Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by MrFirebird on Sunday, October 21, 2012 and has 30 replies.
Geez, what's up with the Beatles today??!?!?!!!??
I just dreamed I kissed a girl and woke up with "Kaleidoscope Woman".
I googled the name and Pop! "Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds" comes up.
She's the girl with Kaleidoscope eyes.
And I kissed her...
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Posted by ellessque
is this the thread?
I don't have anything to offer. You pisces mooners take your dreams so seriously. I don't tend to remember them after being awake for fifteen minutes (fire moon?)
I do remember the other day when I was napping in the day time (those are always the most vivid). My brother showed up at my house with racing horse with one of those racing carts behind it and wanted me to help him pawn it....LOL. Where the hell that came from....who knows?
Yeah, I don't take dreams seriously (enough?). I believe they are just a collection of your subconscious during waking hours.

How about coincidences and mind reading???
That's why I posted this, because cheeky's thread ALSO popped up.
When you answered "Shock and Awe" earlier today... I thought the same thing before I posted it.
Another thing is back scratches.
Know anything about them???
What's going on Ellesque?
Posted by ellessque
your moon?
you pick up on things.
however, sometimes I think you try too hard to.
just go with it and let it transpire on it's own or you will drive yourself nuts.

I agree.
But.... it's gettin' kinda weird.
I find myself thinking this or that to say and somebody else will say it also in a different thread.
You follow? It's been happening more frequently and if I say something to someone about it, it could
be dismissed as "coincidence".
Oh yes... back scratches...
Imagine watching them form from the inside out. Meaning not natural.
Care to share your take on that?

Posted by BullGem
Whoa! speaking of dreams, just last night i had one that kind of freaked me out. I don't know if it's the astrology overload i've had over the past few days, but i dreamt that i was attacked by a raging bull at a party, and it was only attacking me!!!

You have been abundantly horny for some time, haven't you? Of course you have. Remember Professor Jones?
Your self control has been disabled and you needing to get ahold of yourself.
Hormones are what they are and they have been raging in you.
Now, this is just a random dream interpretation grab:
Bull - In a woman's dream it may represent the animus. The bull may refer to your masculinity (whether you are male or female).The taming of a bull may signify the harmonious integration of your animality, especially your sexuality, or th whole of the hidden, unconscious part of your psyche.The bull may symbolize fertility, as in mythology. Your unconscious has the power to bring about new life if you allow it to penetrate your conscious mind. May represent your true nature - as seen when one practices self exploration of the psyche. May symbolize stubbornness, strong will, strength, and power. Bulls are also symbolic of repressed sexual energies, fertility and virility. Dreaming of an untamed, raging bull represents that your passions may be out of control.
PS, you might give my reply to your private message a read if you haven't done so already.
BTW, thank you ellesque,
The back scratches occured to me on two separate occasions.
I've lived in the same house for almost 40 years.
It has been suggested that this house may be haunted.
If so....
I grew up and live in a haunted house.
I don't think the haunting is related to a previous resident
as neither died here.
Posted by BullGem
So when you said that...I was so shocked!!!
Is it that obvious!?!
Damn it...

Remember Magnum P.I.??? in the thread I posted earlier today??
That Ferarri is "red", watch it's "tail".
That's what happened today.
oh... and here's to raisin' eyebrows...
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"Youre too tapped in the collective conscious, or whatever it is. I think its a Pisces gift (or curse) mixed with scorp... could make one WAY too much of an empath, and the line between self and everything else gets too blurry. You need to build a wall you can get behind so you can disconnect sometimes to just be you, which is the opposite of what most people need.
Mr.Firebird, maybe you are going to have to lose contact with your metaphysical side for a while. You need to hang out with people that do not *get it* and do not see the interwoven tapestry between planes and only have a linear time perspective. Don't stay in that world too much or allow it in yours, its not ours, it doesn't belong here, and trespassing from your side to the other, even if you are not the intruder, will result in more scratches and it will consume you"
At the time this happened, I was not afraid of these scratches, when they occured.
I understand what you're trying to say, concerning the spiritual and the natural or the flesh/physical.
It might interest people to know that the spirit world IS Reality and not this carnal/mortal/natural/physical
existence, which is but a temporal dream.
Also, there is no such thing as a sense of "time" in that place. One day is like unto a thousand years and
a thousand years are like unto one day.
There IS a place that lies beyond human comprehension and understanding, yet, it not one that is entirely elusive,
but for those "interwoven tapestries between the planes", the world lies in darkness.
IF a light shines into the darkness, the darkness will not understand it. However, the light will know it.
Imagine, if you will, your eyes being adjusted to pitch black darkness and suddenly spotlight shines into your
eyes. You know the pain that first exposure to light brings. In like manner, so too, it is, when light shines
into the darkness. When The Truth uncovers the Lie there is pain, yet, for those willing to let go of the lie
and accept the truth, they can no longer accept the lie. Can knowing the truth hurt? of course, but not always.
Only when what you believed was discovered to be a lie.
Alas, for me, it is like saying, I belong in that world, that distant place, more than I do in this world.
Yet, for a time, however long it may be, I am confined to this fleshy house called the human body.
It will pass away, yet I will remain and move on. All the lies, will die, but The Truth lives on.
Perfect case in point is when a love affair is proven to die on the vine at some point.
So the saying goes Truth Hurts, but it is a cleansing and a washing of the soul that believed a lie.
Don't you think it would be foolish for me to believe a lie when I know the Truth?
It is almost impossible for me to do just that....
...I would have to lie to myself and believe it and there's something obviously wrong with that picture.
It's masochistic.
Well, anyway.
Posted by MrFirebird
Geez, what's up with the Beatles today??!?!?!!!??

today ...... there are no beatles, so nothing is up.
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by MrFirebird
Geez, what's up with the Beatles today??!?!?!!!??

today ...... there are no beatles, so nothing is up.

click to expand

Paul and Ringo are still alive.
But that wasn't what I meant, I was talkin' 'bout a flux of Beatles music
being referenced.

< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by MrFirebird
Geez, what's up with the Beatles today??!?!?!!!??

today ...... there are no beatles, so nothing is up.

Paul and Ringo are still alive.
But that wasn't what I meant, I was talkin' 'bout a flux of Beatles music
being referenced.

click to expand

I know, that was my version of sarcasm
Posted by R24
Mr.Firebird, I hope things go well for you.

Well, thank you R24. And thank you for your earlier replies. smile
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by MrFirebird
Geez, what's up with the Beatles today??!?!?!!!??

today ...... there are no beatles, so nothing is up.

Paul and Ringo are still alive.
But that wasn't what I meant, I was talkin' 'bout a flux of Beatles music
being referenced.

I know, that was my version of sarcasm
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You're cute as a mouse when you squeak like that.
Squeak, squeak smile
And... Have yourself a very lovely day. smile

Posted by R24
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by R24
Mr.Firebird, I hope things go well for you.

Well, thank you R24. And thank you for your earlier replies. smile

Youre most welcome. Not all knowledge is desirable, IMO. You need to embrace you human experience. You're having it for a reason, so don't keep wanting to escape it. Its only temporary
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Yes, I am having it for a reason, but what do you suppose that reason is???
Why do you think we are here?
Life, is only a short while, compared with eternity.
Posted by R24
So this existence is not a "lie" it is real, tho fleeting. Saying that this is the only real thing is a lie when you know its not, but some people cannot tap into or ignore other planes, so its not a lie for them. That isn't healthy, but neither is trying to be 'there' while trapped 'here.' You will end up not doing or learning what you need to do 'here' if you spend all your linear time period up being preoccupied with 'there.' And it could drive one to madness
Extreme ends on any continuum (such as wanting to be either here or there or hedonism vs. austere, etc.) is a scorpionic trait, and one that all of us scorps have to learn to moderate. *uggh* I hate moderation. But its more functional esp down here
I do not know your religious perspective, but you might would enjoy reading kabbalah type books. I really liked this short book: The Power of Kabbalah: Thirteen Principles to Overcome Challenges and Achieve Fulfillment by Yehuda Berg. (Even if you are Christian, a Jewish perspective should not be undervalued, esp since it started out as a branch of Judaism)

Thank you for taking the time to write but what I am talking about is something that is automatic and not something manually practiced as what it appears you are describing.
I cannot explain it. It can only be experienced to be understood.
I assure you, I exist in this world, I am in this world but I am not of this
world. This world is not my home.
But yes, like everyone else, I will be here for a season and then, I will be gone.

Posted by R24
Yes, I understand. I manually make myself stay in this world shifting gears toward the temporal, rather than letting myself hum along with an automatic tranny. I suppose that would be more difficult to manage if I had a picses moon. I do not like getting my back scratched unless its by someone in this temporal existence

I understand your concern, but I REALLY can manually shift a 5&4 so smoothly, without using the clutch,
you'd swear that it was effortlessly automatic. Like a Cadillac. (not boasting, just being factual)
Per chance do you or someone you know drive a Semi?
IF you are not scratching your own back and someone else is not scratching your back but lines are, indeed,
being drawn, to the point it bleeds, WHAT do YOU suppose IT is and WHY are you being scratched? ....And....
Why are you afraid?
In both times that the scratches occured on me, I was NOT afraid.
That's all I am asking.
Posted by Let*It*Be
"The power to manipulate the physical and see what we would do with it. Will we use it wisely or will we use it for selfish purposes."

Unfortunately that^^ power has been absued and our world is the way it is as a result. It's been used for selfish purposes and for one thing only called GREED. People are manipulated for others to gain. If the people turn around to manipulate back...we are terrorists, so why not enjoy the corner of a world that noone can manipulate? I do it all the time, and it's most peaceful. Not to mention a gift that not one person can take away or manipulate. smile

Posted by R24
I agree that its great to be able to do that. But I get the vibes that the OP is stepping into the danger zone by going too far with his abilities.

"Stepping into the danger zone"?
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Maybe it's a Hawk thing.
Posted by Jynja
Mr. Fire: I'm glad you're here now smile
You remind me of a friend, RockTheNerds. He was cool, insightful and loved good music, too. You, however, seem to have experience in living as well.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Well, thank you, Jynja.
Glad you're here, too.
Knowledge may be good, but wisdom, discernment and sound judgement are greater.
Those three ingredients help make sense of knowledge to the benefit of all.
On top of Wisdom, Discernment, Sound Judgement, and of course, Knowledge.
Greater than these is LOVE.
Because, both Love and Hate can obtain these qualities, LOVE is the greatest
of all because Love is greater than Hate because Love conquers all.
and TRUE LOVE brings peace to the soul and peace to the world drowning in pain
and suffering and chaos and hearts pierced through with many sorrows.
True, it IS a very, very high ideal, but one that warms my heart.
What's sad is that not everyone feels this way. What's hard is communicating
the logic behind Love to those, that, apparently, know it not.
In one ear and out the other.
We all have life experiences that manifests themselves in different ways to
different people. I believe that tragedy is, unfortunately, necessary to teach
us things we wouldn't otherwise learn and that tragedy is, in the end, a gift
possessing a lot of good. - not that I wish tragedy on anyone, I don't.
"Everything happens for a reason."
I DO believe that.

Trials by fire can bring two people together who could not come together any other way.
BUT..... I don't think such things are strictly about bringing two people together, but
it can also make them a formidable combined force to be reckoned with.
A combined force of no longer two, but ONE, that can overcome the mountains of evil in
this world against insurmountable odds.
By no means do I think that I am perfect, I know I am not. But I work at it as best I can
so I can be the best that I can be. It's the only way I know how to be.

Well, anyway.
Thanks again,
And have a great day.

No, I am not a trucker, but I knew you were from your other posts, so the analogy seemed fitting.
As far a the scratches... I felt that it was something evil and hateful. Angry. Sinister.
It frightened me. You are more courageous.

Fair enough.
Yes, those ARE, indeed fair descriptions of what it was.
Evil, Hateful, Angry, Sinister.
But fear never entered my mind.
What if I told you that when I was attacked, the very first time, I actually KNEW exactly
what it was and I smiled, or perhaps more of a grin. (Once again, not boasting, just being factual)
Really, I did.

In 1996, I was standing in my living room and suddenly I felt this burning sensation on my back.
I pulled up my shirt and my grandmother watched the lines being drawn while they were actually
being drawn. She was definitely astonished. Oddly, I was amused in such a way as if I were
a mighty giant being attacked by a grain of sand on the beach.
A sewing pin is too big to replicate the width of the scratches which were either random single lines
or a trio of lines, like a cat scratch. (I have no cats)
And yes, in some spots along the scratches, there WAS, indeed, bleeding.
Painwise, it wasn't any worse than a minor scratch you quickly forget about.
It wouldn't be for a least another 12 years before I came across anyone else that had experienced that
particular phenomenon until it came to my remembrance and I googled the subject.
Then programs on the paranormal on television began to appear and then, one day,
one of the investigators was scratched, then being reminded of my own two experiences, I thought
to ask the question in the paranormal(?) forum last year. I don't think I ever got a reply.
A couple of years ago, the second attack occured when I was on the front porch. this time, it was
on my leg, above my ankle, and, once again, no fear at all came over me and yes, I knew exactly what
it was.
But now, I must ask this question.
You know they exist, they are from the other side, and that one day we all cross over when we die.
Why are you afraid?
R24, to add to my last response, to you, I DO respect your concerns and thank you for them.
And by no means do I take the subject lightly and by no means am I belittling your feelings.
SO... it was with respect that I asked what you were afraid of.
Please forgive me if I came across as being callous.
Certainly not my intention.
Posted by cheekyfaerie
Posted by MrFirebird
Posted by P-Angel
Posted by MrFirebird
Geez, what's up with the Beatles today??!?!?!!!??

today ...... there are no beatles, so nothing is up.

Paul and Ringo are still alive.
But that wasn't what I meant, I was talkin' 'bout a flux of Beatles music
being referenced.

P's sarcasm has freed me to admit, I was totally thinking of the Joe C0cker version when I made my thread.
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Ummm CheekyFairy.... you got me feelin' slightly cheeky... Winking
I was talking Beatles (anything).
Sorry, but, for me, Ringo's song is Ringo's song.
But it's not about exact matches.

Posted by R24
And I took no offense smile
I have a lot of insensitive sag in me. It is more likely that I would offend you unintentionally than vice-versa

Ahhh, no wonder you're afraid. Winking
Thank you for the gold nugget. Winking
I can see it now....
"You A-hole! Bye!!"
Big Grin
If I may...
When I was twelve years old, I was at a campground and a Diamond Back
rattlesnake approached the camp. Recognizing the hazard the others were in,
I grabbed a knife and swiftly killed the snake, cutting it's head clean off.
(don't try this at home, kiddies)
Allow me to demonstrate:
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Does the Hawk fear the snake?
Posted by IntriguedScorp
Does one need to be on drugs in order to understand this thread? Just a question because I'm lost AND I have that second decan scorp/Neptune in scorp thing going on...

You can be quite shy and don't like to expose too much of yourself even to close friends and family. You prefer to work quietly in the background and shy away from the limelight. You also don't mind being alone and pretty much enjoy your own company where you can fantasise and dream your imaginative dreams.

Neptune was in Scorpio for everyone on Earth from October 1956 to November 1970 (and most recently before that in 1806). This was the "Sixties", and with Neptune in Scorpio the energy was present and powerful to open you to the psychic side of life and/or to escape through drugs, alcohol, sex, meditation, or spiritual practice. The path through Scorpio is transformation or degeneration, and not only was the choice intense and continual during this period, but many souls incarnating at this time were paying off past karmic debts by being born to parents abusing drugs. The exploration of both outer and inner worlds began with the space programs and the importation of eastern philosophy, techniques, and hallucinogenic substances. Many psychics and "sensitives" came in with Neptune in Scorpio. (If afflicted, the misuse of psychic energy in past lives requires purification in this one, or the opening of psychic centers can result in obsession). Unafraid of the "dark" side of life, you are interested in esoteric religion, the mystical and the occult. For many individuals with this placement, sexuality and physical desires are not only acceptable but also seen as spiritual.
As near as I can tell, you like to have sex with your clothes on.
True or false?
As for the necessity of drugs to read this thread. The answer is no. I started this thread clean and sober.
Hope that helps.
Posted by R24
Posted by IntriguedScorp
Does one need to be on drugs in order to understand this thread? Just a question because I'm lost AND I have that second decan scorp/Neptune in scorp thing going on...

I grew up in a house with a lot of paranormal activity. Onslaught of weird happenings during my formative years. I hated it. It seemed demonic in nature.
Mr.Firebird doesn't seem afraid of that stuff.
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You want know something interesting???
I had a good friend who was born down in Columbia. I was born in Maine.
We were born on the exact same day and year.
He was heavily interested in horror flicks. Had a huge collection of horror
movies. and every time he got a new one he'd invite me over to watch the flick.
He was obsessed with it. I watched just about every one he had and frankly it
bored me because those kinds of films did not possess substance. You seen one
you've seen them all. You can predict when each surprise slash scene would
occur. He also liked drama films. Once again, often, very predictable.
Personally, I prefer films that have a great plot and are more intellectually
oriented. Unfortunately, that isn't quite as popular.
He died of pneumonia complication of cancer in 2004. His mother told me
I was his best friend. He was a neat guy. He didn't have insurance and
state medical services gave him the run-around. IMHO, the State murdered him.

Posted by R24
Posted by IntriguedScorp
Does one need to be on drugs in order to understand this thread? Just a question because I'm lost AND I have that second decan scorp/Neptune in scorp thing going on...

...and this stuff changes your thought processes. You start seeing hidden messages ineverything, and find strange coincidences in everything, songs have hidden messages, its really, really strange... and its gets to be difficult to communicate with others because your communication becomes... hmm, too cryptic? I sort of understand Mr.FB, but our difference is that I choose not to embrace that. I block it out.
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Are you suggesting that there is something wrong with me?