I'm tired of this pisces man

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by scorpio84lady on Sunday, January 21, 2018 and has 21 replies.
I need please your help. I'm a scorpio female and one pisces guy is giving me hard time at work. He is actually my boss (pisces) and he is married (with a cancer). We are working together for 5 years and during all this time I was avoiding any personal discussion with him and ignoring all his "jokes" through which he was sending me requests to be his girlfriend.

This distance has negatively affected my career but I don't regret it at all. I was just ignoring him till I realised that he starts to go beyond the limits. Actually, he is jealous everytime he sees me talking with a man or taking work break with my friend (female) who is my colleague as well. He was trying to isolate me and he asked her to stay away from me because it could be dangerous .. I went to see him to ask for clarifications about this attitude,I was surprised when he just asked me to start a new page with him and that there is no problem with me. He was very polite and reconciling. When I was leaving his office I felt his hand my shoulder and asked me that he is hurt when he sees me talking with a man.

Since, I can't stop overthinking about this. I don't know what to do now? Shoud I keep ignoring him and avoiding him? I'm afraid to have any personal talk with him because I will never accept to have a relationship with a married man and it may turn him vindictive .
being that you've left it get this far, why are you asking - you know the deal - best advice I have is to get another job and stop letting things go when they don't seem quite "right"
Me too
Posted by peachy06
Posted by tctao
being that you've left it get this far, why are you asking - you know the deal - best advice I have is to get another job and stop letting things go when they don't seem quite "right"
Like, why should she quit though ? He's in the wrong and she's supposed to "get another job", seriously ?
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oh yes, he is the wrong no doubt - but so is she because she's left it go on now for 5 years without reporting it or doing anything about it - my take on that was that it's a very small company and in very small companies most often there is "no place to go to report it" - you either deal with it or not because they will just "let you go" or make it so difficult that you have to leave - at least that was my take on it and therefore that is why I told her go get another job

"This distance has negatively affected my career"..... how much of this are you willing to take? I mean how much of your potential will be thrown away because you're stuck in some junior position because of some horny boss who wants to isolate you? lolwut?. I'd be pissed probably to the point of seeking revenge if it turned out permanent damage to career happened.
Posted by peachy06
I think you should be firm and tell him to stop. It's not okay, he's literally harassing you and use his position to control you. So tell him and don't be nice.
It was my goal last time when I went to see him in his office. I wanted to make things clear with him but when he started with this statement "to turn the page and to begin a new one" he turned me off.

However I don't feel secure now.
Posted by tctao
being that you've left it get this far, why are you asking - you know the deal - best advice I have is to get another job and stop letting things go when they don't seem quite "right"
I've been looking for another job since a while but it won't be that easy. I'm litterally stuck where I am
Posted by scorpio84lady
Posted by tctao
being that you've left it get this far, why are you asking - you know the deal - best advice I have is to get another job and stop letting things go when they don't seem quite "right"
I've been looking for another job since a while but it won't be that easy. I'm litterally stuck where I am
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just keep looking, that's all you can do and that in itself is empowering - hang in there - he sounds creepy telling your co-worker that it would be dangerous to continue to speak with you - he is not right so just lay low until you can find another job where you are respected
Posted by tctao
Posted by peachy06
Posted by tctao
being that you've left it get this far, why are you asking - you know the deal - best advice I have is to get another job and stop letting things go when they don't seem quite "right"
Like, why should she quit though ? He's in the wrong and she's supposed to "get another job", seriously ?
oh yes, he is the wrong no doubt - but so is she because she's left it go on now for 5 years without reporting it or doing anything about it - my take on that was that it's a very small company and in very small companies most often there is "no place to go to report it" - you either deal with it or not because they will just "let you go" or make it so difficult that you have to leave - at least that was my take on it and therefore that is why I told her go get another job

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It's a big a company but as I was avoiding him all this time I don't really have a prove of his misbehavior. I got some intimidating messages from him the whole last year but I don't think if it can serve.

Posted by ellesbelles
This is how Matt Lauer is Matt Lauer today.

Boundaries. Tell him to knock this shit off...you talking to another man has nothing to do with your work duties and he is being inappropriate.

Next time cut this off at the knees as soon as it happens, don't wait five years, ffs.
His comment was made as a joke (again) and he didn't let me to answer back because he said that he was busy and couldn't discuss this ..

Posted by ACsquarepluto
Long time lurker just made this account to comment

OP I'm dealing with something similar with a Pisces coworker who just got engaged, however he has no power over me so I've been rude and when he's slightly touched me on the side/butt I jump away.

He gets it now and makes whore jokes. I'll take it for the money. I don't drive, so I'm stuck where I'm at until I finish my degree (it's a FT job, a rare thing in walking distance.)

If you have to work there: Jump away, step away in front of people. Be curt. I'm about to the point where I may say "I only want to speak about work."

Your situation is different because this person is in power to sabotage your job... are you sure about this? Is there someone higher up who you can ask "If I stop kissing this guys butt, can he get me fired?" I did that, the higher up said no. So I take the bullying for the money (just until my Saturn return in 2020 in the 6th house).

Good luck.

Pisces can have a knack for making you think you owe them something. You don't, and displeasing them to meet your own needs might not turn out as badly as you expect.
He is friendly and his hierarchy will sure stand by his side as his position is strategically more important than mine.
Posted by scorpio84lady
Posted by tctao
Posted by peachy06
Posted by tctao
being that you've left it get this far, why are you asking - you know the deal - best advice I have is to get another job and stop letting things go when they don't seem quite "right"
Like, why should she quit though ? He's in the wrong and she's supposed to "get another job", seriously ?
oh yes, he is the wrong no doubt - but so is she because she's left it go on now for 5 years without reporting it or doing anything about it - my take on that was that it's a very small company and in very small companies most often there is "no place to go to report it" - you either deal with it or not because they will just "let you go" or make it so difficult that you have to leave - at least that was my take on it and therefore that is why I told her go get another job

It's a big a company but as I was avoiding him all this time I don't really have a prove of his misbehavior. I got some intimidating messages from him the whole last year but I don't think if it can serve.

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it is difficult to prove and that is a huge bad part of this too - keep anything written and your co-worker that he told not to speak to you or it would be dangerous

My Pisces boss is jealous like this with me. They are controlling little fuccs. She has a Leo moon.
Posted by lesenfantterribles
Posted by scorpio84lady
Posted by peachy06
I think you should be firm and tell him to stop. It's not okay, he's literally harassing you and use his position to control you. So tell him and don't be nice.
It was my goal last time when I went to see him in his office. I wanted to make things clear with him but when he started with this statement "to turn the page and to begin a new one" he turned me off.

However I don't feel secure now.

why dont you try causing a scene next time? to really embarrass him? thats what i would do. IME, public humiliation works in setting dudes straight.

i once worked in a really small office w/ a married, pisces/aries sexual predator. one day, i was bent over a desk, trying to get something. he came up from behind, nestled his dick between my ass & zipped up my skirt (which i guess had become very slightly unzipped during the day). i whipped around & w/ a very raised voice told him to never touch me or come near me again. everyone in the office looked up & started clapping.

low pisceans do NOT have boundaries. they will overstep & overstep until you embarrass the fuck out of them.

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After five years, I just realize that he has no boundaries. I don't know what I should expect in the future now as we are turning the page.
Posted by ACsquarepluto
Posted by scorpio84lady
Posted by ACsquarepluto
Long time lurker just made this account to comment

OP I'm dealing with something similar with a Pisces coworker who just got engaged, however he has no power over me so I've been rude and when he's slightly touched me on the side/butt I jump away.

He gets it now and makes whore jokes. I'll take it for the money. I don't drive, so I'm stuck where I'm at until I finish my degree (it's a FT job, a rare thing in walking distance.)

If you have to work there: Jump away, step away in front of people. Be curt. I'm about to the point where I may say "I only want to speak about work."

Your situation is different because this person is in power to sabotage your job... are you sure about this? Is there someone higher up who you can ask "If I stop kissing this guys butt, can he get me fired?" I did that, the higher up said no. So I take the bullying for the money (just until my Saturn return in 2020 in the 6th house).

Good luck.

Pisces can have a knack for making you think you owe them something. You don't, and displeasing them to meet your own needs might not turn out as badly as you expect.
I have hope for us.

Ironically this #metoo movement makes our situations even less believable, not that my company ever cared. Girls here have reported harassment and gotten laid off.

What I've seen in the years at my job is that bullies drop off. Their lives are unstable and they do not maintain employment where I'm at.

Think, if someone respects others so little and is aggressive, how together is he mentally? You really think no one knows he's like this?

I'm waiting for the Pisces I'm dealing with to self-sabotage. I don't believe he can maintain this aggression toward someone who is indifferent and will do my job to the best of my ability daily.

I also don't think he's mature enough to be willing to acknowledge his abuse and change.

This shit doesn't last forever. Good luck. Something must change.

He is friendly and his hierarchy will sure stand by his side as his position is strategically more important than mine.

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He is now escaping me lol . Maybe he just realized how bad he was all this time. I hope that it will last and that we are really starting a new blank page.

Posted by ellesbelles
This is how Matt Lauer is Matt Lauer today.

Boundaries. Tell him to knock this shit off...you talking to another man has nothing to do with your work duties and he is being inappropriate.

Next time cut this off at the knees as soon as it happens, don't wait five years, ffs.

it is very very sorrowful and super sad that men like Matt Lauer and Harvey Weinstein go down this road...

from thevery top to the very bottom

all because a woman who is hesitant and won't put down her boundaries. and say NO MORE. i'm gonna call the authorities and file a sexual harassment complaint. put your foot down. you are woman hear you roar.

no more scardy cat wishy washy fearful of being fired. be strong!! be the woman you want to be. and put these sexual predators in their place.

edit wow it is a SHIFT of power if you think about it....by being wishy washiy and hestiant and the powerful think they got you in their hands...and boom they fall from the top because they is dumb and not thinking with integrity.
Posted by Taniwha
Tell his wife.
I dont want to ruin a family

Posted by d0s3r
pisces men are trash. i still have onr chasing me rven after i’ve blocked him on everything. he finds another way to contact me. but his messages are very ‘sweet’ until i tell him to back off - then he becomes spiteful. honestly even i don’t know how to get rid of him. i can’t say if your boss will actually back down- i daresay he may even mess with ur job to get to you. if ignoring him isn’t working u may have to play his game. find some blackmail
A cold war with him may get things worse .
Posted by d0s3r
Posted by scorpio84lady
Posted by d0s3r
pisces men are trash. i still have onr chasing me rven after i’ve blocked him on everything. he finds another way to contact me. but his messages are very ‘sweet’ until i tell him to back off - then he becomes spiteful. honestly even i don’t know how to get rid of him. i can’t say if your boss will actually back down- i daresay he may even mess with ur job to get to you. if ignoring him isn’t working u may have to play his game. find some blackmail
A cold war with him may get things worse .
what kind of scorpio are u???

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I don't really understand

1st decan?

I can confirm that he is back to his old games. Isolating me and excluding me at work.

I'm really confused. I don't know what I should do?
No he can't fire me . I took all my distance so he has absolutely nothing against me

He is just back to the cold war and this is annoying cos I really thought that he would be changing