Heyy Scorps!
I have some majorly important questions when it comes to jealousy and insecurity. I'm a Scorpio with a Scorpio moon, so of course everything is twice as intense for me. Not to mention a Leo rising on top of that. Luckily my Sag Venus & Libra Mars keep me a little open and understanding. Anyway, I'm currently seeing a lovely and totally trustworthy Scorpio man (but he does have a Gem moon!) and although I have every reason to trust him, I find it incredibly hard to trust ANY man. I tend to make up dramas in my head, investigate hardcore until I come to some sort of truth or conclusion. I spent hours yesterday looking up compatibility charts of my Scorp man and close Cap friend, trying to see if they might be better together, therefore I should get out now before any cheating/betrayal occurs. I'm very self aware, so I KNOW this is crazy talk and behavior that will not serve me well, but it's such a pattern for me. I'm just wondering if any Scorps out there have been in similar situations or had similar bouts of investigative jealousy/insecurity/fears of betrayal. It's the feeling of: wow this is going really well so I don't wanna get hurt by you, because it would be the most painful thing. So I tend to look for reasons or things that make me take a step back and remind myself of all the negative possibilities. Can you Scorps out there (or Scorp moons, or anyone) relate?
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Nov 14, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 4517 · Topics: 108
You have the exact chart as my ex crazy!
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Apr 07, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 175 · Topics: 10
Being a scorp moon, it's very hard for me to trust people. Before I trust them, I observe everything they do. It all gets stored in my mind somewhere. Then I take all the "evidence" I've collected and decided whether they are trustworthy or not.
Once I trust, I trust completely and totally unless they give me a reason not to. They could tell me the sky is falling and I'd probably say "really?", before going to investigate on my own. However, i still constantly observe, i cant really stop it. Lol once I trust them there is no jealousy, insecurity, or possessiveness.
If the trust is broken, trying to rebuild it is pointless. I'll be a raging insecure paranoid lunatic. I won't believe anything that is said. And i despise feeling insecure, it's not natural for me, so i'll have no choice but to end the relationship. So I guess it's very all or nothing, sadly.
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Apr 18, 2013Comments: 1 · Posts: 4807 · Topics: 263
Irrestible scorpio. I love your description. It is fascinating . A bull like myself have no idea.. How do you know If a Scorpio In your life is in a trust cycle? How do I know I am being tested ?
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30828 · Topics: 650
Only, time serves as the true indicator of who u can trust or not. I honestly get a vibe from people if I can trust them. Some air moons just come off as untrustworthy. But I will say with time, a scorp sun with a gemini moon has proven himself to be very trustworthy and LOYAL.
scorps themselves never pass a test!
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Sep 17, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 197 · Topics: 21
A VERY CLOSE Friend of mine is double Scorp.....and I felt so bad for her. I watched her crazy and twisted behavior on a daily basis. But I also love her cause she is a good friend (IF SHE hasn't placed an X on your Back) LOL
sometimes it was wayyy toooo much for me
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Sep 17, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 197 · Topics: 21
I watched my friend sleep with a guy our mutual friend said she slept with and still liked (the guy denied sleeping with the mutual friend)
I watched my friend sleep with a pastor that had a long time girlfriend,
sleep with her ex
(All while she is married)
I never judged....I feel we all have our own battles to deal with. But hey the truth is the truth
IF a Scorpio has your back....they have your back
Why do we do this....we inject so much into what we love yet we feel we aren't deserving of it in return. I too have mechanisms and look for any reason to shut down and protect myself just in case. Scorpios aren't selfish and care so deeply!!
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Jul 13, 2016Comments: 3 · Posts: 3225 · Topics: 93
I'm a Scorpio sun Aries moon and I usually have blind faith (not always a good thing) in the person I love. BUT
My brother in law's ex girlfriend is a Scorpio and was distrusting. She used to park outside whatever house or bar he was at and watch through the windows. She was a manager of a cell phone company and would look at his phone records and ask me about any female names she found. She made a Facebook page for him and would freak out about any friend requests received from females. Needless to say, the relationship didn't last. It's a shame because they were a good match but her insecurities destroyed everything.
*Did I just right a book in response to a 4 year old thread? Oh for crying out loud! Stop resurrecting these old posts!
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Mar 15, 2017Comments: 55 · Posts: 942 · Topics: 15
From 3 years ago. This thread has just been resurrected!