if redeeming aspects prove too subtle an influence

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by aviaphoenix on Sunday, December 10, 2006 and has 14 replies.
fellow scorpios- what sign will you never date again?
boy that was some analytical probing you just did!
the post is basically asking those who have had experience with an array of signs that, if they had to judge someone purely by the nature of their sign (hence the title implying that if the other aspects of a person, those aspects of their character that seem to make them appealing to you are not enough to overcome the incompatibility between you and their nature due to their sign), which sign would they stay away from?
one would never be so close-minded as to say i wouldn't date someone purely because of their sign, but if that were all i had to make a judgement on... which would i, as a scorpio, due to prior experience, choose to stay away from?
for example, unless the redeeming aspects of their signs and personalities are more prominent, i wouldn't actively seek out an aries or gemini to date. just not compatible.
topaz, i thought you said we would get back, now look what you did
"topaz, i thought you said we would get back, now look what you did"
Juicy dear, i have been let down by three gems (not romantically) =
one my cousin sis who keeps changing her opinions depending on the audience
another my former colleague whojust could not help backbiting,,all the while acting very sweet to me --------did the same with others

three - a present colleague who acts very sweet and motherly ...but does eberything to pull you down from behind ..........

my boss very sweet to me, but favouring others who are willing victims to his sexual overtures.....just hates me there...hints that I am arrogant to others, says she is xapable of somethng very high, so why give her this promotion which would not be sufficient for her,,,Boy! to cook up exc uses like that
So after all these, what should I feel Juice dear ????? But I find YOU very very sweet and nice here smile really enjoy reading your posts and hearing from you smile
Sad want me to beat them up?! how dare they!!....aww i find you really nice and kind to! Lets make a deal, we'll destroy the bad gems! =D
smile naughty you dear dear Juicy Winking very very naughty
Suvant really did get deep there! LMAO!
aviaphoenix I understood your question! I hollered though after I read Suvant's response
Anyway to answer your question...
Gemini, Aries, Aquarius
All No-No's for me...and I am honestly thinking of adding Cancer to that list. Time will tell...
I dunno, I seem to like all the boys. Can't seem to shake those Libras. Maybe Libra would be a sign I should avoid. Sex is good, but they are too wishy washy.
Cancers a deffinite no no unless they aren't clingy
Scorpio's , starting to think it's not worth it, in and out of hiding, games uhk
Gemini's, another me i'd go insane lol
capricorns - just never a spark

(take note, this is ONLY for today) lol
and i just read that's for scorps only..sorry lol
Anyone who is too critical in a bad way
Rising- Virgo (but sun virgo is fine)
Moon- Cancer, I'm a little dodgy on this one, specifically if they've had a poor childhood, because then they can take it with them everywhere
Gemini- in Sun, in Moon, no
but you never know