Jus want to know how you deal with a moody female scorpio? please ty
She was fine last night , joking laughing and then today i call she sound very moody so i jus wondering how i can cheer her up , her voice tell me something upset her but she wouldnt tell me.
Should i leave her alone? i read up about scorpio women can be moody sometime for no reason , no offense but if its true
what can i do to make her feel better lol?
No i don't think i pissed her off lol she was talking the whole night having a good time and i sit there and listen haha Her chart? lol i'm kinda new at this.. Her birthday is October 30th thats all i know.
we only been talking for 3 weeks btw.
Thank you everyone i told her if you need to talk i'm here , i give her space til she feel better.
lol we havent done (A) yet... guess i stick around scorpio forum to learn more about the female behavior.
Ooo i thought it was my desktop hahahaha
Ahhh i see lol interesting , lol yeah its best to leave her alone hahaha i check my chart up too
lol i jus find it weird cause this not her first time doing that.
lol you know alot.. yeah i am , ain't gonna lie about it... just finish reading the capricorn moon and it shock me , so true...
lol we hang out yesterday but before that the last time we together was Valentine day we don't hang out much but when we do its nice to have her around , jus call and text here and there. Thanks Skykomish , i keep that advice in mind ~gulp~ whats with the ~glare~ you don't like us libra lol?
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
You sure like the Martians, Diddy.
Forgot my pw so I made a new account lol
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Feb 04, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 3039 · Topics: 111
i'm the moodiest bitch on the planet sometimes. i even piss myself off. it might be personal, it might not be. i DUNNO OK?!?!?!
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Dec 21, 2010Comments: 27 · Posts: 1724 · Topics: 120
Libras are my kryptonite. I fall for them too easily and then they get cold feet. They're on my "DO NOT EVER DATE THIS SIGN. EVER." list.
i'm having a hard time understanding her , been trying to take her out somewhere nice to have dinner 4-5 days now but alwas fail cause she was busy doing her tv shows then yesterday she call me and tell me she set up everything already and tell me to pick her up tomorrow night lol she pick out a place! wth what about my plans lol
She is testing you. Processing and observing.
Moody, but not for no reason. So simple but too complex to explain.
Scorpio women likes to see who will stick around.
Libra man and a Scorpio woman. Good luck!
jus an update... we decided to be friends...
I'm glad it end in good term , life goes on.
its been awhile yet I need help again lol... where do I start... two weeks ago I ran into scorpio again at a bar.. we talk and I notice she give me a lot of attention that night (Flirty) I had this mix feeling she want to get back with me or she jus playing me for a fool sigh ... tbh I still care a lot yet I don't know what the hell she thinking , the other day she went out with our friends and she ask a good friend of mine to call me out and tell her not to let me know that she want me to be there, when I made it there I see how happy she is then all of sudden she ignore me the whole night wth...
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Jun 12, 2013Comments: 391 · Posts: 3020 · Topics: 28
Yep, if she is actually playing silly little games she needs a big whack upside the head and told to mind her manners and stop toying with your feelings.
Some girls are just total bitches until you pull them up on it.