Mercury's Retrogade again

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Mystic Dreamer on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 and has 14 replies.
So what that means?
i can't type.
it means we tend to do a lot of "reflection on the past". we may also run into people of our past.
we also tend to have "miscommunication" with others. ie, we need to bite our tongues and really think before we speak, because our communication can come off in a way we didn't mean or be misinterpreted. this happened to me before w/ mercury in retrograde and i will never forget that experience. it kind of changed my life.
too weird. i just ran into someone i hadn't seen since high school today.
Is this supposed to effect every human being on earth or just people with Mercury Retrograde? (I have Mercury Retrograde)
Mercury is retrograde from January 11-February 1. Mercury's shadow period begins December 26/08 and ends February 21/09.
As the planet of communication, Mercury retrograde tends to breed a certain level of confusion. Mercury rules our "lower" mind--how we perceive and interpret information that we receive from our environment, and how we relay that information to others. Mercury has rulership over such things as speaking, negotiating, buying and selling, listening, formal contracts, documents, travel, the mail and shipping, and so forth. All of these areas of life are affected when Mercury is functioning in a sluggish state. Decision-making is challenged during Mercury retrograde. Needless to say, it is not advised to sign contracts, engage in important decision-making, or launch a new business. Delays and challenges are more probable with Mercury retrograde. It's a time when being careless with money, our personal information, or paperwork can be costly.
There is a positive side to Mercury Retrograde. This period is best used for re-organizing and reflecting. We look at the world a little differently--through different filters--and can come up with some very important inner revelations. It may be difficult to communicate them under this influence, but not everything needs to be rationalized.
It is important to note that there is absolutely no reason to suspend projects or anything of the sort during the Mercury Retrograde cycle. It's not an ideal time to start new ones or to sign contracts, simply because a change of mind is very possible once Mercury turns direct. However, it's a fabulous time to do some "outside of the box" thinking. Acting on our ideas, however, might be best left for a Mercury Direct period.
Not everyone feels the effects of Mercury retrograde. Those born with Mercury retrograde in their natal chart, for example, may not notice the effects described above.
When Mercury is retrograde in the natal chart itself, the thinking processes are generally more acute, and the sense of humor rather quirky. People with Mercury retrograde take in information differently than those with Mercury direct in their natal charts. How many people are born with a retrograde Mercury? Roughly 18% .
When Mercury is retrograde in the natal chart itself, the thinking processes are generally more acute, and the sense of humor rather quirky. People with Mercury retrograde take in information differently than those with Mercury direct in their natal charts. How many people are born with a retrograde Mercury? Roughly 18% .

Since it's only about 18% , am I the ONLY person on this board with Mercury in Retrograde in their Natal Chart?
how do u know if you have it?
$ t`ll 2
Well I hope it hurry and go away.
I was offered a job teaching Phlebotomy to welfare mothers, to get them back in the working field in the DC, a newly designed project, that the Mayor is trying to get a grant for.
I have spoken with the lady on the phone it's a really good job and I know I can do it. I will have an assistant, actually the the girl I took the course with 5 years ago and the lady approached her and asked her if she knew anyone to teach a phlebotomy class and she said I was the first to pop in her head. She gave the ladies so many kudos about my experience, and skills she basically made me look perfect, the lady is dying to meet me. I wish she would not have done. Because know I feel a little pressured. I have never taught a phelbotomy course, I have taught retired nurses how to used wordperfect eons ago.
There is another lady also who owns the business, so the owner, another doctor, the girl that referred me and myself, we all have to get together and go over the contract I have to give her my price for teaching the class, Which I don't know what to charge or take the salary she offer which I don't know what it is as of yet, because I don't have the contract, we have to go over the supplies, etc and she wants to see my credentials as well.
She told me I would have to sign a contract. A part of me want the job and a part of me don't want to commit to it right know. Two meetings have been set up and they both have been cancelled.
Right know I am very apprehensive about signing the contract, which is why I am glad we keep cancelling. The job starts in March.

oh god! not again!!!! can't stand the mercury retrograte!!!!
I have Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto retrograde in my chart...
Yeah mercury retrograde period sucks..everything goes tits up