Initial courting by a Scorpio

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by BigGirlPanties on Monday, January 9, 2012 and has 9 replies.
I read online a personal comment someone made on another site:
"A scorpio man initially courts his love interest through intense love intoxication, coming on strong with their typical emotional connection, seeking to seduce their love interest, almost making them fall hard for them" so that once they get them to love them, they can return back to their shell (disappear) to process their emotions, hoping that their love will wait for them and want them when they return.
Now, Im not saying this is intentional, manipulative or even a conscious act. I doubt it is. But it is initially what happened to me. Once they pull back,they come out of their shell to see if the coast is clear (the lover is still there) but still not trusting. Kinda like continually sticking a toe in the water, checking the temperature before taking the full plunge.
What say you?
What a amphibious space bears? I hear they're quite....dangerous? Winking
That bear claw pastry is def a man wanting to win a woman over. Interesting take on 2 scorps togeterh, circling each other. I would like to read your postings about when he got cranky at months 4-5. I will see if I can dig up your old posts. Thanks for sharing!!
Thanks Elly ^^^
Cancer venus always worrys too...about her heart Sad
Those are some nice stories elly. Very cute and inspiring smile
Aww, this reminds me of my 1st Scorp. He is such a tender heart at times, well all of the time even when hes being a stubborn mule smile
One night shortly after we met, on our way back to his vacation home we stopped for pizza at a bar and grill after fishing. We were in separate cars, and it was late at night... although we both were leaving to head home at the same time, I ended up waiting a few mins to leave because it was so foggy my windows kept fogging up. I eventually leave, probably five mins after he did. Im driving along, and all of a sudden I see his car go by heading the direction of where we had pizza. I see his brake lights tap, and he turns around. So I pull over. He comes up to the car, and I ask whats wrong and had he forgotten something. He said he couldnt see my headlights or that I was anywhere behind him, so I told him what happened. He was worried because I hadnt been right behind him, and he thought maybe someone had done something to me in the parking lot or something happened to my car and was mad at himself because he felt he shouldve waited til he knew I was ready to actually leave. Told me never to do that to him again, the worry.
Puts a smile on my face thinking about it smile
Posted by OceanDeep
Aww, this reminds me of my 1st Scorp. He is such a tender heart at times, well all of the time even when hes being a stubborn mule smile
One night shortly after we met, on our way back to his vacation home we stopped for pizza at a bar and grill after fishing. We were in separate cars, and it was late at night... although we both were leaving to head home at the same time, I ended up waiting a few mins to leave because it was so foggy my windows kept fogging up. I eventually leave, probably five mins after he did. Im driving along, and all of a sudden I see his car go by heading the direction of where we had pizza. I see his brake lights tap, and he turns around. So I pull over. He comes up to the car, and I ask whats wrong and had he forgotten something. He said he couldnt see my headlights or that I was anywhere behind him, so I told him what happened. He was worried because I hadnt been right behind him, and he thought maybe someone had done something to me in the parking lot or something happened to my car and was mad at himself because he felt he shouldve waited til he knew I was ready to actually leave. Told me never to do that to him again, the worry.
Puts a smile on my face thinking about it smile

smile What a sweetie
Posted by happykitsune
Posted by OceanDeep
Aww, this reminds me of my 1st Scorp. He is such a tender heart at times, well all of the time even when hes being a stubborn mule smile
One night shortly after we met, on our way back to his vacation home we stopped for pizza at a bar and grill after fishing. We were in separate cars, and it was late at night... although we both were leaving to head home at the same time, I ended up waiting a few mins to leave because it was so foggy my windows kept fogging up. I eventually leave, probably five mins after he did. Im driving along, and all of a sudden I see his car go by heading the direction of where we had pizza. I see his brake lights tap, and he turns around. So I pull over. He comes up to the car, and I ask whats wrong and had he forgotten something. He said he couldnt see my headlights or that I was anywhere behind him, so I told him what happened. He was worried because I hadnt been right behind him, and he thought maybe someone had done something to me in the parking lot or something happened to my car and was mad at himself because he felt he shouldve waited til he knew I was ready to actually leave. Told me never to do that to him again, the worry.
Puts a smile on my face thinking about it smile

smile What a sweetie
click to expand

He is too. And it's funny, or at least to me, he stands like 6'4 and very broad, hands the size of coffee saucers. Very big guy, strong. So when he gets like that, or this little boy look on his face, it melts me. His heart is huge, and he's really just a big soft teddy bear with a sometimes large roar. haha
Posted by OceanDeep
Posted by happykitsune
Posted by OceanDeep
Aww, this reminds me of my 1st Scorp. He is such a tender heart at times, well all of the time even when hes being a stubborn mule smile
One night shortly after we met, on our way back to his vacation home we stopped for pizza at a bar and grill after fishing. We were in separate cars, and it was late at night... although we both were leaving to head home at the same time, I ended up waiting a few mins to leave because it was so foggy my windows kept fogging up. I eventually leave, probably five mins after he did. Im driving along, and all of a sudden I see his car go by heading the direction of where we had pizza. I see his brake lights tap, and he turns around. So I pull over. He comes up to the car, and I ask whats wrong and had he forgotten something. He said he couldnt see my headlights or that I was anywhere behind him, so I told him what happened. He was worried because I hadnt been right behind him, and he thought maybe someone had done something to me in the parking lot or something happened to my car and was mad at himself because he felt he shouldve waited til he knew I was ready to actually leave. Told me never to do that to him again, the worry.
Puts a smile on my face thinking about it smile

smile What a sweetie

He is too. And it's funny, or at least to me, he stands like 6'4 and very broad, hands the size of coffee saucers. Very big guy, strong. So when he gets like that, or this little boy look on his face, it melts me. His heart is huge, and he's really just a big soft teddy bear with a sometimes large roar. haha
click to expand

Roar eh? Hint of leo?
Posted by happykitsune
Posted by OceanDeep
Posted by happykitsune
Posted by OceanDeep
Aww, this reminds me of my 1st Scorp. He is such a tender heart at times, well all of the time even when hes being a stubborn mule smile
One night shortly after we met, on our way back to his vacation home we stopped for pizza at a bar and grill after fishing. We were in separate cars, and it was late at night... although we both were leaving to head home at the same time, I ended up waiting a few mins to leave because it was so foggy my windows kept fogging up. I eventually leave, probably five mins after he did. Im driving along, and all of a sudden I see his car go by heading the direction of where we had pizza. I see his brake lights tap, and he turns around. So I pull over. He comes up to the car, and I ask whats wrong and had he forgotten something. He said he couldnt see my headlights or that I was anywhere behind him, so I told him what happened. He was worried because I hadnt been right behind him, and he thought maybe someone had done something to me in the parking lot or something happened to my car and was mad at himself because he felt he shouldve waited til he knew I was ready to actually leave. Told me never to do that to him again, the worry.
Puts a smile on my face thinking about it smile

smile What a sweetie

He is too. And it's funny, or at least to me, he stands like 6'4 and very broad, hands the size of coffee saucers. Very big guy, strong. So when he gets like that, or this little boy look on his face, it melts me. His heart is huge, and he's really just a big soft teddy bear with a sometimes large roar. haha

Roar eh? Hint of leo?
click to expand

I dont know his Rising, but outside of that no Leo lol Maybe his Rising could be Leo, cuz when he raises his voice it booms :S

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