is scorpio moon

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by virgoOPPP on Friday, May 22, 2020 and has 27 replies.
a high integrity moon?

all signs point to yes

and i'm ready to write a buzzfeed article about it
Posted by Antiphates


until they get into their feels.
maybe all the whistleblowing is due to high integrity

taurus energy always seemed to be the shadier one tbh

whistle blower moon....a snitch by any other moon is just a rat...

Posted by Metatron


whistle blower moon....a snitch by any other moon is just a rat...
True story

Snoop dog thought we forgot
generally yea, scorpio energy tries to live by a moral code. but if immature it can come off prideful and self-righteous.
Posted by KimboSlice
Posted by Metatron


whistle blower moon....a snitch by any other moon is just a rat...

True story

Snoop dog thought we forgot
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whistleblowing= high integrity
Posted by Unwording

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everything makes so much sense now

these the type of people that won't accept bribes or the easy way out

in fact, scorpio energy doesn't do easy
Posted by Antiphates
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Antiphates


until they get into their feels.

maybe all the whistleblowing is due to high integrity

taurus energy always seemed to be the shadier one tbh

If it is I'd say it's more out of emotional integrity and not some principled integrity.

Water does stuff because not doing the stuff is more painful to them than not doing that stuff. In a way it might be a mere pain avoidance reaction.
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too involved with self-preservation

not that there's anything wrong with that

but there's also nothing to admire about it

it's just a natural condition
Posted by Black-Mamba

No. Integrity is the last thing I experienced dating one.
okay but what sun sign?
Posted by Scheherazade

The one I was with was incredibly weak and pliant IMO
hmm what sun sign?
Posted by Antiphates
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Antiphates
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Antiphates


until they get into their feels.

maybe all the whistleblowing is due to high integrity

taurus energy always seemed to be the shadier one tbh

If it is I'd say it's more out of emotional integrity and not some principled integrity.

Water does stuff because not doing the stuff is more painful to them than not doing that stuff. In a way it might be a mere pain avoidance reaction.

too involved with self-preservation

not that there's anything wrong with that

but there's also nothing to admire about it

it's just a natural condition

Definetly nothing wrong with it in general terms.

I might just be a bit reluctant to put it on a pedestal due to my distrust towards Fi.
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ohh i was referring to taurus energy

sorry about that

of all water sign energy, scorpio moon seems the least concerned with self-preservation
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Scheherazade

The one I was with was incredibly weak and pliant IMO

hmm what sun sign?

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but some people say that double sign gives off the opposite energy effect

is all i'm saying
Posted by Sith_Rogen

Yes. But sometimes no.
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Scheherazade

The one I was with was incredibly weak and pliant IMO

hmm what sun sign?


but some people say that double sign gives off the opposite energy effect

is all i'm saying

He was fairly passive and go with the flow and very reliant on his parents. His mother is also a Scorpio but very much the matriarch of the family.
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i've always seen scorpio as a parental energy

you know, like mom and dad vibes

but mostly mom vibes coz cap is more dad vibes

my brother is very reliant on family but he's also cancer moon so.....
I say more diplomatic & self serving
Posted by 777

I say more diplomatic & self serving
it's a diplomatic moon?

are you serious?

they're so mouthy
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by 777

I say more diplomatic & self serving

it's a diplomatic moon?

are you serious?

they're so mouthy
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yea, but when it comes to status its a whole other ball game. My experience is they don't like to rock the boat

Just like any other sign, it’s a hit or miss ...

based off of vast experience with Sun Aries, Gem, Leo (mom, dad, ex fiancé respectively) & a number friends & acquaintances.

They can either be highly principled (sometimes even rigidly so) or surprisingly meek & pliable. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Posted by akitu

All of my Scorp moon friends are the best and have integrity for dayyyzzz

But also roger stone and boris Johnson have none whatsoever sooo 🤷‍♀️

well, they're mutables

we're not exactly known for integrity
I know a few Scorp moon parents and they’d give everything for their kids to be happy

Posted by ElectronCowboy

They know how to keep secrets well just as long as you don't cross them.

And if you do cross them, pray for your soul. 🙏

This is me to a T.

I'm the nice libra but if I'm crossed, it's some viciousness that no one should deal with.
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by 777

I say more diplomatic & self serving

it's a diplomatic moon?

are you serious?

they're so mouthy

So for my experience when I got pregnant he didn’t go with me to tell my parents, he waited a month to tell his parents back in Korea, his parents told him they’d stop financially supporting him (his dad is essentially a small time CEO) and he’d have to pay his own way if we got married. I didn’t want to get married anyway because I didn’t want to get married just because I was pregnant.

I broke up with him that second month of being pregnant and didn’t have a car while he did but he didn’t take me to most of my appointments so I had to ride the bus.

I told him I was planning on adoption and then he started coming around and was like “I’ll support whatever you want” but then when I decided to keep her at the last minute he legitimately yelled at me in the hospital the day after I gave birth because he told me I was being irresponsible and wouldn’t be a good mom. (Fair point since I hadn’t been up until that point).

Then he starts to come around when she’s around 4 months old and try to date me again and finally proposed ring and all but said it’d have to be secret but I refused him. I got a bit jealous a few times when he showed her off to his friends because he had barely been around right before he proposed and he said he got excited because he thought that meant I still cared about him. 🙄

He said he wouldn’t financially support her unless he could see her so I was like fine whatever. Let him spend time with her but then he kept being on the phone with his friends or on his computer and completely disengaged whenever he was around her and eventually he finally dropped her and she hit her head which - she was fine - but me being a new mom completely lost my shit over. I told him if he wasn’t going to actually parent her I never wanted to see him again.

I saw him like once after that before he had to go to the Army and cried all the way home because it was just so overwhelming.

To be fair at that time in my life I was pushing him away and trying to make all the decisions by myself since I had no faith in him after that initial response.

His sister doesn’t even know he has a kid as far as I know.

He’s living totally normally and we’ve only talked a handful of times because he signed the birth certificate and now I have to get his dumbass permission for shit.

So yeah... I completely lost respect over that. I think he did want to be with me but was more interested in keeping me than being a parent. I could always sense that something was off. Dunno. Gut instinct.

Oh - and since at that time I couldn’t cook - he would criticize my food and tell me what I should have done better but he also never cooked. 😬

Virgo Rising, Scorpio Sun, Moon, Merc, Sag Venus, Libra Mars, Aries Jupiter, etc.

He has Pluto conj Merc exactly on my DC but his Scorpio Stellium Sun/Moon/Merc/Pluto was all in my 7th and his Sag Stellium Saturn/Venus/Uranus was in my 8th.
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that's rough

it's probably the way he was raised too... he's too reliant on family

did his parents approve of you?

guess that hardly matters though. he should've stuck by you
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by 777

I say more diplomatic & self serving

it's a diplomatic moon?

are you serious?

they're so mouthy

So for my experience when I got pregnant he didn’t go with me to tell my parents, he waited a month to tell his parents back in Korea, his parents told him they’d stop financially supporting him (his dad is essentially a small time CEO) and he’d have to pay his own way if we got married. I didn’t want to get married anyway because I didn’t want to get married just because I was pregnant.

I broke up with him that second month of being pregnant and didn’t have a car while he did but he didn’t take me to most of my appointments so I had to ride the bus.

I told him I was planning on adoption and then he started coming around and was like “I’ll support whatever you want” but then when I decided to keep her at the last minute he legitimately yelled at me in the hospital the day after I gave birth because he told me I was being irresponsible and wouldn’t be a good mom. (Fair point since I hadn’t been up until that point).

Then he starts to come around when she’s around 4 months old and try to date me again and finally proposed ring and all but said it’d have to be secret but I refused him. I got a bit jealous a few times when he showed her off to his friends because he had barely been around right before he proposed and he said he got excited because he thought that meant I still cared about him. 🙄

He said he wouldn’t financially support her unless he could see her so I was like fine whatever. Let him spend time with her but then he kept being on the phone with his friends or on his computer and completely disengaged whenever he was around her and eventually he finally dropped her and she hit her head which - she was fine - but me being a new mom completely lost my shit over. I told him if he wasn’t going to actually parent her I never wanted to see him again.

I saw him like once after that before he had to go to the Army and cried all the way home because it was just so overwhelming.

To be fair at that time in my life I was pushing him away and trying to make all the decisions by myself since I had no faith in him after that initial response.

His sister doesn’t even know he has a kid as far as I know.

He’s living totally normally and we’ve only talked a handful of times because he signed the birth certificate and now I have to get his dumbass permission for shit.

So yeah... I completely lost respect over that. I think he did want to be with me but was more interested in keeping me than being a parent. I could always sense that something was off. Dunno. Gut instinct.

Oh - and since at that time I couldn’t cook - he would criticize my food and tell me what I should have done better but he also never cooked. 😬

Virgo Rising, Scorpio Sun, Moon, Merc, Sag Venus, Libra Mars, Aries Jupiter, etc.

He has Pluto conj Merc exactly on my DC but his Scorpio Stellium Sun/Moon/Merc/Pluto was all in my 7th and his Sag Stellium Saturn/Venus/Uranus was in my 8th.

that's rough

it's probably the way he was raised too... he's too reliant on family

did his parents approve of you?

guess that hardly matters though. he should've stuck by you

I am white so no. LOL
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i guessed as much, some households are like that

especially asians

if i chose a foreigner, most of my family would be disgusted

i'm not even gonna sugarcoat that
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Scheherazade
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by 777

I say more diplomatic & self serving

it's a diplomatic moon?

are you serious?

they're so mouthy

So for my experience when I got pregnant he didn’t go with me to tell my parents, he waited a month to tell his parents back in Korea, his parents told him they’d stop financially supporting him (his dad is essentially a small time CEO) and he’d have to pay his own way if we got married. I didn’t want to get married anyway because I didn’t want to get married just because I was pregnant.

I broke up with him that second month of being pregnant and didn’t have a car while he did but he didn’t take me to most of my appointments so I had to ride the bus.

I told him I was planning on adoption and then he started coming around and was like “I’ll support whatever you want” but then when I decided to keep her at the last minute he legitimately yelled at me in the hospital the day after I gave birth because he told me I was being irresponsible and wouldn’t be a good mom. (Fair point since I hadn’t been up until that point).

Then he starts to come around when she’s around 4 months old and try to date me again and finally proposed ring and all but said it’d have to be secret but I refused him. I got a bit jealous a few times when he showed her off to his friends because he had barely been around right before he proposed and he said he got excited because he thought that meant I still cared about him. 🙄

He said he wouldn’t financially support her unless he could see her so I was like fine whatever. Let him spend time with her but then he kept being on the phone with his friends or on his computer and completely disengaged whenever he was around her and eventually he finally dropped her and she hit her head which - she was fine - but me being a new mom completely lost my shit over. I told him if he wasn’t going to actually parent her I never wanted to see him again.

I saw him like once after that before he had to go to the Army and cried all the way home because it was just so overwhelming.

To be fair at that time in my life I was pushing him away and trying to make all the decisions by myself since I had no faith in him after that initial response.

His sister doesn’t even know he has a kid as far as I know.

He’s living totally normally and we’ve only talked a handful of times because he signed the birth certificate and now I have to get his dumbass permission for shit.

So yeah... I completely lost respect over that. I think he did want to be with me but was more interested in keeping me than being a parent. I could always sense that something was off. Dunno. Gut instinct.

Oh - and since at that time I couldn’t cook - he would criticize my food and tell me what I should have done better but he also never cooked. 😬

Virgo Rising, Scorpio Sun, Moon, Merc, Sag Venus, Libra Mars, Aries Jupiter, etc.

He has Pluto conj Merc exactly on my DC but his Scorpio Stellium Sun/Moon/Merc/Pluto was all in my 7th and his Sag Stellium Saturn/Venus/Uranus was in my 8th.

that's rough

it's probably the way he was raised too... he's too reliant on family

did his parents approve of you?

guess that hardly matters though. he should've stuck by you

I am white so no. LOL

i guessed as much, some households are like that

especially asians

if i chose a foreigner, most of my family would be disgusted

i'm not even gonna sugarcoat that

Yeah unfortunately he is the first born son of the first born.

I’m sure you know all that nonsense Tongue

Though I am curious if they met her if they’d end up liking her anyway. He’s what, 34 and single now I wonder if they are getting antsy for grandbabies yet. Lol

But yeah I’m definitely not the wife they want for him. That’s fine.
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i'm the first born of the first born too lol

but i'm a woman so nobody cares

maybe he's too weak-willed to find a woman on his own
Posted by bumboklatt
Posted by virgoOPPP
Posted by Unwording

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everything makes so much sense now

these the type of people that won't accept bribes or the easy way out

in fact, scorpio energy doesn't do easy

Ive never read you so excited. Is this some kind of great discovery lol
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i feel smarter now
Posted by Aliensusedourbogroll

Everyone knows you can’t trust em as far as you can throw them.

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