Is it worth it

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by narleycharley94 on Saturday, January 21, 2017 and has 24 replies.
I was dating this Scorpio woman for a little while and we got into a super small argument with her hanging up on me. I was over it literally the next day, she ignored me for a full week which I found funny.

So I decided I'll just be her friend, no more dating.

She finally started contacting me again and she just replied with one or two words now instead of our long conversations like before. She told me she has really bad trust issues but I noticed she's a very sneaky woman herself how ironic is that! But I told her I don't care if she has trust issues I wouldn't lie to her or act jealous if she dates other guys.

I asked her should I leave her alone and she replied "your choice".

Should I keep being friends with this stubborn woman? I do still like her and I'm attracted to more than her physical appearance but it seems like I have to kiss her ass, contact her first and be careful not to offend her and that's so much work to me.

Scorpio women is this normal behavior or is she just that full of herself?
I've never met someone that gets that upset over something so minor. It seems like men have to walk on eggshells or else, why do you guys act this way?

How do you expect someone to respect you with such child like behavior??
I apologize for generalizing that way

Very wrong of me, you're correct ?
Lol this sounds like me. I cant speak for every scorpio but i act this way because ive been used a lot. Im scared to open up until the person proves themselves. These are just walls. She might not be playing games. Whn i dont reply i am simply just thinking. If she didnt like you she wouldnt be texting you. Its that simple. Shes just scared and trying to protect herself the only way she knows how.

What did ye argue about?
This sounds like how my dad acted many times but he is a libra sun.

Have to be careful to not offend him or else the threats begin e.e No hitting/physical threats but I have had to learn how to keep my calm while being yelled at.

Then when in dramatic situations with other people,

I'm seen as cold sometimes because I've had to

pick up the skill on not to panic easily then they assume I don't care. (+ the Aqua rising xD haha, but I love it.)

Sigh it's something I'll work on.

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As for the girl,

I'd advise to stay away. Or if you still talk to her, keep your emotional distance and definitely use more of a rational approach from the mind with people who manipulate with guilt trips.

Side note- I'm well aware this is more of a

"toxic pattern" in some people, which occur in any sign.
Posted by yupvirgoo
" seems like I have to kiss her ass, contact her first and be careful not to offend her and that's so much work to me."

Hey if you really like her, don't be lazy.
Patient Virgo man smile
Posted by narleycharley94
I was dating this Scorpio woman for a little while and we got into a super small argument with her hanging up on me. I was over it literally the next day, she ignored me for a full week which I found funny.

So I decided I'll just be her friend, no more dating.

She finally started contacting me again and she just replied with one or two words now instead of our long conversations like before. She told me she has really bad trust issues but I noticed she's a very sneaky woman herself how ironic is that! But I told her I don't care if she has trust issues I wouldn't lie to her or act jealous if she dates other guys.

I asked her should I leave her alone and she replied "your choice".

Should I keep being friends with this stubborn woman? I do still like her and I'm attracted to more than her physical appearance but it seems like I have to kiss her ass, contact her first and be careful not to offend her and that's so much work to me.

Scorpio women is this normal behavior or is she just that full of herself?
You move quick i see.
We argued about phone privacy lol

She said she would need to see my phone to feel comfortable, I told her I'm not giving you my phone because you didn't pay the bill and we're not in a relationship.

She is a bully if you ask me lol

@FirstDecan I don't move fast I'm just dating right now, I'm an honest guy though. I tell women where I'm at and leave it up to them whether they want to date me or not. Dont make me feel bad Sad
Posted by narleycharley94
We argued about phone privacy lol

She said she would need to see my phone to feel comfortable, I told her I'm not giving you my phone because you didn't pay the bill and we're not in a relationship.

She is a bully if you ask me lol

@FirstDecan I don't move fast I'm just dating right now, I'm an honest guy though. I tell women where I'm at and leave it up to them whether they want to date me or not. Dont make me feel bad Sad
It's good to date I'm not judging you. Just take the time to figure out what is going to take that not everyone is perfect, and learn how to compromise alittle bit more. You dont know if thats the one because how could if you if you dont take time.. I'm not saying years but aleast a few months to maybe one year. Its so much information on a person you can know about.
Posted by TyliaB
Posted by narleycharley94
I've never met someone that gets that upset over something so minor. It seems like men have to walk on eggshells or else, why do you guys act this way?

How do you expect someone to respect you with such child like behavior??
Not all scorpions act this way! At least I don't.
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So you better start asap! Lol
Posted by narleycharley94
I've never met someone that gets that upset over something so minor. It seems like men have to walk on eggshells or else, why do you guys act this way?

How do you expect someone to respect you with such child like behavior??
Would you mind to tell what was that argument about? You keep saying minor.

Maybe for you it's minor and for us women it's huge!
Posted by narleycharley94
We argued about phone privacy lol

She said she would need to see my phone to feel comfortable, I told her I'm not giving you my phone because you didn't pay the bill and we're not in a relationship.

She is a bully if you ask me lol

Move on.

My placements are Sun in Virgo, Moon in Sag, Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Libra and Mars in Gem
She is 22, I'm 24

We go to school together
Awwww she is a young Scorp....they can be difficult...i was, especially with the love thing
Posted by yupvirgoo
" seems like I have to kiss her ass, contact her first and be careful not to offend her and that's so much work to me."

Hey if you really like her, don't be lazy.
You're so cutely sweet !!

User Submitted Image
That mercury in Virgo will be a hard one to match probably better to pick a fire or air Mercury's. All that nitpicking will get you many problems.
I don't think I'm not picky though lol

I try to let people be themselves and accept them for who they are, I can be a bit shallow though?

I always gotta have the girl that's a head turner lol
Ah yes normal behavior been with one for 10 years,mine behaved like this but unlike you i found the outburst sometimes adorable so instead of her going nuts it made her melt everytime i hug her or kiss her or just stare at her because im amused of her outburst,this work if its minor and she can still go back from darkness that is but if she is super pissed at me then i better be ready with something romantic otherwise she will not forgive me but a scorp forgive but never forgets so after she forgives me we will talk about why she was angry with me and make sure her point is being heard of ?
Posted by tiziani
Only use landlines, it cuts out a lot of needless discussion.

LOL. This.

Posted by narleycharley94
We argued about phone privacy lol

She said she would need to see my phone to feel comfortable, I told her I'm not giving you my phone because you didn't pay the bill and we're not in a relationship.

She is a bully if you ask me lol

Was she prepared to let you see her phone?

Ask to see hers too, only not when she brings it up bc that's when she expects it. Tell her you don't want or need to see her phone and then one or two weeks later you pop the question. Take no prisoners!

And yes it's usually ppl with crazy trust issues who cannot themselves be trusted bc they know what that shit is about.

And lol @ "your choice". She's being sneakingly passive about the two of you, so that in the end when bad turns to worst she can always say you have nothing to bitch about cuz you had a choice. Typical strategic & emotionally manipulative Scorp bs.

Posted by Infinite8
Posted by Aquarius3189
Ah yes normal behavior been with one for 10 years,mine behaved like this but unlike you i found the outburst sometimes adorable so instead of her going nuts it made her melt everytime i hug her or kiss her or just stare at her because im amused of her outburst,this work if its minor and she can still go back from darkness that is but if she is super pissed at me then i better be ready with something romantic otherwise she will not forgive me but a scorp forgive but never forgets so after she forgives me we will talk about why she was angry with me and make sure her point is being heard of ?
Awww... you sound very sweet ?.

Yeah, OP's Scorpio would need a VERY patient and grounded, nurturing man to get her get out of that insecurity. Not sure many would sign up for that so early in the game, though...

Sounds like too much of a headache. Where's the honeymoon stage?!?? ?

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thank you! ?glad i have many earth placement,you really need to have a long patience with a scorp with all the mood swings not to mention the silent treatment that always piss me off,to be honest im aloof and distant if at the start of a relationship coz i dont want to give my heart fully but once im committed my partner is in for a ride.oh! And the honey moon stage will only happen after they fully trust you and gave you their heart,in my case it took 2-3yrs i think with constant courting even if we already are together

Posted by Infinite8
Posted by Aquarius3189
Posted by Infinite8
Posted by Aquarius3189
Ah yes normal behavior been with one for 10 years,mine behaved like this but unlike you i found the outburst sometimes adorable so instead of her going nuts it made her melt everytime i hug her or kiss her or just stare at her because im amused of her outburst,this work if its minor and she can still go back from darkness that is but if she is super pissed at me then i better be ready with something romantic otherwise she will not forgive me but a scorp forgive but never forgets so after she forgives me we will talk about why she was angry with me and make sure her point is being heard of ?
Awww... you sound very sweet ?.

Yeah, OP's Scorpio would need a VERY patient and grounded, nurturing man to get her get out of that insecurity. Not sure many would sign up for that so early in the game, though...

Sounds like too much of a headache. Where's the honeymoon stage?!?? ?

glad i have many earth placement,you really need to have a long patience with a scorp with all the mood swings not to mention the silent treatment that always piss me off,to be honest im aloof and distant if at the start of a relationship coz i dont want to give my heart fully but once im committed my partner is in for a ride.oh! And the honey moon stage will only happen after they fully trust you and gave you their heart,in my case it took 2-3yrs i think with constant courting even if we already are together

Depends on the Scorp. I was with a Scorp in my late teens - it was heaven and super fun until it wasn't and we ended.

Most of my love relationships have been that way actually.

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eh why?,well i got a scorp whose got some trust issues so it took a while she doesnt even speak much i was the one who got her out of her shell,now that i think about it she is super spoiled by me ?,maybe thats why i didnt see it coming that we would break up eventually