Posted by WaterCup
Im not a scorp obviously, but my moon is there. I think its a test, trying to see how much u care. When u dont react like how he hoped, it kind of eats him inside, but he'll give u the 'it doesnt bother me' face- its a lie. Maybe real scorps will clarify it better than me. Good luck to u.
Posted by Let*It*Be
I don't see this working at all. He's clearly planting a seed of jealousy and instead of entertaining it, why won't you flat out tell him to stop doing that. He'll keep doing it until you do. It's a known fact that the female Leo demands a lot of attention. In this case it seems as though you are both starved for that, and in order to gain it he's playing the little seed planting game, and you laugh it off. It's a control game. Scorps like directness and respect people who can stand up to them and TELL them exactly what they are thinking and want. Tell him exactly how these little seed plants make you feel. We UNDERSTAND that language, we despise guessing. You wrote:
"He seemed more calmed. He's paying attention to me . He think's I don't notice, but I do . I think he wants me to speak on it. I have a hard time with that at times. He does also. Im more introverted now in my life for some reason. Having not much to say I think he can't deal with that ."
Why are you making him "THINK" you notice? Is it too much to acknowledge and thank him for his efforts? Maybe he has a hard time showing you because you go out of your way not to? I dunno, there is a real communication gap here. I understand this happens with Leo/Scorpio too. Unless you open up more, don't expect this relationship to go much further. We rely on our instincts, and when we receive that loving vibe from someone, it's returned 3-fold. I dont see that going on in this relationship at all. In your opinion, does he have a drinking problem that is beyond help? If so..cut your losses. Only he can squash that.
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