Feel so nervous almost sick, and yet he says he's crazy about me. I think it's because it's so good that it's almost unbelievable. Are scorpios consistant, are they real? Do they bounce their passions around easily? This is crazy for me!
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Yes the passions are real..I am also in the same boat as you..I am a scorpio female and totally just waiting for the scorp man to come into my life..talking to 2 at the moment..one lives all the way in the US...I want him sooooooooo bad..But I have made it my mission in life to find a scorp man..nobody else will suffice..I can't explain it..but I know what you mean..the pull factor..
Okay, I've been seeing this guy for a couple months now. It started as friends and very quickly turned into an undeniable passion. Here's the last text message he sent me:
I'm so into u it hurts. BABY I need you in my life! I think about u and crave u!
WOW that made me really melt. But it's causing me the worst anxiety EVER! I can't remember the last time I felt this inlove but at the same time, it makes me really scared because I don't want to lose him. He wants me to be his gf but I haven't commited although I am probally causing myself this anxiety but not doing so.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Thanks Dancing Bread..I know what you mean..but when involved with a scorp man I am just me..no games, manipulation comes into play..and the past relationship I have had with a scorp man has been brilliant..I am not solely basing it on that but most (and I mean most) of my best male friends are scorps..I just seem to really get on with them..and romantically its bliss..but of course I am not writing anyone off..
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Breathingsoul..try not focusing on the intensity if you can..I know its hard but words like that come easily to us..we do actually mean it when we say it though, we don't often say things we don't mean..well I don't know about blokes (I think they do) but generally we do..Good luck xxx
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Yeah why don't you want to get involved? or are you involved?
Well send him my way if your not sure..lol
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
Being a scropio women myself...I can't deal with them I dated 2 in my life it was nice but when the issues came and neither one of us wanted to comprimise the problems of control came into play. I personally try not to date scropio men...the are awesome in bed the sex is crazy, and we are real honest people...we don't play with our feelings because we are emotional, sensitive, passionate and deep creatures, what we say we mean.
HE IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol ...I am involved, but just so nervous because it's so intense and I've never fallen inlove so fast. It's kind of like the easy in & easy go. Just scared it will get cold as fast as it got hot. I think that's why I am holding back (or pretending to). I want to make sure it's real & solid and strong. I don't want some hot love affair that will leave me alone & crushed in the end. That makes sense doesn't it? I was curious on other peoples experiences with a simular situation.
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Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
antibling...hehehehe..right on..we are possessive but we don't like to be possessed
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 426 · Topics: 26
this is my advice for anyone who feels this way about a scorpio... please read every post on here about scorps, and all the women who have felt like you. really. you will be astonished at the similarity of feeling about them, and all the results of those feelings and relationships will astonish you as well. like someone said. just enjoy the moment, because those scorps can turn on a dime, and you will feel like you've never felt before, and not in a good way. i'm not bashing scorps, i really like them. it's just they have this track record of "stinging" (and you'll read all about that, if you read all the posts here). as a victim of this, i just wanted to enlighten you about it. my scorp came on to me in the same way. oh, such beautiful words. perfect words. that should be a red flag. they kill with passion. sorry. hope your's is the real deal, time will tell. good luck.
Signed Up:
Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
Pato... that's what i spent the last few days doing.. reading all these post's about these fascinating scoprio men.. for me and my gemini self... lol this is great... and that feeling that these maen can have a woman feel is addicting... what i'm curious about is.. with a scorpio male, it appears you have to have the rigth combination of interest to keep them interested. Like, you can't play the chase game, cuz from what i understand scorpios don't chase.. but you can't just give yourself to them, because then they may not be as interested in you.. its' odd.. but i'm trying to get a feel for 'you people'.
I found this forum by chance while I was searching the net for a clue to understand a Scorpio who has just entered my life. Well, this is the point, I?m not sure if he has entered, if he wants to enter, or what. We?re 6-month old frieds and neighbors and it all happened one night when he came to my apartment for a quick talk about something completely unrelated. We ended the night in bed (I found him very charming already). He?s, obviously, an amazing lover. Fun, funny, intense, very intense in bed I would say. Tells me all the things he likes about me, makes me feel great. Melts under the touch of my hand. But, when we meet by chance he treats me like a goof friend. This is all very new (2 weeks) and we?re not officially having a relationship yet. He gives me double messages and I?m trying to be very careful not to intrude. I don?t like needy guys that call me all the time and stuff like that, but this scorpio is a bit of mystery. He knows I'm interested (I act interested), should I just leave him be for now? I?m a free-soul Gemini by the way.