I love being a Scorpio...

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by FixedWater on Thursday, June 5, 2014 and has 58 replies.
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but I wanna change my Moon sign.... pretend I am an Aqua or something. Can it be done? I would be both emotional and cold all at the same time. That would make me ?Zero?
I'll keep my Cancer sun/Cancer moon. Everyone else is probably wishing I could change it, though.
Fixed, I think it would either cancel each other out or make you very confused.
im definitely keeping my Cancer Sun & Scorpio Moon lol. i think being water influence has many great advantages. Plus i rather be me than being a cold spineless snake lol. FixedWater just love & accept who you are. There's nothing wrong with you as it is.
Not to minimize you all's disclosure, but.......
You were born exactly the way you were intended. You are exactly the way you are supposed to be. You are no more or no less than you are meant to be at this point in time. And people love and appreciate you for it.
AKA: you are exactly the way you are meant to be. If you don't like it, then you'll have numerous chances to change it - whether in this lifetime or in another.
Meanwhile - quit your bitching. The people closest to you are there because you ARE the way you ARE.
Also: thank you for sharing your thoughts and things. Cause openness should always be respected and appreciated. More people should be more open and less defensive, IMO.
Posted by Andalusia

You were born exactly the way you were intended..

Not exactly. I was supposed to be born on my dad's birthday but my mother couldn't stand the August heat anymore so she went in 2 weeks early. It was her choice.
I would've had a Virgo Sun and a Virgo Moon.
I don't envy you Rabbit.
I am not wishing you to change Moony smileand I think they would cancel each other out and sometimes that would be very nice.
BlackIndian, we are exact opposites, I never knew that. Thankyou for your kind words.
Ansulasia, I have decided already, I'm not coming back. I loved how you told me to quit my bitching and then thanked me for my openness and sharing. smile Just what the doctor ordered.
I am purposely open because it's what I need to do to grow. I cannot be of service with all of my experiences by being closed up and hiding in the shadows for fear I won't be liked.
i like you the way you are FW. why would you want to change?
Well, your probably pretty happy right now with all the boob groping your doing. I still don't envy you other than the fact that you will get some and I will not. Sorry, couldn't help it but you brought sex up first by talking about boob groping! I want a tinfoil hat.
Ok, so I am a sap. Fine. Damnit.
Awww.... thankyou Kim, I like you the way you are too. I don't like being such a sap! I wear black, I wear shades, I wear kick ass boots cant they see I am trying to be tough?
boob groping?
*tinge of jealousy*
@FixedWater no problem smile. Just be happy with who you are. Lol we are exact opposites but similar in some ways. Thats pretty kool though. I definitely agree with andalusia words a lot. We are all unique in our own way
It's a good thing, because I can't change my moon....or the other planets. I personally like the scorpio sun/cancer moon combo. Makes you all cute n snuggly with the feels. And remember, there's another scorpio I know with a cancer moon. I'll just give you a big, giant, glompy hung! Big Grin
hug, dammit....HUG!!!!
I can do Gemini!! That's basically being two people right. One minute we will be all gushy and the next no gushy?
all black?
you're gonna hate me. i'm putting you in a white sundress with a hints of blue and red for july 4th.
Posted by Rabbit
I'm neither deep nor broody!
Just cranky Straight Face

no you're not. you're sweetie pop!
~shoves food in Rabbit's mouth~ Chew, savor, swallow. Better now?
im actually pretty Calm & mellow with my Scorpio Moon. i only get cranky if im tired, hungry, or someone pissing me off lol. You gotta work with what you got. Embrance your moons good qualities
you can have some out of my bucket Rabbit. i'm done with them.
Posted by Rabbit
*puppy dog eyes*
What...no beer?

Better than beer....whiskey. Aged. Smooth. On the rocks or not?
BI, I do agree, we are all unique and important to this world.
I will take all the hugs from you Moony even if they are Glumpy (had to go back to look how that's spelled Lol)
FB You are a Scorp sun/Cancer Moon too??????? Tell me about myself! Lol Now that I know there are others I may just decide to keep my Cancer Moon and we can be Sisters!
Kim seriously? WHITE????? ........................... White? but, but, white? It will get all dirty and stuff?
You are so Rabbit. Hehe
NO its not. yes, white!
actually i'm going with pink and blue flowers. there really small. fitted halter dress.
you shoulda never mentioned the all black wardrobe. i'm gonna fix your ass!
Posted by Rabbit
I prefer my whisky neat...

Neat it is. Better?
That's sort of what I have been trying to do, embrace my emotions. Accept them and learn to deal with them. I have really hated it at times, all that sappy shit and a heart that just doesn't want to quit.
Posted by FixedWater
BI, I do agree, we are all unique and important to this world.
I will take all the hugs from you Moony even if they are Glumpy (had to go back to look how that's spelled Lol)
FB You are a Scorp sun/Cancer Moon too??????? Tell me about myself! Lol Now that I know there are others I may just decide to keep my Cancer Moon and we can be Sisters!
Kim seriously? WHITE????? ........................... White? but, but, white? It will get all dirty and stuff?
You are so Rabbit. Hehe

It was supposed to be glompy, but glumpy works, too. Sort of a run and leap and grab and hug on you type of hug. Glumpy would be the more scorpio grumpified version of a glomp.
Well, if were talking about whiskey Gibson's will do but I will kick all ya all's ass at pool Big Grin
Haha, Moon you are so cute!
Oooo, better than mimosa? I need to try a Brown Derby!
OMG! *we're not were
pool? i haven't played pool in forever!
Kim! I meant to say I wear white all the time.... HONEST! Although the Halter Dress does sound pretty cute. smile
The whiskey plays the pool.... it never forgets how. Haha
Posted by FixedWater
Well, if were talking about whiskey Gibson's will do but I will kick all ya all's ass at pool Big Grin

We'll team up. I kick butt at cheating with pool. Otherwise I suck.
Lol Moon, there are ways to win at pool that do not require skill and ability at playing actual pool.
FB, That is some excellent advice, thankyou. smile
I have started back into my projects and painting and I hear you on the creative outlet, it is really far more important than I ever gave it credit for. I also love being in a steady relationship but truly it's time for me to take a break and allow all the things I have learned about myself in the last few years to have a chance to solidify in my mind. I am such a capable woman that I never needed a man to do those typical things. I guess my ex taught me that in all those years that he sat on his ass on the couch scratching his balls and stuffing his mouth while I worked my butt off.
Tightening the circle was critical. I started doing that two years ago, and am now down to only those kinds of relationships that are healthy, for both parties concerned.
Mood swings, well hell. Somedays they come right out of the blue and I think it's because of some trigger or something. Maybe all along its just a part of me that I cannot overcome??
Hold The Bus! FB, I just assessed my life in a flash. This will roll around in my noggin for days... all this time recalling how many times I have been told I am too sensitive and that I need to change...
Can you just hear the wheels turning? Challenge/Change/Supress describes most of my relationships for most of my life.
Thankyou for this input, I can feel it means a lot.
Don't tell anyone though K? **** shifty eyes from side to side **** Big Grin
I will look for Jynja and some of her posts on the Cancer Moon softies, and in doing so find some more enlightenment. Have you ever taken Carl Jung's personality test just out of curiosity?
Posted by Rabbit
Let's all pretend to be Geminis!

I'm always getting accused of being one anyway...
as usual I don't have anything constructive to add... So here is a cute kitty gif

SMDH... not that kind of kitty rabbit! #feral Tongue
Well LL, you can help us be more Gemini than we aren't already (that made sense to me Lol)
I love the kitty gif and I can relateLaughing
Posted by FrostAndBite

Mood swings don't ever stop though, I just accept that every once in a while the fact that I got a bag of skittles with only four lemons will devolve into hysteria that exhausts itself after 48 minutes roughly.

Laughing this made me chuckle!!!
Its too cute eh? Looks like my ginger ninja too Winking
I prescribe that whenever the crabby moon appears to stage a hostile takeover you play a silly kitty gif Big Grin
And cheers ladies! Its wine o'clock Friday down-under already!!! Drinks
I have had a "few" meltdowns like that and have adapted to that altered state by handing my phone over to someone, anyone will do ... {stranger on the street} 'Sir? Will you hold my phone for an hour or two please?' Lol
The kitty is super cute and I think that's a perfect recommendation since the second I saw it I laughed! Wine o'clock already? but, but my wine isn't chilled!! Cheers to you too LL, with my tea, for tonight. Big Grin
I knew it FB, I am an INFJ as well. I do the same thing, I love being around people and having fun, and I think those that have spent time with me during those occasions would consider me an extrovert. I just like good clean having a ball... but I absolutely adore my own quiet time. I am one of those people that turns inward and I literally am so immersed in my thoughts that time goes by in a blink.
This is precisely why that comment you made was so profound. It was an automatic recall of faces in my mind saying those words... failure comes to mind, that I couldn't correct the behavior and just buried it as far as I could. It always found it's way back to the surface.... There have been many times when friends/family have told me that I didn't react to something the way that I should have. I never feel good when I come out with my dukes up, so to speak. I always feel better when I take the high road.
Make it my strength....
I have more inner peace these days than I have ever had. I will get better with it every day and have found that my feelings of inadequacy diminish the more loving I am towards myself. Conversations such as this one are so incredibly helpful...

Posted by LilliLou
Posted by Rabbit
Let's all pretend to be Geminis!

I'm always getting accused of being one anyway...

click to expand

Lol. This is how I imagine you reacting to different things behind closed doors.
"Food!" *crazy dance*
"New shoes!" *crazy dance*
"Wine!!" *drink while doing crazy dance*
Big Grin
You folks made me smile, so "Drinks"
My moon helps me not GAF after a few minutes because I'm distracted with other thoughts, so I can't offer any real advice to water moon folks. Find someone to hug. That's all I got.
Posted by Whatu
My Mars wakes up every day realizes this.

Is your Mars in Cancer? Does that make you sappy? or are you referring to Self-Love?
Good Morning to you and a big smile to start your day off Big Grin
Haha PR.... I don't know about LL but I can do the crazy dance, yup!
Where's your Moon?
Hugs are good.
Rabbit, you totally giggled at that gif.

Rabbit, you totally giggled at that gif.

This is a clear case of Mind disconnected with 'the gutter' and making the wrong comment. Haha
On the Other Hand, I still think you laughed when you saw the Kitty, the actual Kitty in the gif.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
I love being a Scorpio too!!
Just recently I have begun loving being intense too!!
Fuck you world, I'm intense! Big Grin

~grabs IS and dances in a silly circle~ Woohoo! I agree! Fuck the world and keep on doing your thing Big Grin
See I figure we may be Intense but we can be so F**king Silly Too! That's the best part about being Scorpio is the VERSATILITY we have. Intense? Oh Hell Ya, but I can be so playful! - or - Serious? Oh yes, but you should see my Passionate Side (If they're lucky!) Girly Girl? Oh Uh HU! but give me a Quad and some Mud and I will show you How it's Done! Graceful? Yes when I am out and about but in the bedroom? Maybe to start but I rather NOT!
Just don't expect me to hang out in the middle ground... I don't sit on fences, and my opinions are usually considered and re-considered. I live in 'color' because I Feel my emotions! I pity those that live in grey, never truly feeling anything.
Being Intense may have it's drawbacks in certain phases of Life but I am going to Embrace it too and the people that don't like it can, and should, F**k Right Off! It's their loss .... so "Ditto" for me IS! Big Grin
I will dance in the Silly circle, after about 3-4 glasses of Wine! Lol
Whatu, Aggressively Sappy. Now that, to me, sounds like a bonus! There isn't a Scorpio woman I know that would mind a little fire! before a few "I Love You Baby's"!
Thanks for the Welcome IS, I think I'm gonna enjoy the High Intensity Peace Train! Where should we create Chaos first? HaHa!
I was just thinking the same thing! Ahaha!
BUT WHERE? and WHAT? **** evil grin ****