Mirrors And The Eyes Of Scorpio

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by MrFirebird on Saturday, October 20, 2012 and has 34 replies.
Scorpio Ladies And Gentlemen,
A deep thought to ponder:
We hear of this legendary Scorpio eyes thing. It's been described a thousand ways.
They (non-Scorpios) say..., in effect, "you're either enchanted or repulsed by the Scorpion's eyes."
But what about the Scorpion, him or herself?????
Do you find it difficult to look at into your own eyes in the mirror?
You're welcomed to answer, "yes" or "no", elaborate or not comment at all, but tell the truth, if not
with anyone else, to yourself.
Personally, I do not like what I see.
< width="420" height="315" ="http:

Personally, i just see eyes, nothing enchanting or disenchanting-eyeballs, pupils and iris is all eye see. But maybe it works on others because november scorp wears dark glasses ALL the time, its like he was born with them attached to his face. He has a large collection of them and keeps buying more, maybe he senses the reaction of others- i d/k
The only true part i noticed about scorps so far is that, they are sexy ppl without trying (at least my mr is, dont know about the rest). Got me thinking, where is his sexy arse? Mama needs her daily dosage of looking at sexiness. Hahaha
Posted by BullGem
Well, i'll just give my 2c even though i'm not a scorpio. I'm one of those enchanted by it...
little tidbit, i'm addicted to the crime channel and when i watch shows like 'infamous murderers' and so on (not saying that scorpios are all murderers, lol) and they happen to mention the date of birth and i find out it's a scorpio, i tend to just glue my eyes to theirs (pictures, mugshots...) to decipher just what is lurking under there.
I'll just throw it out there...but maybe you don't like what you see due to the knowledge of what is inside.

It's a lot more than that but yes, that's a start.
It's not easy for me to personally define.
Posted by Let*It*Be
"But what about the Scorpion, him or herself?????
Do you find it difficult to look at into your own eyes in the mirror?
You're welcomed to answer, "yes" or "no", elaborate or not comment at all, but tell the truth, if not
with anyone else, to yourself."

ahhh, the windows into the soul theme eh? smile

A very fascinating subject, I think.
One that can be discussed over a hot tea or cocoa.
Most times no. When it matters, yes.
Posted by IntriguedScorp
Is it weird that I sometimes look into my own eyes in the mirror to try to understand what I'm really feeling? I thought everyone did this... *sheepish grin*

i've always used my eyes as a 'weapon' in the flirting game. fortunately, living here i'm wearing sunglasses most of the time but i whip them off for effect if i wanna take a closer look at some fine bodywork.
i find it really hard to make eye contact with anyone who has betrayed me or lied to me or who i've had a fight with. i don't know if that's to protect myself or them, lol.
Posted by Let*It*Be
...or an Irish Coffee in front of a fire... campfire or otherwise give the eyes an extra glow ya know?

Yes.... IRISH COFFEE!! How'd you know? I ummmm actually thought it. *face turns red*
("no fair.... no fair..")
That extra glow is inviting extra warmth for the eyes of the souls.
It's cozy and that feeling of peace and serenity... Gotta love it
Irish Coffee?
< width="420" height="315" ="http:

Posted by BullGem
Do scorpios actually KNOW the effect their eyes have on others...if they do have one? Do you use it to your advantage?

I suppose it depends on the Scorp. I've been told my eyes speak volumes, which works well for me because I don't like to talk much to people, including my friends (that sounds a lot more bitchy than intended). I'm not shy, I just don't like excess "noise", people that just fill the room with their voice for the sake of hearing their own voice or because they are uncomfortable with silence. So in that respect, I guess I have used my eyes to let people know how I feel, to seduce, to "curse out", to read people etc. They're attached to my body, what else am I suppose to use them for other than to assess, figure things out or convey a thought? I never thought of it as "my eyes are powerful, let me use it this way". It was more like "*sigh* I don't want to engage this person verbally, how can I say what I'm feeling another way?"
Posted by BullGem
@Phoenix---I knew a female scorpio a few years ago, just like you. She didn't talk much either. And she had extremely piercing blue eyes. There would be times you wouldn't hear a peep out of her, but her eyes would just travel everywhere drinking in everything...
@Mr.F...regarding your question, another thought popped into my head: Are scorpios afraid of themselves?

Fear isn't quite the word. Respect perhaps.
Not speaking for others but.....
Watch this clip:
The way it is for me. No fear. Just the way it is.
It cannot be explained.
FYI I AM part Native American and European.
Many little symbols in this video point to what it is like for me. Some details are uncannily similar to experiences in my past. more readily acceptable as "coincidences"
Mysterious only because I cannot explain it in the simplest of terms. As if I need an interpreter.
< width="420" height="315" ="http:

Ask yourself, Who wants live this way?
Just close your eyes and listen with your heart. Maybe.... you can see.... what I see.
But then... all you're doing is just seeing it and not living it. That is... the vast
distances beyond what you hear and feel.
< width="420" height="315" ="http:

I don't know, maybe I shouldn't have said anything.
I apologize if I've said "freaked" you or anyone else out. Certainly was/is not my intention.

Funny, my ex Scorp never wears sunglasses. He thinks his eyes are his best feature, so I'm sure that has a lot to do with it.
Most of the time, his eyes/expression wouldn't give anything away, but there were times that I could see in his eyes a hint of certain emotions. It was always brief, as if he "slipped" for a second or two and would regain his composure, going back to pure poker face. I don't know if he was aware of it or not, if he was, he never indicated that to me, and I never indicated that I noticed.
Posted by WaterCup
The only true part i noticed about scorps so far is that, they are sexy ppl without trying (at least my mr is, dont know about the rest). Got me thinking, where is his sexy arse? Mama needs her daily dosage of looking at sexiness. Hahaha

^^^THIS!!! lol YES!
I have dates a few Scorps, but that gaze says so much almost like it says "I SEE RIIIGHT THROUGH YOUUUU"
No I do not like what I see. Others say they do, but who am I to trust them? Doesn't mean that they mean what they say.
My scorp man has the most fascinating eyes,, I dont think he's quite aware of it but his eyes for me is like his soul. We dont talk that much but whenever our eyes met , even though he never speaks , I know what it is . Its like ,, I dont know. And yes , He knows when to use his eyes.
Capgirl, so u r dating four eyes? Thats cute, lol. Never mind im joking, girl- whats this scorp eye thing? I dont get it, it sounds like creepy eyes to me now. What is that CP saw that made him say you have scorp eyes, did he tell u? Ill really take a look at this guys eyes when he comes over...interesting
EEE, it depends on what kind of sleepy, theres the kind that looks like a melting wax bulldog sleepy- not cute.
But surely you dont wanna date a lookalike, lol.
Maybe those ladies were bulldog lovers, lol. I cant imagine it
Capgirl, guys with glasses are hot, i was just teasing u. Im a fan of them myself- think clark kent. Ooh wee
Lol @ looked like turkey. +googles hitchcock for a sunday lunch and a lol+
Stuffed turkey?
Some ppl with heavy lidded eyes always seem to look like they just jumped out of a boxing ring, but some are sexy as hell.
Ninjafish, THEY are nuts, u and me are raisins, lol, i know what u mean about benicio- papi is jalepenho(sp?), hot-hot-hot
Im not into brad at all, he reminds me of a chipmunk for some reason. Drools @ benicios mars, i knew there was a reason why i liked him, lol. Mars in scorp are sexy hands down, they ooze sexiness from every pore..
I've been asked not to look at people before because my eyes are hypnotic. I have large green eyes, big for my face and long lashes. I wouldn't say there's anything thaaaat special abt them.
My Scorp has round, deep dark eyes with dark lashes. His eyes lure you to him and when he is maaaaaad holy sh1t it's like a scary movie where the ghost has large icy black eyes. Gaaaah they are so freaky. Once he captivates your eye contact when he has been infuriated, you are a fated deer in headlights.
This thread made me laugh out loud for some reason. Probably the imagery of someone having a "stare down" with themselves in a mirror- amusing!
My eyes frighten little children- babies in particular. People will often assume I am wearing eyeliner, but I do not wear makeup. *shrugs*
(random non-Scorpio walks in)
There's a Scorpio in my life who I adore. I wrote him an extremely embarrassing love poem in which I complemented his eyes and confessed how they made me feel, and then I tied it to his bike.
I love his eyes, even though they have some sort of marijuana haze. But they don't reveal too much. We were in bed looking into each others eyes and it seemed like he wanted me to see a certain emotion (contentment) while hiding something behind it. I told him that I can usually read people through their eyes, but with him I don't get very far. He looked down sheepishly and half chuckled. I just don't know.
Ok, off I go to daydream forever. *floats away*
Posted by pinkairplane
(random non-Scorpio walks in)
There's a Scorpio in my life who I adore. I wrote him an extremely embarrassing love poem in which I complemented his eyes and confessed how they made me feel, and then I tied it to his bike.
I love his eyes, even though they have some sort of marijuana haze. But they don't reveal too much. We were in bed looking into each others eyes and it seemed like he wanted me to see a certain emotion (contentment) while hiding something behind it. I told him that I can usually read people through their eyes, but with him I don't get very far. He looked down sheepishly and half chuckled. I just don't know.
Ok, off I go to daydream forever. *floats away*

"marijuana haze"
Thank you Pink Airplane.
That's a new one.
Posted by pinkairplane

I love his eyes, even though they have some sort of marijuana haze....

Nice description.
Haha well "mine" is always high and has been this way for a while. Definite haze going on.
The scorpio I know does have intense blue eyes. Everytime I look into her eyes I see sadness. Something must have happened in her past.
Having Leo Rising, I am no stranger to the mirror. smile
I imitate famous persons and create hybrids to entertain myself,
usually when I get out of the shower. My eyes, however, have
very small eyeballs, and I am wondering what that reveals, if anything.
It actually reminds me of a Viking, which is not a comfortable thought
at all.
I know I have to create more love in my heart, and possibly my eyes will
reveal the progress I make.
I do like looking at my face (and eyes) in the mirror, though.