interested. I'm done. But, since you asked I'll address the OP.
Posted by FUM
I don't think you did anything wrong by keeping in touch and it doesn't sound like you were sending him millions of texts.
"it doesn't sound like" being the most important issue here.....I??m guessing that??s not entirely true.
Posted by sexyleo83
We set another date to meet Thursday. Monday he was very busy with work and could barely text but still text a fair amount. Tuesday he tapered off to 1 message. Wednesday I ignored my untution to let him contact me (i know i should have listened) but text him anyway to see if we were still meeting up the following day and he never responded.
Did he initiate the text on Monday and Tuesday?
Posted by sexyleo83
I did send a few text Tuesday to his 1 response so I'm thinking he might think I'm chasing him a lil too to expand
You Lions can be quite assertive and direct when it comes to claiming what you want, which is a definite plus in my book. I personally respond really well to men that are like that. I do not know if male Scorps feel the same. I will say the one thing we do have in common is the fact that we don't like to be overwhelmed by someone. In the beginning be careful not to do too much, too fast, too aggressively. "Too much" could be something as simple as texting me every. single. day. I personally do not like texting. I will do it to an extent, but don't send me something every day, especially when I have told you I am busy. I'll begin to think you don??t have anything else going on and will be bored before we even lay eyes on each other. Let me miss you, wonder what you're doing, why you haven't texted me.
I guess the nice thing about text messages is the fact that you can read over what was written and see if there is a clue there. The devil is in the details.
Posted by sexyleo83
You make a good point with the house purchase. Didn't really give it thought .And my screen name is sexy for a reason
Thanks for your honesty . It is greatly appreciated Bc I could have been perceived as too eager. I hand backed off. I just wonder how long to give it before I know he's definitely not interested. Is it normal for scorpios to just ignore someone out of No where when they have lost interest ? Do you lose interest easily?
Posted by Superseven
Your thread reminds me of one of my sag buds that would lie about his age and a bunch of other stuff just to bang older chicks he met online and when they would want to meet he always made up an excuse not to go if he coludnt deliver what he lied about. Soooo maybe....
Posted by sexyleo83
I messaged him randomly not really expecting a response. I was about to cancel my account and he messaged right before I did.
He purchased a house a few blocks from my apartment complex and is moving near me in a few weeks. It's also ironic he has a friend who lives in the same complex I moved from last year.
He kept telling me he's was so interested in meeting me, How beautiful and gorgeous I was, and how he couldn't wait to see me.
Posted by Neurotoxin
Maybe he found someone hotter.
Posted by Superseven
Of course she's convinced herself that he represents a possibility he may or may not be, what man or woman doesn't do that when they've passed the attraction phase?
I know what you're matter what her reply is you're going to make her think that shes too into him, which is true cause if WE can tell that she's way too into him at this point I bet my chicken burrito that the scorpio picked up on this too.
Theres no music without silence,
The silence is part of the seduction.
We all know how this is going to end any ways so let's just give her the usual generic comments we feed people that we know are heading in the wrong direction, but because they're so eager to get to where their going, we keep a straight and say something nice.
Posted by Superseven
Boooo, I don't like mystery's I like "action" flicks.
Any way, he's playing the oldest trick in the book. Ignore the chick long enough for her to be so overwhelmed with the thought of you that shes driven to go online to ask random strangers for advice. Oldest trick in the book.
Posted by SupersevenPosted by PhoenixRisingPosted by Superseven
Boooo, I don't like mystery's I like "action" flicks.
Any way, he's playing the oldest trick in the book. Ignore the chick long enough for her to be so overwhelmed with the thought of you that shes driven to go online to ask random strangers for advice. Oldest trick in the book.
Lol. Seriously, to what end ? How effective is this game plan? I'm genuinely interested.
To what end? I guarantee you she's gonna give it up to that dude on the first date. Why? Cause shes gonna want to keep he's attention.
It's the build up...
He's already captured her imagination cause I know she thinks about him all the time now, she might even be in love with him already.
In a week or two, scorpionman is going to be diving in that pink sea like Phelps in the Olympics.
It's physics. Doesn't work with every chick though, it only works on the thirsty ones that show a lot of interest in the to expand
Posted by IrresistableScorp
He's just busy and isn't focused on said sexy Leo. It's only been two weeks.
Posted by Superseven
And I don't know what she's thinking or feeling, I just read between the lines.
Posted by Superseven
He's already captured her imagination cause I know she thinks about him all the time now, she might even be in love with him already.
click to expand
Posted by Superseven
Hi Mel, with the new age devices at our disposal the brain can still process things as if it's something that was experienced in real life.
What I described isn't a theory but the process everyone goes through when they experience so- called attraction or love.
Obviously, the structure of something so subjective does not lend itself to precise formula but instead leads to models of how these things work.
She said a lot in her OP that told me that these models were at work. She gives irrelevant info about her friend living in the same building that the Scorpio lives
In and she lived in that part of town as if she was trying to convince herself that it was destiny they met.
"we were going to delete at the
Same time but faith brought us together"... are good