Most common sign to be born under?

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Sn1p3r187 on Friday, March 20, 2015 and has 4 replies.
I hear Scorpio is one of the most common signs to be born under along with Virgo, Gemini, and Aries apparently. Do you think this is true? I kinda think it is but I haven't met many Scorps and I honestly think there's more Cancers and I think they're the most common since I've met more than I have Scorps.
Posted by Rabbit
The differences between signs is somwhere in the .0X range. It's not that significant. It's pretty evenly distributed.

.0X Range?
I know that back in the days it was cancer and leo. You also see a LOT of cancer/leo couples between people above 60. The reason why? Apparently something about christmas and winter time back in the days, which made people have a lot of sex, which resulted in many babies born in cancer/leo - also virgo.
Today I think it is more spread out and it's impossible to say!smile
Ahh I see. If what you say true then that's only factual based on the people you've run into in your life