I want more then he is willing to give.

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by ninaebeth2014 on Sunday, February 16, 2014 and has 3 replies.
I will try to summarize the best I can. I am recently divorced. I signed up on a dating site. I meet a man who I had known 25 years ago. We dated a few times back in the 80s. I really liked him. But he moved on and I did too. We both ended up married, until recently.
After 6 weeks I felt his interest was not as it should be in a normal progression of a relationship.
He has been divorced for about a year. He feels that he doesn't want a committed relationship. So we broke it off . However, we talk and text on occasion. Tonight, we talked for 2 hours via the phone. I told him about some dates and potential date. I do not understand him. He wants to be my friend, He says he is attracted to me. He is not a casual relationship type at least that's what he says. I have feelings for him. I don't know why I just do. I want more . Should I stand back and be patient and wait for him? or just go about my life. I think he is scared. We have a great time together. WE enjoy a lot of things together. Honestly, I think I am in love with him. It sounds so crazy but I do. So what next???
This is a timing issue. You're ready for things to be more serious. He isn't. It's not going to work out for you unless both of you are ready and willing to work it out.
He's offering you friendship. If you can't honestly be his friend, it might be best to part company or at least keep your distance until you can truly move past your disappointment.
Thank you. I agree and I have tried . In fact we haven't seen each other in over a month. I think it is best I don't speak with him for a while. One more thing : He reads book on relationships. What women want, why they flirt , types of flirts. Dating etc. He s always reading .