I Want Him To Give Me All He’s Got/ Scorpio Man Appreciation Post

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by mjmotr1 on Sunday, December 8, 2024 and has 28 replies.
This Scorpio man, I want to crack him open like a walnut. I want to open him like a book and read him. I want it all. Sure, it’s intense, but there’s just this yearning.

I know he’s into me, but he acts like he’s not. He tried to make the first move on me, but I was so nervous that I messed it up. I felt like he was swallowing me, it was suffocating. I liked it and I can’t stop thinking about it. But I’ve been paying for it ever since.

When I’m emotional, he gives me more than I expect. But he’s like a cat, I can’t be too aggressive as a woman or he’ll back off. I’m a few years older than him, and I’m a Gemini woman. I’m in my mid 30s. I feel like he tests me. He tries to make me jealous, but I recognize his games as a woman older than him, and I’m actually not a jealous person in general. I think it’s cute actually.

I’m ready to love and give all my love, I feel like he’s worthy of it. But I’ve never done this before I don’t know if I should spill my guts or keep it to myself. I feel like he’s waiting to be sure that I’m into him. But I feel like if I say too much, it’ll scare him away. I guess we’re both stuck in a state of wanting to be sure about the other. How do I get him to open up to me? What is it going to look like? Is it going to be a slow chipping away of an emotional wall, or is there certain things I can do to break him down at once?

He’s opened up a side of me that I just want to treat him well and do whatever he wants me to do.
He knows you his putty.
Posted by stope2pt0
He knows you his putty.
Yep and I love it. I know he loves it too.
Seek help
Gemini + Scorpio 😬
Posted by MyStarsShine
Gemini + Scorpio 😬
I know, I know. Forbidden 😂 You always want what you can’t have.
Ahh, the rose-colored stages of early love (or lust). I’d say let him lead and don’t give too much at any given time because guys like him are most likely into the whole elusive/showing interest but still mysterious type of women. I think things would naturally progress the more time you spend with him (but obviously don’t come off too available).

If I were you, I’d get to a point where I’d just experiment giving my all just to see his reaction for my amusement (only if he’s reciprocated enough interest beforehand) cause I don’t think you’ve got much to lose. If he runs, he runs. Obviously not a good fit. But if he doesn’t, then something new and invigorating unlocked, ya feel?
Posted by SassyKiwi
Ahh, the rose-colored stages of early love (or lust). I’d say let him lead and don’t give too much at any given time because guys like him are most likely into the whole elusive/showing interest but still mysterious type of women. I think things would naturally progress the more time you spend with him (but obviously don’t come off too available).
If I were you, I’d get to a point where I’d just experiment giving my all just to see his reaction for my amusement (only if he’s reciprocated enough interest beforehand) cause I don’t think you’ve got much to lose. If he runs, he runs. Obviously not a good fit. But if he doesn’t, then something new and invigorating unlocked, ya feel?
Yes I feel you. He knows I won’t wait. And I think I might just be rushing things. He’s already promised me a kiss which is what he tried to do with me the first time and I was just so nervous about it with the way he was looking at me!

I think I just wanted to talk about him lol. I’ll see him in in a few months.
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Ahh, the rose-colored stages of early love (or lust). I’d say let him lead and don’t give too much at any given time because guys like him are most likely into the whole elusive/showing interest but still mysterious type of women. I think things would naturally progress the more time you spend with him (but obviously don’t come off too available).
If I were you, I’d get to a point where I’d just experiment giving my all just to see his reaction for my amusement (only if he’s reciprocated enough interest beforehand) cause I don’t think you’ve got much to lose. If he runs, he runs. Obviously not a good fit. But if he doesn’t, then something new and invigorating unlocked, ya feel?

Yes I feel you. He knows I won’t wait. And I think I might just be rushing things. He’s already promised me a kiss which is what he tried to do with me the first time and I was just so nervous about it with the way he was looking at me!
I think I just wanted to talk about him lol. I’ll see him in in a few months.
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In a few months?? Is this long distance? How long have you known him for? No wonder why you’re so in your head over him lol
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Ahh, the rose-colored stages of early love (or lust). I’d say let him lead and don’t give too much at any given time because guys like him are most likely into the whole elusive/showing interest but still mysterious type of women. I think things would naturally progress the more time you spend with him (but obviously don’t come off too available).
If I were you, I’d get to a point where I’d just experiment giving my all just to see his reaction for my amusement (only if he’s reciprocated enough interest beforehand) cause I don’t think you’ve got much to lose. If he runs, he runs. Obviously not a good fit. But if he doesn’t, then something new and invigorating unlocked, ya feel?

Yes I feel you. He knows I won’t wait. And I think I might just be rushing things. He’s already promised me a kiss which is what he tried to do with me the first time and I was just so nervous about it with the way he was looking at me!
I think I just wanted to talk about him lol. I’ll see him in in a few months.
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In a few months?? Is this long distance? How long have you known him for? No wonder why you’re so in your head over him lol
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lol yes it is. I’ve known him for almost 2 years. I didn’t see him that way until he tried to make the move on me. It was so unexpected. I didn’t think he would check for me like that as a woman a few years older than him. This always happens with me and Scorpios 😅 My first love was a Scorpio, the I had a Sagittarius with a Scorpio moon and he was my second love. I wasn’t able to show my emotions enough for them. But I’m ready now! Are you a Scorpio?
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by MyStarsShine
Gemini + Scorpio 😬

I know, I know. Forbidden 😂 You always want what you can’t have.
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Don’t get each other and it takes a lot of adjustment and work for it to be functional
What age is he?
28. I’m 33

I’m ready to work!

Posted by mjmotr1
28. I’m 33

He could be going through his Saturn return?
Posted by mjmotr1
I’m ready to work!

Well I’m a Scorpio and we can certainly be hard work in romantic relationships 😃🙃
Do yiu have any Scorp placements in the chart?
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Ahh, the rose-colored stages of early love (or lust). I’d say let him lead and don’t give too much at any given time because guys like him are most likely into the whole elusive/showing interest but still mysterious type of women. I think things would naturally progress the more time you spend with him (but obviously don’t come off too available).
If I were you, I’d get to a point where I’d just experiment giving my all just to see his reaction for my amusement (only if he’s reciprocated enough interest beforehand) cause I don’t think you’ve got much to lose. If he runs, he runs. Obviously not a good fit. But if he doesn’t, then something new and invigorating unlocked, ya feel?

Yes I feel you. He knows I won’t wait. And I think I might just be rushing things. He’s already promised me a kiss which is what he tried to do with me the first time and I was just so nervous about it with the way he was looking at me!
I think I just wanted to talk about him lol. I’ll see him in in a few months.
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In a few months?? Is this long distance? How long have you known him for? No wonder why you’re so in your head over him lol
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lol yes it is. I’ve known him for almost 2 years. I didn’t see him that way until he tried to make the move on me. It was so unexpected. I didn’t think he would check for me like that as a woman a few years older than him. This always happens with me and Scorpios 😅 My first love was a Scorpio, the I had a Sagittarius with a Scorpio moon and he was my second love. I wasn’t able to show my emotions enough for them. But I’m ready now! Are you a Scorpio?
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I’m not a Scorpio but I have similar energy as you and have been into those exact sign guys in the beginning. I also quickly learned I could never do long distance. It makes me be in my head too much vs seeing things for what they are in reality. I ended up marrying a Libra who had always lived like 20 mins away from me. He’s been traveling out of town for work for the past few years for few days a week and even now I become such a sad puppy when he’s away. I’ve always struggled with emotionally expressing myself too. But I think I’m better at it than a Libra dude for sure! I think I ended up with a Libra because dealing with intense relationships was making me feel physically ill. So I appreciate the slow and steady nature as I get older. I do miss the thrill of “young love” (even though I’m not 30 yet lol) so I like hearing about others going through it! But the sad reality is most end up toxic.
The good Ole forbidden dick
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by mjmotr1
I’m ready to work!

Well I’m a Scorpio and we can certainly be hard work in romantic relationships 😃🙃
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There’s a whole nature versus nurture after years of me gaining experience and working on myself. I’m not in the field with psychology, but I have to say I’m an expert people reader at this stage of my life. I know exactly what he’s going to do, I know why he does certain behavior, and I call him out on it he laughs like an evil, mischievous, little villain and I think it’s so cute 🥰 The power dynamic is interesting. He tries to take control but he can’t do it completely because I am older, and I am a Gemini with a Sagittarius moon. I try to do the same, but can’t control him completely in certain aspects. It doesn’t feel toxic it feels balanced, the give-and-take.

I am all air and fire except for the cancer in mercury so I’m always telling him how I feel, and I know there’s a lot of emotion in my words. His moon sign is Aquarius, Mercury and Venus is Scorpio. I feel like these two signs could be the best for each other if the nurture is right, and if both people are evolved in a way. All my Scorpio exes said I was like a drug. So to my Scorpios going through things with Geminis, you’re intuition is right, most of us have a wellspring of emotions inside of us, a lot of the times, comparable, maybe even deeper than yours.
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Ahh, the rose-colored stages of early love (or lust). I’d say let him lead and don’t give too much at any given time because guys like him are most likely into the whole elusive/showing interest but still mysterious type of women. I think things would naturally progress the more time you spend with him (but obviously don’t come off too available).
If I were you, I’d get to a point where I’d just experiment giving my all just to see his reaction for my amusement (only if he’s reciprocated enough interest beforehand) cause I don’t think you’ve got much to lose. If he runs, he runs. Obviously not a good fit. But if he doesn’t, then something new and invigorating unlocked, ya feel?

Yes I feel you. He knows I won’t wait. And I think I might just be rushing things. He’s already promised me a kiss which is what he tried to do with me the first time and I was just so nervous about it with the way he was looking at me!
I think I just wanted to talk about him lol. I’ll see him in in a few months.
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In a few months?? Is this long distance? How long have you known him for? No wonder why you’re so in your head over him lol
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lol yes it is. I’ve known him for almost 2 years. I didn’t see him that way until he tried to make the move on me. It was so unexpected. I didn’t think he would check for me like that as a woman a few years older than him. This always happens with me and Scorpios 😅 My first love was a Scorpio, the I had a Sagittarius with a Scorpio moon and he was my second love. I wasn’t able to show my emotions enough for them. But I’m ready now! Are you a Scorpio?
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I’m not a Scorpio but I have similar energy as you and have been into those exact sign guys in the beginning. I also quickly learned I could never do long distance. It makes me be in my head too much vs seeing things for what they are in reality. I ended up marrying a Libra who had always lived like 20 mins away from me. He’s been traveling out of town for work for the past few years for few days a week and even now I become such a sad puppy when he’s away. I’ve always struggled with emotionally expressing myself too. But I think I’m better at it than a Libra dude for sure! I think I ended up with a Libra because dealing with intense relationships was making me feel physically ill. So I appreciate the slow and steady nature as I get older. I do miss the thrill of “young love” (even though I’m not 30 yet lol) so I like hearing about others going through it! But the sad reality is most end up toxic.
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I won’t let him make us toxic! It’s a little bit different because I have an excellent career that I didn’t have before my 30s, and I’m setting things in place to where all he has to do is bring himself if he wanted to lol. I mean I’m doing it for myself first foremost, but if he stops playing games within a reasonable time, I’ll treat him sooo good and make his life better 😂And live in a city in the south that people in America are trying to move to. I think we just need more time to get to know each other. There’s been times where I ghosted him for months because I thought he was wasting my time, and I know the little “tests” that he does on me to see if I’m going to ghost him again 😅 But he’s already expressed that he would move to my city, and that we should start a family together. I just think he didn’t think I’d actually consider it! Now he’s got work to do lol
Good luck, a Scorpio will NEVER tell you all of their secrets unless he/she has placements that afflict their Scorpio placements.
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Ahh, the rose-colored stages of early love (or lust). I’d say let him lead and don’t give too much at any given time because guys like him are most likely into the whole elusive/showing interest but still mysterious type of women. I think things would naturally progress the more time you spend with him (but obviously don’t come off too available).
If I were you, I’d get to a point where I’d just experiment giving my all just to see his reaction for my amusement (only if he’s reciprocated enough interest beforehand) cause I don’t think you’ve got much to lose. If he runs, he runs. Obviously not a good fit. But if he doesn’t, then something new and invigorating unlocked, ya feel?

Yes I feel you. He knows I won’t wait. And I think I might just be rushing things. He’s already promised me a kiss which is what he tried to do with me the first time and I was just so nervous about it with the way he was looking at me!
I think I just wanted to talk about him lol. I’ll see him in in a few months.
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In a few months?? Is this long distance? How long have you known him for? No wonder why you’re so in your head over him lol
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lol yes it is. I’ve known him for almost 2 years. I didn’t see him that way until he tried to make the move on me. It was so unexpected. I didn’t think he would check for me like that as a woman a few years older than him. This always happens with me and Scorpios 😅 My first love was a Scorpio, the I had a Sagittarius with a Scorpio moon and he was my second love. I wasn’t able to show my emotions enough for them. But I’m ready now! Are you a Scorpio?
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I’m not a Scorpio but I have similar energy as you and have been into those exact sign guys in the beginning. I also quickly learned I could never do long distance. It makes me be in my head too much vs seeing things for what they are in reality. I ended up marrying a Libra who had always lived like 20 mins away from me. He’s been traveling out of town for work for the past few years for few days a week and even now I become such a sad puppy when he’s away. I’ve always struggled with emotionally expressing myself too. But I think I’m better at it than a Libra dude for sure! I think I ended up with a Libra because dealing with intense relationships was making me feel physically ill. So I appreciate the slow and steady nature as I get older. I do miss the thrill of “young love” (even though I’m not 30 yet lol) so I like hearing about others going through it! But the sad reality is most end up toxic.
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I won’t let him make us toxic! It’s a little bit different because I have an excellent career that I didn’t have before my 30s, and I’m setting things in place to where all he has to do is bring himself if he wanted to lol. I mean I’m doing it for myself first foremost, but if he stops playing games within a reasonable time, I’ll treat him sooo good and make his life better 😂And live in a city in the south that people in America are trying to move to. I think we just need more time to get to know each other. There’s been times where I ghosted him for months because I thought he was wasting my time, and I know the little “tests” that he does on me to see if I’m going to ghost him again 😅 But he’s already expressed that he would move to my city, and that we should start a family together. I just think he didn’t think I’d actually consider it! Now he’s got work to do lol
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You really think he’s serious about settling down and starting a family? Is he also doing well career wise? Sun square moon guys are notorious for being difficult in general. I used to know a Scorpio sun/Aqua moon and he would act like an obnoxious smartass on the outside. Idk why on earth I was so drawn to him but he was completely different and soft with me. He settled down around your guy’s age and had a kid with someone older than him and seems happy so I think there’s hope.
if his moon is in aquarius it could work with ur placements. i had the biggest crush on this scorpio sun and gemini moon guy (not the same placements but similar), but he literally did not kno what he wanted. he wanted to date and expected full commitment but also did not fully commit on his side . if u feeling this strongly for him go for it!
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Posted by mjmotr1
Posted by SassyKiwi
Ahh, the rose-colored stages of early love (or lust). I’d say let him lead and don’t give too much at any given time because guys like him are most likely into the whole elusive/showing interest but still mysterious type of women. I think things would naturally progress the more time you spend with him (but obviously don’t come off too available).
If I were you, I’d get to a point where I’d just experiment giving my all just to see his reaction for my amusement (only if he’s reciprocated enough interest beforehand) cause I don’t think you’ve got much to lose. If he runs, he runs. Obviously not a good fit. But if he doesn’t, then something new and invigorating unlocked, ya feel?

Yes I feel you. He knows I won’t wait. And I think I might just be rushing things. He’s already promised me a kiss which is what he tried to do with me the first time and I was just so nervous about it with the way he was looking at me!
I think I just wanted to talk about him lol. I’ll see him in in a few months.
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In a few months?? Is this long distance? How long have you known him for? No wonder why you’re so in your head over him lol
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lol yes it is. I’ve known him for almost 2 years. I didn’t see him that way until he tried to make the move on me. It was so unexpected. I didn’t think he would check for me like that as a woman a few years older than him. This always happens with me and Scorpios 😅 My first love was a Scorpio, the I had a Sagittarius with a Scorpio moon and he was my second love. I wasn’t able to show my emotions enough for them. But I’m ready now! Are you a Scorpio?
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I’m not a Scorpio but I have similar energy as you and have been into those exact sign guys in the beginning. I also quickly learned I could never do long distance. It makes me be in my head too much vs seeing things for what they are in reality. I ended up marrying a Libra who had always lived like 20 mins away from me. He’s been traveling out of town for work for the past few years for few days a week and even now I become such a sad puppy when he’s away. I’ve always struggled with emotionally expressing myself too. But I think I’m better at it than a Libra dude for sure! I think I ended up with a Libra because dealing with intense relationships was making me feel physically ill. So I appreciate the slow and steady nature as I get older. I do miss the thrill of “young love” (even though I’m not 30 yet lol) so I like hearing about others going through it! But the sad reality is most end up toxic.
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I won’t let him make us toxic! It’s a little bit different because I have an excellent career that I didn’t have before my 30s, and I’m setting things in place to where all he has to do is bring himself if he wanted to lol. I mean I’m doing it for myself first foremost, but if he stops playing games within a reasonable time, I’ll treat him sooo good and make his life better 😂And live in a city in the south that people in America are trying to move to. I think we just need more time to get to know each other. There’s been times where I ghosted him for months because I thought he was wasting my time, and I know the little “tests” that he does on me to see if I’m going to ghost him again 😅 But he’s already expressed that he would move to my city, and that we should start a family together. I just think he didn’t think I’d actually consider it! Now he’s got work to do lol
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You really think he’s serious about settling down and starting a family? Is he also doing well career wise? Sun square moon guys are notorious for being difficult in general. I used to know a Scorpio sun/Aqua moon and he would act like an obnoxious smartass on the outside. Idk why on earth I was so drawn to him but he was completely different and soft with me. He settled down around your guy’s age and had a kid with someone older than him and seems happy so I think there’s hope.
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Again, I think it’s the nature versus nurture. Sometimes he is serious and sometimes he’s not… same with me. He really wants a family. It’s all he talks about. There’s this insecurity about him that I think he thinks he’s not good enough, so he is mistrustful of people telling him good things about himself. He doesn’t tell me he doubts me, but the way he wants me to really prove that I like him let’s me know. He has a good job, not better than mine but good. Because I’m older, I can sense he lets me lead in practical matters, he asks for my advice and actually listens or he’ll just do what I tell him to do in that regard. With emotional and sexual matters, it is kind of like one of those very particular cats lol. The ones that only want to be petted, when they want to be pet, If you come off too strong, they back away, always wanted to see what you’re going to do, etc. Like you said, difficult. The saggi in me loves the chase. I’ll give you guys an update when I see him again.
I know he's into me but he acts like he's not

Ah yes 🤣

Posted by GeminiKing
I know he's into me but he acts like he's not
Ah yes 🤣

In her defence they really can be idiots like that. It's their typical behavior in fact. That for whatever the reason only Gemini women are suckers for. They toy with them like this, they give them crumbs so they turn to be obsessed with them. Then they start playing their games of manipulation and she's already cooked that she will swallow ANYTHING he serves for her - and it's his poison ofc. They poison them slowly but give them time to recover so they live in deceit they are with a decent man all the while being devoured by their toxic insides that will never love her the way she thinks he loves her. In case you're wondering how I know, from personal example 😂 my Gem bestie is married to a Scorp and from the moment he started his games me and another Sag tried to reason her and show her what he's doing but she never listened. 10 years later, 2 kids later he's still doing the same thing.
After spending much time on this earth, some men give it their all and some plainly do not. So. adjust expectations accordingly 😹 but I'm not often a Scorpio simp. It feels like a dictator trying to be buddies with another dictator. Too similar energy