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Jun 28, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 828 · Topics: 27
So 2 days ago on 19th was my best friend's birthday..i know him for 10 years and we are best friends since..shared all the great moments. and the worst..and we have the same interests and hobbies..
He is also half Russian half Syrian, so you can tell how close we were..
Anyway, he is the leader kind, attract friends like that with his bizarre ideas and strong opinions..while i don't make friends easily, because i don't like to have so many friends..
His parents are seperated for a long time and he even kicked his mom from the house which you can see what's his priorities. he has friends first then family..
while i am the opposite, my family comes first and then the rest, and that night,he made me choose between him and my father..he and my father were always on fight cuz basically my dad put the responsibality of my almost failure in high school..and stuff like that..and that day my friend asked me not to do anything if he hurts my father..i said wtf? do anything to him and i gonna kill you..
he said "it's ok then..our friendship is over.."
I left him with all his friends..the sheeps that follow him wherever he goes..the guys who sold their parents to be with that night..we ended our friendship, but quitely..we agreed on respecting each other..
That hurts yes..and i lost my best friend..but i won my dignity and won my respect of myself..
So any other people had similiar things?
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Sep 07, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2655 · Topics: 81
"..and that day my friend asked me not to do anything if he hurts my father.."
Well, at least he didn't ask you to hold your pa down while he beats him.
That is just insane.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
um, wow. first of all, i'd just like to say that even though he's on the cusp this guy is a cancer and not a leo. i only mention that because you said you had a leo friend who fought with you over a sport match. maybe this isn't the same one and you already knew he was a cancer. but whatever. haha.
hypno, him asking you to do that is just crazy. regardless of his priorities (which seem very strange to me as family comes first w/me too) he should respect yours. so, if it turns out that this disagreement really does end your friendship, it's for the best because a true friend should know you well enough not to demand that. or, he should come to see how wrong he was to even ask you to allow him to hurt your father, and try to make it up to you. otherwise, is he really even worth your time? seriously.
i know it is difficult but a lot of people go through losing their best or closest friends. it sucks, but sometimes it's just how it has to be. i know i've definitely had to go through it before. you'll be ok.
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Feb 08, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1048 · Topics: 11
"first of all, i'd just like to say that even though he's on the cusp this guy is a cancer and not a leo."
Hahaha..let's clear THAT first off.
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Jun 28, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 828 · Topics: 27
"That is just insane."
Not to him and his other friends..who happen to be not very close friends to me too.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
mhm. because one day he will realize just how alone he really is, even though he is surrounded by these "friends" of his.
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Jun 28, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 828 · Topics: 27
"anyone who would harm their parents for anything is eeeeevvviiiiiile"
True..but never cared about his parents neither sisters..and didn't have good relationship with i understand him, but i don't understand his request..he knows he gonna lose in any choice between him and my family..he doesn't respect my beliefs which he previously asking me to do something against my belief of God and he lost that time too.
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Jun 28, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 828 · Topics: 27
Wheel..he is not the one i was talking about, that one will have his bd soon..
i see him as Cancerian because he is very emotional, but he also has the pride of a Leo..he said that he gonna erase anything my dad did in the past for me and will step on his pride but later he would act..i told him not to do anything in the future cuz it won't effect him anyway..and becasue he is my father and he i informed him i am gonna be on my father's side no matter if he is wrong or not.
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Nov 30, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 1327 · Topics: 32
The saying "opposites attract" seems like a good one for this situation. He was evil, you are good! I know it seems easier to say than in reality, but dont give him the satisfaction of even one more thought towards him.
Dust in the wind.