I think my chart is really not one for the faint of heart!!!
I really want to know what you think I am and long descriptions help!!
Zodiac : Tropical
Sun Taurus 4°14'
Moon Scorpio 22°06'
Mercury Taurus 5°58' R
Venus Taurus 9°52'
Mars Virgo 16°48' R
Jupiter Aquarius 18°41'
Saturn Aries 13°17'
Uranus Aquarius 8°32'
Neptune Capricorn 29°57'
Pluto Sagittarius 5°02' R
Lilith Virgo 3°56'
Asc node Virgo 28°29'
I think im mostly the taurus on the outside: kind, lovable, and funny but at home im mostly scorpio moon in which i stay on my bed and dont talk much and mostly just let my feelings overwhelm me.
Its hard to balance but yah
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Feb 29, 2016Comments: 14 · Posts: 479 · Topics: 6
Everyone feels scorpionic
Can anyone give me like an in-depth description, thank you