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Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
PS, you might give my reply to your private message a read if you haven't done so already.
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Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
BTW, thank you ellesque,
The back scratches occured to me on two separate occasions.
I've lived in the same house for almost 40 years.
It has been suggested that this house may be haunted.
If so....
I grew up and live in a haunted house.
I don't think the haunting is related to a previous resident
as neither died here.
Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
"Youre too tapped in the collective conscious, or whatever it is. I think its a Pisces gift (or curse) mixed with scorp... could make one WAY too much of an empath, and the line between self and everything else gets too blurry. You need to build a wall you can get behind so you can disconnect sometimes to just be you, which is the opposite of what most people need.
Mr.Firebird, maybe you are going to have to lose contact with your metaphysical side for a while. You need to hang out with people that do not *get it* and do not see the interwoven tapestry between planes and only have a linear time perspective. Don't stay in that world too much or allow it in yours, its not ours, it doesn't belong here, and trespassing from your side to the other, even if you are not the intruder, will result in more scratches and it will consume you"
At the time this happened, I was not afraid of these scratches, when they occured.
I understand what you're trying to say, concerning the spiritual and the natural or the flesh/physical.
It might interest people to know that the spirit world IS Reality and not this carnal/mortal/natural/physical
existence, which is but a temporal dream.
Also, there is no such thing as a sense of "time" in that place. One day is like unto a thousand years and
a thousand years are like unto one day.
There IS a place that lies beyond human comprehension and understanding, yet, it not one that is entirely elusive,
but for those "interwoven tapestries between the planes", the world lies in darkness.
IF a light shines into the darkness, the darkness will not understand it. However, the light will know it.
Imagine, if you will, your eyes being adjusted to pitch black darkness and suddenly spotlight shines into your
eyes. You know the pain that first exposure to light brings. In like manner, so too, it is, when light shines
into the darkness. When The Truth uncovers the Lie there is pain, yet, for those willing to let go of the lie
and accept the truth, they can no longer accept the lie. Can knowing the truth hurt? of course, but not always.
Only when what you believed was discovered to be a lie.
Alas, for me, it is like saying, I belong in that world, that distant place, more than I do in this world.
Yet, for a time, however long it may be, I am confined to this fleshy house called the human body.
It will pass away, yet I will remain and move on. All the lies, will die, but The Truth lives on.
Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
Perfect case in point is when a love affair is proven to die on the vine at some point.
So the saying goes Truth Hurts, but it is a cleansing and a washing of the soul that believed a lie.
Don't you think it would be foolish for me to believe a lie when I know the Truth?
It is almost impossible for me to do just that....
...I would have to lie to myself and believe it and there's something obviously wrong with that picture.
It's masochistic.
Well, anyway.
Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2011Comments: 13 · Posts: 10937 · Topics: 699
R24, to add to my last response, to you, I DO respect your concerns and thank you for them.
And by no means do I take the subject lightly and by no means am I belittling your feelings.
SO... it was with respect that I asked what you were afraid of.
Please forgive me if I came across as being callous.
Certainly not my intention.