Mind games or Serious???

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by DaLionessOfLove on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 and has 6 replies.
...some space.
Me and my Scorp made up and it seems like we are like friends then ever. He came over a couple of days ago, got his point across that he was still pissed, but then we ended up having "make-up" sex. The next day he says when he gets up that he should have left a long time ago. I was like why, he gives me a crazed look like "don't play stupid" ..
next couple of days we're on facebook chatting he is chatting away as if we are close still...
he comes to my house unexpectedly, brought a couple of items to snack on and came to hang out with me and my brother...
when my brother leaves he get's into a convo about the fact that he still think I don't "see" him like other people see him. .and he thinks that I will play games with him. I tell him I see that he cares, but he is acting like he doesn't love me like he used to but I understand why. Convo goes into him mentioning the fact of some girl's name that live around the corner and not to far from him and the fact that if he just wanted to use me for sex or anything he wouldn't have to come as far as my house IF the issue was only about sex. I admit that alarmed me, made me kinda, jealous. And what I hate the most is that he knew it .
So, this morning .His phone is ringing...over and over. He doesn't answer. I laugh. Get up from the bed. (No sex that night).Phone rings again. I just laugh again. Finally, he gets up a couple of minute's, wanting attention, or for me to say something. I don't. He get's up as to go home . Head's to the front door telling me he's leaving. I still don't say anything. He stands there for a while. I know what he wants. Ask him to give me a kiss and a hug. lol....he gives it to me. But he still stands there, chatting about little things. Brought up once again how I don't understand him . I told him I did but the fact that I know he plants little seeds in convo's just to get an reaction from me . He looks as if I'm stupid. So bring up the fact he mentioned the girl lastnight . He just laughs. Tells me to don't be worried about other people and things "around him" , but worry about him . (Meaning he wants my attention lol).I told him that I don't,but of course with him bringing up names of girls and how he brings them up bothers me . I told him he knows what he is doing...
..with ending the convo because he has school this morning, I tell him that I know he still cares and I know we need some space and time, yet I don't want him to string me along....
oops don't mind the ..some space at the top of post ..had to change the thread name ..
I know he loves me. He still takes care of me .Bringing things by to help out when needed. However, I know that it's his way or being loyal too.
I know he still cares. Or else he would not be here.
He doesn't try to sleep with me . Doesn't keep me distant. But sometimes I don't understand him to the fullest. Sometimes I don't understand what he wants. He comes off as if he needs or wants me but when I do give it to him he thinks I'm being superficial.
At one point I think some of his mind games was just to get back to his mom's house so that he can be more comfortable. lol ...but she's still giving him a hard time. I think he's stuck in a rock and a hard place..
We talked about his drinking..he tries not to do it so much in front of me . Lastnight, now that I think of it. It was only two that he had. smile He seemed more calmed. He's paying attention to me . He think's I don't notice, but I do . I think he wants me to speak on it. I have a hard time with that at times. He does also. Im more introverted now in my life for some reason. Having not much to say I think he can't deal with that .
He made me realize a lot about myself and I love him for that ...even with his harsh sentiments. I guess that is what I do need.
When he talks to other's about love or being in love. He speaks in riddles as if to talk to me or about me but not negatively. Just the other night he came and he and my younger cousin got into a convo about love and finding the right girl. Mr. Scorp told him he would know that when he does find the right girl it will be "hard to let go" , and "sometimes you keep coming back to love them even more and more just because you love to have that connection" . He does this indirect speaking all the time.
I just hope that he isn't playing with me ...I've heard some men can string women along. I've been done like that before..
Im not a scorp obviously, but my moon is there. I think its a test, trying to see how much u care. When u dont react like how he hoped, it kind of eats him inside, but he'll give u the 'it doesnt bother me' face- its a lie. Maybe real scorps will clarify it better than me. Good luck to u.
Posted by WaterCup
Im not a scorp obviously, but my moon is there. I think its a test, trying to see how much u care. When u dont react like how he hoped, it kind of eats him inside, but he'll give u the 'it doesnt bother me' face- its a lie. Maybe real scorps will clarify it better than me. Good luck to u.

yeah he does give me that face all the time lol... I tease him about it ..he plays so hard to get or emotionally detached...but he knows that I know better..
Posted by Let*It*Be
I don't see this working at all. He's clearly planting a seed of jealousy and instead of entertaining it, why won't you flat out tell him to stop doing that. He'll keep doing it until you do. It's a known fact that the female Leo demands a lot of attention. In this case it seems as though you are both starved for that, and in order to gain it he's playing the little seed planting game, and you laugh it off. It's a control game. Scorps like directness and respect people who can stand up to them and TELL them exactly what they are thinking and want. Tell him exactly how these little seed plants make you feel. We UNDERSTAND that language, we despise guessing. You wrote:
"He seemed more calmed. He's paying attention to me . He think's I don't notice, but I do . I think he wants me to speak on it. I have a hard time with that at times. He does also. Im more introverted now in my life for some reason. Having not much to say I think he can't deal with that ."

Why are you making him "THINK" you notice? Is it too much to acknowledge and thank him for his efforts? Maybe he has a hard time showing you because you go out of your way not to? I dunno, there is a real communication gap here. I understand this happens with Leo/Scorpio too. Unless you open up more, don't expect this relationship to go much further. We rely on our instincts, and when we receive that loving vibe from someone, it's returned 3-fold. I dont see that going on in this relationship at all. In your opinion, does he have a drinking problem that is beyond help? If so..cut your losses. Only he can squash that.

Yeah I've told him that he is planting little seeds. In fact those were my exact words, and I did tell him to stop doing it. In all I don't think he realizes that he is doing it at times.This isn't the first time. However, this one incident was deliberate.
I don't make him think that I notice. I think the problem is that I would tell him so much in the beginning of the relationship, the I loved him, wanted to help him , etc, but his past is eating away at him on how he has been hurt. He puts up these hugh *** walls just to block out people until he can "trust" them. He kept me at a distance for the longest. Push and pull but. I've heard Scorps play those types of games.
I've opened up about everything, he thinks I'm hiding something. When he ask me a question
... I answer it with all honesty, and he STILL doesn't believe me . When we first met he wanted to move so fast with me and I kinda shut down on trying to move so fast with me that was the MAJOR problem for us. So now that when I do or say things he feels like it's too "late" . He was "ready for me" when we had only been together for about a week and a half...we've been together for about 3 months now...
I think he has trouble trusting and establishing relationships and friendships. And I understand because I am kinda of the same way. We are very similar I think that the pain from both our paths are making up put up forts where only a paradise should be ...

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