I've Never Seen You Cry

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by PhoenixRising on Saturday, March 15, 2014 and has 12 replies.
I was thinking about this statement a few minutes ago as I was listening to a song Elle posted in a thread. Someone said this to me a few years ago. The statement didn't surprise me, but threw me a little (because of the context). Actually I am very aware of the fact I haven't cried in front of another person since I was a child. It simply isn't something I will allow myself to do for various reasons. I sort of made that decision a while ago and I guess.....well, I'm just that stubborn. I don't see crying as a weakness in others and often feel the need to comfort another person when they do cry. I see it as a weakness in myself though. Sort of like a neon sign that says, "I can be hurt if you push *right here*". Anyway, I was wondering if other Scorps either feel the need to hide parts of themselves that make them feel vulnerable (not necessarily crying) from the people they care about. If you do, does this give off the wrong impression about you?
I'm not sure if this is the safest place to share something like this, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway and appreciate and thoughts you want to share.
???We cannot always cry at the right time
and who is to say which time is right???
?? Madeleine L'Engle, The Ordering of Love: The New and Collected Poems of Madeleine L'Engle
???I want to weep, she thought. I want to be comforted. I'm so tired of being strong. I want to be foolish and frightened for once. Just for a small while, that's all....a day.....an hour.??
?? George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings
Posted by xMoonMan
Posted by PhoenixRising
I'm not sure if this is the safest place to share something like this, but I thought I'd throw it out there anyway and appreciate any thoughts you want to share

*There seems to be a typo in this sentance though, so I think you should delete this thread and start again Tongue
click to expand

*deep sigh*
If you only knew....
P.S. So do you Tongue
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
"I was wondering if other Scorps either feel the need to hide parts of themselves that make them feel vulnerable (not necessarily crying) from the people they care about."
Yes. All.The.Time.
"If you do, does this give off the wrong impression about you?"
Yes. I don't always get what I need from others. They always think I'm okay, even when I'm not smile
Which sucks sometimes, because sometimes I just want to show those parts and I go out of my way to hide them, then you just can't because you're afraid you'll scare people away.....because they aren't used to seeing that.
I always end up being okay with a time out away from others and a pep talk.....but it would be nice to have someone there. Just the presence would be nice. That is usually all I need for that moment.
I don't like crying in front of anyone and I always regret it if it happens (which is a very rare sighting). I feel embarrassed and like they see me as 'lesser' than how they seen me before.
I don't have a problem with people crying in front of me. I don't see them any different. I don't know why I feel that way when it comes to me.

I feel exactly the same way!!!
Posted by xMoonMan

I like women who have some control over their emotions and don't shed tears at the drop of a hat. This doesn't mean, to me at least, that they are emotionless

This is exactly the point. I think it also highlights what blisss and Lady Twirl were identifying in their post. Thank you ladies, you seem to capture what I was thinking and feeling quite well. I also like the song btw that you posted Elle ("Fragile"). I think it really conveys the things you identified in your post in more ways than one.
Thanks for sharing as well MoonMan.
Hmmm....it just occurred to me that I forgot something when I posted the OP. I have cried in front someone since childhood. It was my ex when I was a teenager after my friend died. It just hit me one day and I didn't expect him to come home when it happened. By then it was too late to stop.
Yeah, he's alright smile...Big Grin
I think there are a couple of things that mean I can't/ won't easily cry...
The flipside of moonman's male world is that I hate the way women are perceived as being unstable and bursting into tears. Especially in an argument- I've always held that too be throwing in the towel- if you cry you're out, there is no more logical discussion to be had. I think there might've been examples of this during my parents divorce as well and that obviously lingers.
And I've always been the stable/ strong one-day be it friend, sister or daughter and now that perceived expectation means I get trapped- like the second quote above... Sometimes I'd like to be taken care of, but who is going to do that?!
But like the comments from everyone, I don't see it as a sign of weakness in others, and I empathise so strongly when the people I love are hurting... Sad
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
I remember one time, many years ago.....I had gotten a promotion at work. I was in my early twenties and scared shitless that I had bitten off more than I could chew. It was Sunday evening and I was due to start the next day and I was terrified that I would let people down.
I waited for everyone to go to sleep and went into the sitting room, curled up on the sofa with a blanket and quietly sobbed like a damn baby....lol. My SO, at the time, caught me. Scared the crap out of him.....he didn't know what to do or even how to console. He asked me if I was okay, I said yes (totally lying)....and he went off to bed. Just a hug would have helped to make it better, even though I couldn't ask for it....but when you are so 'tough' on the outside, you can inadvertently confuse people and make them uncomfortable when you do show tears or vulnerability.
Of course I pulled up my big girl panties and did a bang up job at my new position.....but that night before was horrible to have to go through alone.

The old catch 22... It's tough being tough Sad
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
anyone else, not so close.....would have been given a distraction so they'd forget about the topic Tongue

Haha, this^^^^
Posted by TwirlingStrawberry
it's always hard for me to explain how I 'feel' about something. how I 'think'....no problem.
click to expand

Posted by IrresistableScorp
A few months ago when I was in the middle of my existential crisis, I called my mother crying on the phone. She thanked me for trusting her with my emotions about my life. She did that because she very rarely sees me cry. This is my mother--whom I am very close with. I'm in my 40s. You do the math.
Couple thoughts on this subject.
1) I am always the strong one. The sounding board. The go-to person. For the ones I love.
2) Once, I let myself go there with the tears, there is an ocean of tears behind the first one which is why I have learned to not start because I know what's behind the first tear.
3) For me, its not about being vulnerable its mainly about number two ^^^^ up there. Once I start crying, I can go down the proverbial rabbit's hole of dark emotions. I prefer to do this on my own and in my own way.
Random thoughts.

Random, not so random. Understood. Thanks IS.
Posted by IrresistableScorp
A few months ago when I was in the middle of my existential crisis, I called my mother crying on the phone. She thanked me for trusting her with my emotions about my life. She did that because she very rarely sees me cry. This is my mother--whom I am very close with. I'm in my 40s. You do the math.
Couple thoughts on this subject.
1) I am always the strong one. The sounding board. The go-to person. For the ones I love.
2) Once, I let myself go there with the tears, there is an ocean of tears behind the first one which is why I have learned to not start because I know what's behind the first tear.
3) For me, its not about being vulnerable its mainly about number two ^^^^ up there. Once I start crying, I can go down the proverbial rabbit's hole of dark emotions. I prefer to do this on my own and in my own way.
Random thoughts.

I was going to say this but then I felt too exposed!!!
Hehe- no wonder we frustrate people Winking

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