Is it true that Scorpios don't like receiving compliments?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by purplekitty88 on Sunday, July 1, 2018 and has 11 replies.
When you feel like walking on egg shells because of a single compliment. 😂😂😂
WUT? 😵
They suck at it, yes. Just like they suck at giving compliments.
how to compliment a scorpio man

look them dead in the eyes

and say

"aye boy you daddy let you date?"

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lol who doesnt like compliments u just have to be careful what u say

if u just tell me ive a nice smile or laugh or eyes idk ill be happy about it

it just depends on what u say and also how u say it,
It's true. We absolutely abhor that type of atrocious behavior. We're intense creatures whom crave the most inner depths of your soul. And compliments are just... shallow/superficial talk. We can't help it from puking internally - anytime we have to put up with people who treats us like that... 🤢
Everyone is different. I don’t like compliments from people who don’t genuinely know me. Because, I’m not always what I appear to be to others. And, a false compliment is a waste of breath. We can feel dishonesty and/or desperation. An example is: Recently I was involved with a guy who wasn’t behaving correctly. I didn’t like it so I began to ignore him.....after about six days he broke and texted me “Goodnight Beautiful.” He never complimented me nor wished me goodnight until he lost that point I realized the pathetic lengths he was willing to go to in order to continue to toy with me mentally and emotionally. It disgusted me and I’ve been slowly twisting the screws to him (when I am bored) ever since.

But, since I like to be adored from the opposite sex, when a compliment is genuine, it really peaks my interest....especially if the source is unexpected!
I sure don't... Unless we are having a heart to heart and believe it to be true but it makes me uncomfortable. Don't stop complimenting though..... lol
And what about when Scorpios throw a compliment. Do they really mean it when they do it?

If someone complimentis back as a way of saying thanks and it's the first compliment from someone you know but don't talk to that person frequently will you sense dishonesty?
For example that the Scorpio says "you have a great smile" and you reply "you have a great smile too".

It wasn't the type of compliment I received but a good example
We don't enjoy compliments about anything we can't take credit for.

We tend to only embrace compliments on significant accomplishments...and not ideas or "plans in motion" until they BECOME accomplishments.