Linda Goodman

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Skykomish on Friday, May 11, 2012 and has 6 replies.
So Linda Goodman is what got me hooked on astrology, not just a cursory interest. Love her sense of humor, and she has an excellent way of describing each of the signs. I have her book "Sun Sign's" and it is so highlighted and well used the spine is all wrinkled and the pages are soft (lol). Nothing falling out yet though. I just ordered her companion to this book "Relationship signs". Anyone want to hear about what she has to say regarding this? Can't wait till it gets here. smile
I need to read Sun Signs...I have her book Love Signs and it has opened my eyes to the complex and beautiful interactions when signs fall in love. I agree whole-heartedly. She has such a beautiful, artistic mind!
linda goodman is, or was the greatest. died in 1995 Sad
i've had her books for years. they're treasured books cos she is not only an amazing astrologer but an awesome writer too. it's definitive work for anyone interested in astrology imo smile
I had a few of her books and I don't really like her. She seems biased against Cancers. I see some negativity in her descriptions. She's an Aries btw.
Unfortunately I can't give you specific descriptions because my brother lost my books after I let him borrow them.
But in Love Signs and Sexual Astrology she seems to suggest that we are weak, boring and incapable of common sense. Very generic. At one point it seem generic and at others she seems to have biting sarcasm. One example would be her description of Cancers with Taurus, like the only reason a Taurus male would be interested in a Cancer woman is to have her clean house, domestic purposes.
Love signs > Sun Signs