Hello! I recognized your picture. This is the same Leo that you wanted to beat me with an oar to get over. XP
I did give it an honest try. Both alone and then with the Libra. But now that he claims to want to make it real I'm right back where I started.
Signed Up:
Mar 10, 2013Comments: 17 · Posts: 813 · Topics: 19
Both signs not good for long term, better keep it as it is now "friends with benefits". Good choice for you is a Pisces man, you both drawn to each other and enter into a fantasie world that no one can understand.
@Jynja - That actually feels pretty spot on. I'm rather afraid that if I choose Leo that I'll end up on my ass. But as you've read my gut feeling about him had me sticking around through some not fun times. I don't want to choice Libra though just because he's a "safe" option. It wouldn't be fair to him or me in the long run.
He was wonderful. And he swore up and down that he was being honest. But he's also claimed to be a damn good actor and I've seen him lie well on his feet.
Yep, I would agree that my Leo is wounded. He even said during our discussion after he declared that he wanted to date me, that he was broken and I knew it. It would be nice to think that I helped to heal him, even if he didn't end up with me.
One other thing I'm worried about in regards to him is that he knows about Libra. In fact, at the beginning of last week he told me to "drop him like a brick" and give the other guy a chance. That he could "make you happy in a way that I can't". Now there's suddenly a 180. What if it's just him afraid of being along again and losing the affection that he was receiving from me?
XD. I bet that just made him all the more determined to prove you wrong. Challenge issued and accepted.
I've been reading everything I could find on both compatabilities. With Lions it seems to be a either love it or hate it sort of affair for us Scorps. One that I read called it a "deadly attraction" or "Like a moth to a flame". What can I say, we love to play with fire.
I'm going to make it very clear to both of them, whichever way it goes. I was trying to take each situation separately but they've just become too entangled for me to do so.
Have I thanked you for all the wonderful words and insight? If not....THANKS!!!!
I have dated two Libra men back to back, both extremely long relationships. Libra men are absolutely fantastic for romantic love! They are intelligent, funny, sincere, and loving. However, as a fellow female air sign I can tell you right now, emotionally Libras aren't worth the time. Both of my Libras are still incredibly in love with me...it takes them a long time to fall out of love, because they like the idea of it, but when things get tough...expect them to instantly check-out emotionally. They always will. At least from my experience mine always did.
Both Libra men I dated were like children. They needed constant direction and if a slip of negativity came out of my mouth, they were the quickest to run for the hills. Don't get me wrong, Libras are fantastic if you are looking to be treated like a queen, but do not expect them to be reliable in the emotional department. They will usually disappoint. And if this guy has already told you to drop him for the Leo, take his advice because it is the truth! They always give forewarning...always.
My choice is Leo. The few Leo men I have been with didn't always get along with me, but they weren't afraid of the hard stuff. They could take my emotions and give it back! I loved their passion and ambition. Seeing as you are a Scorpio, I have to say stay away from us Air signs. We detach just as quick as we attach and it's so YOU can never hurt us. Not really effective in the love department if you ask me. But that's just my two cents.
Excuse me, I read the "drop like a brick" wrong. I thought you meant the Libra had said that, which if it had been him I still will stand by my statement. Libras always give hints away that they are not right if you listen hard enough.
However since the Leo said it, I have to wonder if it wasn't just part of the drama they are known for, or if he is beating himself up because he doesn't feel worthy of you? I might be completely off base on that one.
My guy is a Leo and he's great.
NONE , just have your fun but dont take it serious
Signed Up:
Sep 18, 2012Comments: 57 · Posts: 456 · Topics: 7
I would personally say neither luv. The Libra seems to be confused/naive about his feelings- moving too quickly and constantly changing. And if there is any chance that the Leo is still hung up on his ex it may bring all kinds of drama and hurt into your life. If either of them were the right choice you would have known instantly- it wouldn't have even been a decision. However, you know what they say- if you are in love with two people, go for the second one because if you and the first one were truly meant to be you wouldn't have considered the second one.
You could defiantly try your luck with the Libra man, but I have a feeling that his passion would run cold as quickly as it was hot. From personal experience, I can say Leo's are not a good choice to hold your heart when they're still hung up on past resentments or relationships. Be careful, be cautious and guard yourself until you meet someone that knocks all other choices and options out of the picture.
Okay guys! I really wanna thank everyone for their input. It was a rather hectic time for me but I eventually was able to come to a decision.
After spending the day with the Libra I learned during conversation that we have a pretty substantial difference in beliefs that would take much more time then we had to work through right now. That and some other occurrences throughout the day led me to decide against him.
On the other hand things with the Leo had been going really well, he'd started letting me see some of the more emotional sides of him.
So I've picked the Leo.