murder Disclosures

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by MrFirebird on Sunday, May 5, 2013 and has 16 replies.
How much do you disclose to a new lover about the murder escapades you've had with previous people?
Inquiring minds want to know. BE HONEST. smile

(disclaimer: IS, I know it isn't original, but I was too lazy to think at the time of posting.)
Why, my lips are completely sealed...if they be murder escapades, his will be sewn shut shortly too Tongue No worries there!
What I have noticed about the Scorpio Forum is that it is almost always sexually charged. IF a thread isn't about sex, sex or "relationship" inquiries and issues will come up sooner or later.
I hardly ever find discussions about other traits other than Scorpio Man is a blah, blah, blah. A) he is the sex symbol or B) he is biggest pain in the arse.
I thought I would try and do something original.... let's talk about death, murder, jedi mind tricks and what not.
After all, there is more to Scorpio than just sex.
Posted by MrFirebird
What I have noticed about the Scorpio Forum is that it is almost always sexually charged. IF a thread isn't about sex, sex or "relationship" inquiries and issues will come up sooner or later.
I hardly ever find discussions about other traits other than Scorpio Man is a blah, blah, blah. A) he is the sex symbol or B) he is biggest pain in the arse.
I thought I would try and do something original.... let's talk about death, murder, jedi mind tricks and what not.
After all, there is more to Scorpio than just sex.

It is the most amusing of things don't you think MrFirebird?
Take a look at all the water elemental boards, hoards of women flock in to talk about the men of the afore mentioned species but rarely are their enquiries about the women. Maybe the men need sorting out because the ladies seem fine enough and rarely are their gentlemen coming in moaning about us, or do we females do a much better job at it, in love and such?
Our pond is not the worst, the Crabs have the hardest of times, thread after thread, emo outpouring, day in day out, of women and girls, mulling, picking a part daisy petals wondering why Mr.Cancer isn't showing up at their doors in white steads and shiny, recently buffed and polished armour!
The Dark Side? Reminds me of Star Wars, may the force be with you Tongue
Scorpio exists far more than the entire hype that surrounds us, we are a buffeting variety if people will only notice, come into our pond and take a good look at us, our lot are so different, one from another, all individuals.
True, but we rule what else is there to talk about??? lol Wait, you mentioned Jedi mind there's something else we Scorpios can relate to.
You ask (directly), I tell. Most don't ask though.
If you skirt around a question that tells me you're not too comfortable and you're probably not going to be comfortable with my answer, so I will answer accordingly. I realize I can be a bit evil in respects to that. Murder or not, if I note that your nervousness or uncomfortable asking me a question I won't make it easy and I might make you feel even more uncomfortable until you spit it out.
Posted by MrFirebird
How much do you disclose to a new lover about the murder escapades you've had with previous people?
Inquiring minds want to know. BE HONEST. smile

(disclaimer: IS, I know it isn't original, but I was too lazy to think at the time of posting.)

I'm out of the loop with Scorp talk. Will someone fill me in? You don't have to tell me your secrets I just want to make sure I understand. smile
Will answer replies soon (need to go to grocery store)
In the meantime, here's the scoop and not meaning to change the subject but... I bought a potter's kick wheel.
I am reminded of way back when... well.... never mind, this clip should paint the picture.
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
It happened before....,
.... it can happen, again..... Winking
< width="420" height="315" ="http:
Posted by TheLadyScorpio
Posted by MrFirebird
What I have noticed about the Scorpio Forum is that it is almost always sexually charged. IF a thread isn't about sex, sex or "relationship" inquiries and issues will come up sooner or later.
I hardly ever find discussions about other traits other than Scorpio Man is a blah, blah, blah. A) he is the sex symbol or B) he is biggest pain in the arse.
I thought I would try and do something original.... let's talk about death, murder, jedi mind tricks and what not.
After all, there is more to Scorpio than just sex.

It is the most amusing of things don't you think MrFirebird?
Take a look at all the water elemental boards, hoards of women flock in to talk about the men of the afore mentioned species but rarely are their enquiries about the women. Maybe the men need sorting out because the ladies seem fine enough and rarely are their gentlemen coming in moaning about us, or do we females do a much better job at it, in love and such?
Our pond is not the worst, the Crabs have the hardest of times, thread after thread, emo outpouring, day in day out, of women and girls, mulling, picking a part daisy petals wondering why Mr.Cancer isn't showing up at their doors in white steads and shiny, recently buffed and polished armour!
The Dark Side? Reminds me of Star Wars, may the force be with you Tongue
Scorpio exists far more than the entire hype that surrounds us, we are a buffeting variety if people will only notice, come into our pond and take a good look at us, our lot are so different, one from another, all individuals.
click to expand

I don't know much about love. I DO see more women on this forum glossing or ranting over a Scorpio man than I see men doing likewise over the Scorpio women. Perhaps the Scorpio Women are better than the men.
Then again, though we all be Scorpio, we still have our individual traits beyond the sun sign.

^^ continued
For example, I'm a Pisces Mooner, an Aquarian Martian, Venetian Scorpion, Saturnian Taurus and Saturn's in the VIIth house.
"Saturn in House VIII
Saturn in the 8th House of your natal chart talks about bad reputation... Dark Saturn mingles with the sector of death, inheritances, and destructions. However, it must not be forgotten that love is but a renaissance, and that abandonment is the beginning of a new quest. This configuration prepares you to radical transformations. You know how to build, to lose, and to rebuild, endlessly, at the rate of the ordeals which life imposes on you. You seek isolation and a certain form of asceticism." - Astrotheme
This is the part where I live, die, live, die, live, die... sound's like a busted record, don't it?
Not to be outdone, mind you, but I've also got that Black Moon Lilith in Cancer.... Which is bad news and means
Mama didn't love me and, I guess, I've got bad luck with the wimmin kind, too. But oddly, though it DOES bother me, it doesn't bother me that much.

< width="420" height="315" ="http:

Oh yes..., in numerology, I'm livin' life path number 9. I DO tend to live like a hermit.
Have a read.

It's been said that Niners are old souls. We've lived a number of lifetimes already. I don't if it true, but I feel very old.
< width="420" height="315" ="http:

Some in this thread don't know it, but FYI, I had discovered that 666 is imbedded in my name. For my faith, I am not nuts about that. If anyone knows the implications, it's not very nice.
I've owned three Cadillacs in my life. Two Coupe deVilles and a Fleetwood.
Now watch this clip - Eightball, and the license plate 51-U342 - that # = 666
< width="560" height="315" ="http:

Whooopeeeee! Don't it just make you feel great to know these things, Mr. Firebird? Sad
Well, like I said, there's a lot more to Scorpio than sex.
Posted by Jynja
Posted by Scorpio72
True, but we rule what else is there to talk about??? lol Wait, you mentioned Jedi mind there's something else we Scorpios can relate to.

And, of course, death.
Sex, death and manipulation - the quintessential Scorpio, no?
click to expand

Disclaimer, the manipulation is all in your mind.
Just saying.

This thread was the one I thought was about DEATH!
lol, I know... that's not what it says... but that explains why I couldn't find my thread.
I knew my memory was skewed
Posted by everevolvingepithet
Do they sing songs from the little mermaid at all?

They might, E.
By the way, E, I am not nuts about the new McDonalds coke cup lids. They don't last very long
and self-destruct the first time you take the lid off. You know, I think the world would be
better off if such cups were made to last much longer.
But, that's just me. Though nobody goes along with my ideas I can still voice my opinion.
Posted by everevolvingepithet
I agree, the plastic seems pretty shitty ey?
Regardless of whether people like Maccie D's or not, I like that they give free refills for coffee etc (if they still do that), I always thought it was a nice touch when I worked their very briefly as a teen.

My local McD's isn't bad. I have to babysit them with the french fries nowadays but that's about it.
Got it figured out - the best fries are cooked at 2 min 30 sec at this particular local.
You see there's a sweet spot for the fries cook it too long and it tastes awful, grease saturated and like
potato chips, too short a time yields mushy wet noodles. 2.5 minutes works best.
As for their coffee, I wouldn't know. But indeed, I do recall free refills. - I used to get that all the time on
the road in the truck stops and cafes.

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