Leo & Scorp???

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by SunTauVenGem on Friday, August 30, 2013 and has 18 replies.
Ok so my close friend is dating a Scorpio. They only met 3 weeks ago and he's already taking her to see his parents .. He also wants to meet her parents etc... They have not slept together yet.. I truly care for her so I want to make sure she settles down with the right person ( possessive Taurus ) I know !! What are your thoughts on this paring? She is very introvert and doesn't share much feelings at all. She finds it hard to express them. Her moon in pieces helps a little . Thoughts???
It's a gorgeous paring in every reguard apart from the clinginess. I found it to be overtly so for me any way. All the best.
Nice to hear some great responses! I guess she's in good hands then! He's very sweet to her. So I can rest in peace now !! smile pretty clingy from scorpions part.. She likes the attention though. Anyone would I guess smile water n fire work better than water and air?
Yes, the Pisces moon helps! What is his moon? I think if really depends in positions and the person. Leo and Scorpio can work out great with the right placements.
I'm a Gemini woman and have been dating a scorpio man for the past 2 months, he asked me to be his steady gf on the 5th date.
We are both Aquarius rising and his moon is Leo, mine libra. I have All cancer venus/mars so we are equally clingy with eachother!
The majority of my close friends are in long lasting/successful air-water relationships and marriages.
My mom is a cancer and she was married twice to fire; one Sag for 6 years, and another for 15. The same name too! She did very well with 2nd Sag because the 1st had inner and substance demons that could inflict any sign.
Good luck to your friend! I know the feeling of wanting your close friends to be happy and not screwed over!
Posted by SunTauVenGem
Nice to hear some great responses! I guess she's in good hands then! He's very sweet to her. So I can rest in peace now !! smile pretty clingy from scorpions part.. She likes the attention though. Anyone would I guess smile water n fire work better than water and air?

I think so.
Air just doesn't seem to understand the urgency of _______.

Whatever _________ may be, atm.

But Water does. smile
** I got to the last two posts via DXP's Frontpage-- didn't realize you were asking Scorps.
(sorry!) Tongue
Generally, it is a horrible pairing. There are exceptions though depending on the natal charts. Heat and Water equals sweat and that's about it.

But don't take my word for it...Take Googles.
Scorpio follows Libra which is ideally the perfect match for a Leo. A perfect pairing is not followed by another perfect pairing. Not in astrology.
Leo is the Sun and Scorpio is well....a Scorpio. The signs themselves square each other. But again, anything is possible.
I have a Leo Sun with a Scorpio Moon so I can attest to the turmoil. Leos are usually about getting what they want. Scorpios take what they need. Neither is bad it just is what it is.
Posted by ellessque
lol @ moon in pieces. Tongue

Oh my-- lol

That can be a fitting description, at times. smile
Totally depends!
The only Leo/Scorp couple I knew were off and on for 5 years and fought up a storm. But I happen to know both people (as I had thought the Leo and I were good friends until she pulled one of her famous vanishing acts) and dates the Scorpio briefly, to know BOTH are very unenvolved.
If both parties are rather involved and other aspects of the natal chart are good, I don't see why it can't work out wonderfully.
My natal chart with my Scorp is around 7 negatives and 18 positives.
Posted by scorpintensepassion
a scorpio friend of mine is marrying one next year. they are perfect together! he proposed to her on top of a mountain on valentine's day
*sheds tear*

It's all downhill from there.
Posted by Nala13
Generally, it is a horrible pairing. There are exceptions though depending on the natal charts. Heat and Water equals sweat and that's about it.

But don't take my word for it...Take Googles.
Scorpio follows Libra which is ideally the perfect match for a Leo. A perfect pairing is not followed by another perfect pairing. Not in astrology.
Leo is the Sun and Scorpio is well....a Scorpio. The signs themselves square each other. But again, anything is possible.
I have a Leo Sun with a Scorpio Moon so I can attest to the turmoil. Leos are usually about getting what they want. Scorpios take what they need. Neither is bad it just is what it is.

Leo robs a liquor store.
Scorpio needs to kill the Leo.
No Problemo!
Posted by SunTauVenGem
Nice to hear some great responses! I guess she's in good hands then! He's very sweet to her. So I can rest in peace now !! smile pretty clingy from scorpions part.. She likes the attention though. Anyone would I guess smile water n fire work better than water and air?

Steam = effort
Air and Water = bubbles
Water and Earth = mud-wrestling
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by scorpintensepassion
a scorpio friend of mine is marrying one next year. they are perfect together! he proposed to her on top of a mountain on valentine's day
*sheds tear*

It's all downhill from there.

click to expand

I thought the same thing and hell I'm worried for her. I'm trying to get his full chart .
Even I tried a few times to get some emotions out of her... She has it all in there ( her moon) but she can't seem to get it out or share them! I know how much that will suffocate scorpion in the long run. She's more the easy going ... Nice girl.. Almost... Too nice and I'm worried once they sleep together she will be even nicer and that will bore the crap out of the complex scorpion... Let's hope for the best for them !!Sad
Posted by MellyMel909
Posted by SunTauVenGem
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by scorpintensepassion
a scorpio friend of mine is marrying one next year. they are perfect together! he proposed to her on top of a mountain on valentine's day
*sheds tear*

It's all downhill from there.

I thought the same thing and hell I'm worried for her. I'm trying to get his full chart .

I think he was just being ironic... As in "it's all downhill from there" - there being the top of the mountain he proposed on.
click to expand

Haha! We can only hope...
I'm a scorpio who is quite happily in a relationship with my Leo (6-months now!). We get along fantastically, although he's really particular and we're both stubborn. So it's certainly possible.
However, as stated, I really believe that it depends a lot on the rest of the chart. Especially the moon signs. In my case, my Gemini moon allows me to be more actively social (though it's a pain, and he LOVES being social), and his Scorpio mon helps him to undersand and interpret my undercurrents.
I'm worried and care because she's like a sister to me. I'm trying to toughen her up a bit to be honest. Her pieces moon takes over a lot. She's no where near a Leo. The other day she wanted to drive 1 hour to see him for 2 hours... Cute but I told her its too early to give that much effort... So she didnt.. He just asked her to be his girlfriend which is great. She got burnt from a Scorpio before this one because she was too nice and it was no challenge for him.... Thanks for all the responses !!! They look great together so I can rest in peace hahaha !