So today I saw my Scorpio crush after a long time. Almost a year! We communicate online because of the long distance. I just can't tell if he likes me in person now that I saw him face to face again. Online and on social media he talks to me and he seems into me. He even started liking my pictures. But in person I can't tell if he likes me!!! One thing I noticed is he's super shy!!! You can tell by just by looking at him. He smiles in a really cute way, like being shy and he's kind of quiet. We basically hang out at someone's house. It was me, him and two other people. I was sitting near him and I noticed he seemed nervous. Sometimes he looked away like trying to hide his face, he touched his face a lot while talking and also the back of his neck. I don't know if this means he was nervous. The problem is that he didn't make a lot of eye contact with me, so that's why I'm not sure if he's into me 😢 I was the one who tried to look at him but he would only look at me sometimes and other times it seemed like I wasn't even there. But when he did looked at me he always smiled. At one point we remained alone while our other friends went away to the kitchen and he didn't just sit there but talked to me a little. So he made an effort with me.
The bad thing is that all I did the entire time was smile and laugh like an idiot because I was nervous and excited to see him. By the end of the night he told me: "why do you always laugh? You laugh at everything!" I felt sooooo embarassed!! He probable already knows I like him.
Is it a bad sign that he didn't made a lot of eye contact with me. Could that mean he's not that into me or it could be part of his shyness?
Scorpios I need your insights!!!!
I definitely had my share of my shy and nervous Scorp guy. You will probably have to do a little more of the pursuing because shy scorps can be very stubborn with pursuing. They can like you all day long but if he doesn't have the confidence to talk to you more and take the lead he won't ever do it or it will take him years to do it. Took my Scorpio guy 4 years to finally get the confidence to attempt to come out of the friend zone. We were really good friends and he could talk to me all day through a phone but once he got near me in person he was a totally different guy. Very quiet, nervous, never made eye contact either. Once he got more comfortable he joked about things I did just to make conversation. Then observed things I liked and started taking interest in them to have something to talk about so don't freak. Take more of the lead a little to help him feel comfortable. He might even be a little insecure so be patient. Also it takes a little while for us scorpios to warm up to people and get comfortable so just keep trying to hold conversations with him. He'll come around.
I really hope he does like me. He was soooooo hot!!! Hahaha. Shy, but super hot. The only thing I'm worried about is when I laughed. He actually asked me twice why I was laughing. Do you think he asked me because he was curious or he thought I was making fun of him? I hope he didn't get offended or thought I was being too childlish. Also, in what ways can I make him more comfortable around me? So he opens up more