Infatuated scorpio

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by lotus on Saturday, September 9, 2006 and has 10 replies.
Hey everyone,
I see this particular Scorpio man once a year for one month and have been seeing him for three years now. The first year, I was intimidated by him and his intense stare; the second year, I started flirting with him and teasing him a bit. He knew I was very infatuated with him, but he wouldn't do anything about it and I couldn't infer if he was interested or not.
Now for the shocker.......the third year I met him, he would shake every time I was near him! He could barely sit next to me and would breathe heavily every time I got near him. Every time I looked at him, he'd avoid my look (remember, he used to be a starer!)and he'd appear quite shy. He would also make sexually sugestive comments and would act and talk in a very sensual way. What gives for this change of attitude? And if he's interested in me, why will he not call?
How should I proceed with him? I really like him and don't want to loose him or have his interest in me fade.
Hi! That shaking thing happened to me before...
The first time it happened, I really liked an Aries, which I had confidently pursued during my Eagle phase: That's where the leader, confidence, and fearlessness of a Scorpio first appeared for me. It didn't work out and I'll admit, I cut her off in self preservation. In many ways, she was the death of me and falling from that Eagle phase is easily one of the worst feelings in the world because when the Eagle falls, the sky falls with it.
In that time, I had lost other things (or if I could quote a younger me, "everything") in the same period. When she physically passed me by a year later, I shook uncontrollably in my neck and had to turn away. Like I said, I emotionally cut her off. I just knew that she had managed to hurt me in the past (and really, in many ways I broke my own heart through great expectations and far too specific planning), and so my body was probably warning me. From the looks of it, you were on and off again and if he liked you, the time apart would leave him far too much contemplation periods of self heart-breaking.
After Eagle phase is Snake phase -- This is when we are weakest and most withdrawn. In my opinion it's also where most Scorpios break down their inhibitions in the sexuality department and may also seek other forms of temporary satisfaction/indulgence to make themselves feel better which is why he may appear more vulgar. The inner hurdles are the greatest to overcome and so many Scorpios can become complacent or stuck in this phase. I don't know for sure but this could be the phase that most people remember or recognize so well.
My advice is that he's probably not ready to take the risk of playing that game again. If you really like him, come out and tell him the truth through correspondence and then leave him with an option of reciprocating those feelings in the same medium before moving forwards from there. Otherwise, he will need to move at his own pace and rediscover his wings. Again I don't know if I'm right in everything I've said, but I'm speaking out of honesty and experience.
It's interesting what you've been writing WaterPhoenix
Do you know why he's only around for a month during a year??Seems like maybe he is attracted but is holding back at the same time.Might be a "don't want to get too close" due to whatever set up is going on,one month out of a year isn't going to be a very good relationship in the long runWinkingAnd especially if you like him as much as your putting off here,you may be disappointed alot with that one month set up.
The fact that I only see him for one month a year has nothing to do with is only a work-related arrangement. We live on different continents.
What bothers me is this: if he is so crazy about me (and he knows I love him because I've told him so), why won't he call and expects me to do the calling every time?
Not really, haha. I'm in film so I guess I sometimes pen my own screenplays and have a heightened appreciation for the narrative. I've also spent a large part of my life contemplating and reflecting on my own past, so I've come to know myself really well (my own story if you will).
Why is this guy not able to hold my gaze anymore? I mean, he used to be able to stare at me for a long time and now he lowers his gaze (shyness?) and sometimes tries to avoid mine. Weird........
Also, both of us love traveling and have the restlesness bug. He is all over the place and very successful at his job. In fact, he is a workaholic. I should also mention that he is middle aged and has never been married and doesn't have children (which is fine with me!)
His change of attitude was really sudden. I expected to work hard to win his favor but it appears that he is infatuated with me himself. It's weird because the first two years, I didn't detect any infatuation in him. Did this happen suddenly?
'In my opinion it's also where most Scorpios break down their inhibitions in the sexuality department and may also seek other forms of temporary satisfaction/indulgence to make themselves feel better which is why he may appear more vulgar.'
So you can make love to someone you have no feelings for? The scorpio I have an eye claims that he is selective and that he has to connect with the woman, but what I see is not the case. I see him flirting excessively and acting quite intimately with numerous woman who he has no romantic interest in. This I don't understand. he claims something and acts differently. So maybe he's in the Snake phase?
Well I think that may have come across wrong on my part. When I said 'seek', I didn't necessarily mean in others, more I meant they would be embracing natural impulses within themselves. I know in my own Snake phase, I started to use a lot more profanity, broke down a lot of misconceptions about sex, and became more down to Earth as oppose to in Eagle phase where I was more of an elitist and lived more conservatively (in both phases you are very selective with relationships, in Snake phase, you are even moreso selective). Not to say that you can't go back to that kind of existence, more that the foundations are being changed, which will ultimately lead to a more harmonious life of inclusion rather than exclusion.
Making love to someone he has no feelings for? I can't say, it may depend on his age and environment how he goes through that phase. Personally, I went through Snake phase, healing myself through short-lived emotional relationships, none of which were sexual nor reached what I believed to be equal or better than the Aries. Since he seems to travel a lot, a lack of sense of home may leave him to find familiar comfort or routine in behaviour rather than environment. There are still well developed values that you won't betray, which would keep most of those impulses in check. When one finally does heal from the fall from Eagle, there will be a point where they realize the meaninglessness of existence in that phase and seek power/purpose/desire that was lost during Eagle.

If you're interested, these are phases as I define them - take it with a grain of salt:
3 tails to earn, 9 phases total:
Life/Victory Tail: Shell -> Vessel -> Chick ->
Death/Wood Tail: Worm -> Scorpion -> Eagle ->
Rebirth/Ash Tail: Snake -> Gray Lizard -> Dove/Phoenix ->
Gray Lizard is quite a rollercoaster ride - a lot of potential energy is stored during Snake phase. I don't know if there's anything after Dove/Phoenix, but I can tell you I am a very happy the way I am (I've even snatched me a Sag). I believe each sign has its own cycle of which also exists in fractals within each phase, rather than any sign being better than the other, we can all learn to evolve within ourselves.
DBread, I'm sorry if it came across that way. I really don't think of anything as good or bad, just necessary, but I could be getting ahead of myself. Allow me to clarify that in my Scorpion phase, when I was in highschool, I was very quietly talented, effortlessly a high achiever, and intellectual all the same. I just eventually found myself too shy and passive to do something which left me with much regret. I personally needed a change.
In one summer after graduation, I became Eagle, which was a complete change for me. I went from invisible/behind the scenes to big man on campus 2 years running, the 2nd year being the beginning of my Snake phase where I became very withdrawn from people, in some cases hurting them in my own need to recuperate. I wasn't interested in Zodiac until late in my Snake phase, so I didn't strive for any specific symbology myself. Also my uses of terms (scorpion for example) may have completely different meaning to others. Again I'm sorry if I misplaced the term in your mind. At the end of the day they're just words, haha =) I do agree there is some level of ridiculousness in it all, but at the end of the day, it's like writing a second-level language. I don't think of myself as a Power Ranger, hahaha.
P'sP, you make a good point, I know for me that the Sky did fall with me, and perhaps it wasn't my fall that caused it but the other way around. It did take a tremendous sequence of events in a short period of a month. If we are speaking in terms of time itself, I also agree that it is a slight dip and I was indeed more numb throughout my Snake phase than depressed in the end of my Scorpion phase. For me personally, I think it was necessary, I learned a great deal in Gray Lizard phase such as waking up one day with all past grudges forgiven, no future ones capable of being made (and then having major events occur to challenge that hahaha), learning not to judge/criticise people for good or bad, finding compassion, and also rediscovering my past along with mindblowing amounts of providence I didn't even know was there in the first place.