i hate scorpio girls

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by james on Monday, April 3, 2006 and has 29 replies.
why do scorpio girls love to drive a man insane? i have come to the position that the scorpio girl that i have fallen for is making it on her terms when we meet she knows that their is something special about me even i didn't know i had until i became more introspective and saw the gifts that i have. i thank her for driving me to the point of insanity to see how people around me always look to me for advice. i've grown up as a person but i can't move on and do my work properly until i get this scorpio girl to let me free or were together. the past 5 month i have only called her like 3 times and e-mailed her like 2 times. yet she does not respond for she knows that i'm an honourable guy and i will only move on until i meet her face to face to know where i stand... amazingly even when i don't see her she has been helping me from afar however everytime i tell her to meet me somewhere no response. i'm pisces but i have an aries moon that makes me one of those types who just want to know where i stand so i could move on to something new.. i'm not one of those obsessed stalkers type who will follow her or know where she lives, but she leaves traces of helping me yet she never shows herself until i'm about to get move on than she shows driving me crazy. she knows everything about me, she knows my friends, she knows where i go, and she knows the abilities i have, but she also knows that i look only to be in a relationship with a strong woman for she understands my need to have my room and space and vice versa.. were both bery secure with our talents that really nothing in the life could stop us.. i fear or ain't scared of nobody however she is the only one that could paralyze me. I have heard from others to go with the flow but i'm the type that hates wondering for it makes me restless and i analyze everything for i am a bit of a gambler when it comes to life. i know she ain't scared of me, but she is holding back for everytime she is around me i could see the pain on her face of her holding in her passion and intensity. damn you stubborn scorpio girls, always wanting it to be on your own terms... i ain't a flake whatever we started i like to see it complete which ever way it goes.
okay i suck at spelling and writing.. don't hold that against me... hahahaha
Maybe you should tell her how you feel instead of us,that way at least you may get an answer rather than a guess.Good lucksmile
Is she trying to prove something to you?
Is he seeing someone else?
Maybe she was hurt and don't want to make the same mistake twice.
Maybe she is not ready to be in a relationship and don't want to tell you or don't know how to tell you.
Give her a lot of space and let her call or come to you.
I don't think you hate us/Scorpios I think you hate the idea that she is not giving you much attention.
I have 4 very close Scorp female friends. They all do this. She ain't interested.
yeah maybe she's trying to tell you something by not doing anything at all. I have had this experience with a Scorpion, if they like you, they'll let you know.
my apologies to all scorp. girls i'm just venting. You know i did make mistakes at the beginning but it was unintentional for we weren't even in a relationship together so i'm just wondering how i could be held accountable to her. trust me i tried to move on however again she has done me huge favours that i didn't even know about, i just believe it's fair for me to just say thank you face to face. hey i'm not the nicest of guys however when people do something to help me unexpectedly i believe all i can do is do the same. trust me when i was younger i was very selfish when it came to relationships where i would leave without a notice, that i try now as i get older to at least talk to the person straight up and personally just give closure for the both of us whereever we go from there. i know i'm a fool and it sounds stupid for me to say this after i said i hate this process, i don't regret anything for i have learnt so much about people in general that alot of my older ideas and ideals have changed.
You said "You know i did make mistakes at the beginning but it was unintentional for we weren't even in a relationship together"
My guess is that what ever you did to her when yall were friends she has not forgiven you for it. The last thing you want to do is cross a scorpio. I know trust me.
So if you done something that really hurt her you really don't have a chance in hell right know. Leave her alone and let her come to you when she is ready. I have been through that and I am going through is know..
It does not matter friends/relationship. You must have done something that really hurt her.
Yeah I believe the mistake was pretty bad on my part at the beginning in the year when i chilled with my best friend who was a girl and i sensed the scorpio girl there with those freaking eyes just staring at me. i did blantantly ignore her which i do regret but we only met like 8 times in a 7 month span before than and it seemed like everytime we met she became more aggressive with personal questions that any person man or woman would not like to talk about to a person they hardly knew. however it seemed like she knew everything about me in such a short period of time which freaked me out. i remember i said back than i thought of her as a friend, her response was a sly smile and she said "oh so were friends?" like we were soulmates or something which i couldn't believe how fast everything was traveling, mostly when the longest relationship i've been before was only 2 month. while i do believe in soulmates, but i do have a deep fear of commitment from one side of my mind goes anal about this might not work and other side is my fear of losing my freedom. i could tell the night i ignored her she was deeply wounded that she yelled at me to stop pretending and i knew she meant to stop pretending that we were just only friends or strangers. man i work with her friend and i never seen the coldest cut eye from anybody when her friend looked at me, from there i knew i f***ed up huge. the funny part about living in toronto is somehow every asian person is connected to each other that even during the time she lived her life and i lived my life while i chilled with other girls i find out later from friends that the girls i chilled with were being freaked out by someone. like she marked me as her property and no other girl could dare chill around me which is flattering yet pisses me off that i basically lost all my female friends. it seems like even when i don't see her, she is making her presence known around everyone i know but yet she still holds a grudge after 4 months. how long could you scorpio girls hold a grudge for? it's like i'm in a prision and she holds the key to my life's happiness. so much power being wielded by a girl who seems likes the sweetest person you ever met.
Sounds to me like one of two things is happening here. One, like scorplady said you pissed her off some how. Stringing you along is one way of getting back at you. She knows she drives you crazy and that's just what she's doing. The other is she may just really be in love with you and is not ready for it. But, knowing she is in love she may not be ready to face it herself. So, by not acknowledging you she is trying to make it go away by not facing her feelings. She may keep her presence known by popping in now and then to make her own heart flutter to see if these feelings are still real for her. She may not be acting selfish to you intentionally. Do the two of you have a slight psychic relationship? That sounds like a stupid ? but it has been known to happen between scorp/pisces. And that makes the pull to you either more irresistable or harder to seperate. It really does not sound like she's disrespecting your feelings like virgogotme said. Sounds like you are really in her heart and she's trying to find out how to deal with such overwhelming feelings. Or,you pissed her off like I said.
Ok, now you come clean. Yup, you pissed her off. I don't think there is anything you can do now but totally stay away from her. I'll tell you right now, if and when she does get in contact with you it will be to show you what you missed out on. She will make sure you still find her desirable and she will love doing it. Then she'll cut you off like the turd you are. (Not that I think that you're a turd) We scorps have a need to be found desirable and she'll still find ways to do it. But you have hurt her deeply. I don't think she'll ever forget, she may eventually say she forgives you but don't believe it. You will pay for it for the rest of your life. You made the jealous possesive side come out of her. Her stinger is out, boy! In stringing you along she is getting the last word in. BELIEVE ME!!!!! I am a scorp and I have been through this one before. In fact, I'm still going through it. The man that has scorned me is still dragging his tongue when he sees me, and I've yet to say two words to him in months. (Long story to be continued...) Keep me posted on this one! We may find each other useful.
to tell you the truth i believe i am linked to her in that way since things she said to me back than comes back to me at other times like deja vu. The problem is i think she knew about the link before me and that is why it's driving me insane that i've been experiancing all these images after i met her. it's like she has the key to my sub-consious and that is how she knows so much about me and the main thing i want to know if it is just me or her too? hey i already regret my action and i know i will be left pretty stupid in the end but i know i came out wiser from this whole experiance. whatever she decides to do i am content for what the long time off has done for me is perpare myself for which path she decides to do. the end either be it she wants to be with me or make me look like the biggest fool in the world is actually a saving grace for me for i will know where i stand.. the anticipation is the thing that is killing me
James! You are in Toronto? Whooo Hooo!
Scorpgirls can hold grudges indefinitely.

She sounds a little whackadoo to me.
She sounds like she is really hurt and she is about to get very vindictive she knows so much about you because we she got all the information for other people that you know so that she can use it against you. That is how some or all Scorpios get when we are hurt we try to hurt you back get even what ever it takes, that is why she is hold the grudge and everything else you have took her to the ultimate of distruction probably.
I would not go near her if I was you you are just feeling the raft of the stinger but she has not really stung you yet.
She marked you as her territory. She has a connection with you and you know you have one with her. You can either ignore it and dwell on it for the rest of your life (which you will) or you can call her on it and make her listen to reason. That will be the hard part. You hurt her deeply. She was trying to tell you something when you were with your friend. You didn't listen until it was to late. You know when she looked at you she was telling you something, you just didn't get it until later. Think about it, she was talking to you with her eyes. Did you not get a jolt when you looked at her? Did you turn away and ignore it? Did you get the idea later that she was trying to say something? You do have a connection. You can do as Brahn suggests and dump her or you can find the spiritual way to go about it. I think you came to this message board for more spiritual guidance.
DB I take 5.00 or the Scropio Kit..I might lose my touch when I get older got have something to fall back on.
he is a pisces. I dated one for 6 years....I would never date another one
DB...LMAO, yall really should not do that...there really could be a war, in the Scorpio's eys I kinda feel sorry for him I hope he don't walk into that death trap for real
You think we should warn him or just let him get stung?
I totally agree, DB at least for me but I would have to really really be pissed off I can take alot but in the process of takeing a lot from people I also warn them of there impending doom if they don't stop...
Oh damn....I hope she does not read that...
Hey DB why do you have such a bad taste for Scorps...did a scorp do something to you... and if so I guess that's where you got the bad taste from
I am sorry to hear that. I hope that taste go away one day. You know we are really good people and very kind so try and think about that the next time you get that bad taste...think something good about Scorpio's like SEX....that you make you feel good
or is it????
(cue scary music)
man you guys are scaring the crap out of me. damn doesn't she know i walked into this unexpectedly? i'm the biggest idiot.. let's admit it i'm going to get burned badly in the end. well i've gone this far to turn back now, she brought me into this so i'm going to see how it ends.
call me stubborn but when something takes me to the unknown i just can't turn back. i stress and it drives me crazy for being so stupid but for some reason i just need to see what happens next. i haven't had the easiest of life and alot of it is because of my own doing, yet my curiousity won't let me turn away on this. damn you scorpio girls have to be so damn magnetic
We are definately a challenge. Can't love us if you can't figure us out is my philosophy. Or if you figure us out you won't love us. Or something like that.
By the way James, I left you a private message. Did you get it?