My love Scorpio

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Gemitati on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 and has 44 replies.
As your season approaching I want to wish you happy birth days!

And let you know (as if you didn't know it yet) that you are the sexiest and best sign of a Zodiac and I love you men and women with my all heart and whoever trying to say you are overrated - let them wallow in their misery and envy you and die with envy!

Because you are the gods gifts to a God!

Happy Birthdays and for all of you - happy lives and keep that sexy going.

You are the only. And no one ever like you. Love you. 🙏💦🙌
Posted by WalkThroughTheBadlands
Posted by Gemitati
As your season approaching I want to wish you happy birth days!

And let you know (as if you didn't know it yet) that you are the sexiest and best sign of a Zodiac and I love you men and women with my all heart and whoever trying to say you are overrated - let them wallow in their misery and envy you and die with envy!

Because you are the gods gifts to a God!

Happy Birthdays and for all of you - happy lives and keep that sexy going.

You are the only. And no one ever like you. Love you. 🙏💦🙌
Thanks...mine is today...Happy ♏Season to all...
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❤️ Happy Birthday!
Posted by ellesbelles
lol....I think this is the first time in dxp history that a Gemini created a happy birthday thread for scorpios.

I remember....several years back....a Gemini petitioning Duncan to remove the scorpio board all together Tongue

So....I'm weirdly touched by this. 🤣❤
Removed Scorpio board? And have site DIE? That was one Gem hurt by Scorpio due to stupidity! Teenager or other stupid one. That's beyond ridiculous!😘 Happy season love!
it's a trap. run.
Posted by edgelord
Posted by ellesbelles
lol....I think this is the first time in dxp history that a Gemini created a happy birthday thread for scorpios.

I remember....several years back....a Gemini petitioning Duncan to remove the scorpio board all together Tongue

So....I'm weirdly touched by this. 🤣❤
I remember when I first joined there was always Scorpio/Gemini drama. Gemini’s went on a rampage flagging down all kinds of Scorpio related threads. I even had a Scorpio Mars thread flagged down by them. Y’all have really come a long way with getting along. 😂

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Some of my sign are brainless and unedequate. All this Gemini crap is real and at times scary. I am blessed by having a Scorpios in my life who are making me better and happy. And even when they aren't - I blame myself. And trying to reach up to get Scorpio grace falling on me.

I guess I am lucky like that! 🙏
Posted by ellesbelles
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by ellesbelles
lol....I think this is the first time in dxp history that a Gemini created a happy birthday thread for scorpios.

I remember....several years back....a Gemini petitioning Duncan to remove the scorpio board all together Tongue

So....I'm weirdly touched by this. 🤣❤
Removed Scorpio board? And have site DIE? That was one Gem hurt by Scorpio due to stupidity! Teenager or other stupid one. That's beyond ridiculous!😘 Happy season love!
She came around eventually and was very sweet. She hated us for a long time ALL of us Tongue
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He probably fucked her agyer all...LMAO!
I still say gems and scorps are a bad idea. Lol
Aww Gemi!! Thank yewww❤️❤️❤️😘🤗🤗
Posted by Teena
Aww Gemi!! Thank yewww❤️❤️❤️😘🤗🤗
YW gorgeous!
Posted by MonaMachiavelli
it's a trap. run.
Such lies indeed.

All the nasty rude

replies on all posts

of mine, following

me starting trouble.

Loving Scorpio penis

does not mean she

loves us all, ne.

Still high from the sex

I am sensing here, ne.

Watch nastiness come

to make its return soon.
Posted by WalkThroughTheBadlands
Posted by Gemitati
As your season approaching I want to wish you happy birth days!

And let you know (as if you didn't know it yet) that you are the sexiest and best sign of a Zodiac and I love you men and women with my all heart and whoever trying to say you are overrated - let them wallow in their misery and envy you and die with envy!

Because you are the gods gifts to a God!

Happy Birthdays and for all of you - happy lives and keep that sexy going.

You are the only. And no one ever like you. Love you. 🙏💦🙌
Thanks...mine is today...Happy ♏Season to all...
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Happy birthday WTTB, and since I noticed you like STP like I do here you go...

Just so you know - my first Scorpio live was my girl cousin. And no

L am not going to get you in this thread
You are hooked


Thank you

Posted by peachy06
We're not your love, leave this fucking forum, annoying attention whore. We don't want any double face bitches, here.
Your you are my love! And you can do nothing about it. ❤️
Posted by MyStarsShine
You are hooked


Thank you

You think? Lol
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by MyStarsShine
You are hooked


Thank you

You think? Lol
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Doooomed forever and ever amen


I do not envy you

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by Gemitati
As your season approaching I want to wish you happy birth days!

And let you know (as if you didn't know it yet) that you are the sexiest and best sign of a Zodiac and I love you men and women with my all heart and whoever trying to say you are overrated - let them wallow in their misery and envy you and die with envy!

Because you are the gods gifts to a God!

Happy Birthdays and for all of you - happy lives and keep that sexy going.

You are the only. And no one ever like you. Love you. 🙏💦🙌
Lol die with envy and wallow in misery over the most overrated zodiac sign on earth

No thanks but you can wallow in misery knowing scorp will never be with you
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You don't have to argue over the obvious!

You just have to google Scorpio and it'll hit you in the face 'most and best'...

You know how this site is about Scorpios.

It's the liveliest forum of all!

And you have no idea about MY Scorpio!

So shut ta fuck up and go wallow in a misery as I suggested previously until some one MAYBE will BE with you.

And I am sure whole dxp will die laughing if it will be a Scorpio!!! Have a good day, Lucky!
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by MyStarsShine
You are hooked


Thank you

You think? Lol
Doooomed forever and ever amen


I do not envy you

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I don't need your envy.

I envy myself. 🙏 No,
Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by Gemitati
As your season approaching I want to wish you happy birth days!

And let you know (as if you didn't know it yet) that you are the sexiest and best sign of a Zodiac and I love you men and women with my all heart and whoever trying to say you are overrated - let them wallow in their misery and envy you and die with envy!

Because you are the gods gifts to a God!

Happy Birthdays and for all of you - happy lives and keep that sexy going.

You are the only. And no one ever like you. Love you. 🙏💦🙌
Lol die with envy and wallow in misery over the most overrated zodiac sign on earth

No thanks but you can wallow in misery knowing scorp will never be with you
To be truthfully honest with you I don't think she got anybody. Let alone a Scorpio. She's only sucking up to these people.

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Have you sworn on a Bible, moron?

I am always pissed when someone says truthfully honest and total nonsense looks so stupid! Actually 'stupid' is your comfort zone. So play with your shit. You full of it...
Thank youu!
Posted by peachy06
We're not your love, leave this fucking forum, annoying attention whore. We don't want any double face bitches, here.
LOL truer words never spoken before.

This old bitch has the audacity to tell me that the entire DXP is sick of hearing about Jed.....and then turns around does the exact same thing she's accusing me of. Except her whole "love life" is built on plain delusion, whereas me & Jed are 100% written in stone.

What. A. Retard.
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by peachy06
We're not your love, leave this fucking forum, annoying attention whore. We don't want any double face bitches, here.
LOL truer words never spoken before.

This old bitch has the audacity to tell me that the entire DXP is sick of hearing about Jed.....and then turns around does the exact same thing she's accusing me of. Except her whole "love life" is built on plain delusion, whereas me & Jed are 100% written in stone.

What. A. Retard.
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i love JED stories.

now, Terramine has MELODY stories...

and gemitati...has .....Confused the cap husband who is invalid and the longing for the scorpio who is taken?? Confused
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
We're not your love, leave this fucking forum, annoying attention whore. We don't want any double face bitches, here.
Your you are my love! And you can do nothing about it. ❤️
No we're not. I personally hate you. Bye.
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Do you really THAT stupid to hate people you don't know. Save your hate for those you know my love...
Posted by NelsonSacramento
Thanks, my season will be on the 3rd for real ❤️ which ends with a double 3 (33)
Hopenits goooood!
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
We're not your love, leave this fucking forum, annoying attention whore. We don't want any double face bitches, here.
Your you are my love! And you can do nothing about it. ❤️
No we're not. I personally hate you. Bye.
Do you really THAT stupid to hate people you don't know. Save your hate for those you know my love...
After all the shit you told here, I already know that I couldn't stand a hoe like you in real life. In fact, I wouldn't hesitate to bury you. Now, leave our forum, stop sucking our asses, no one cares about you. And last time I'm saying it, I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING LOVE !
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Whatever you say love.

Except I am not going anywhere...

I am feeling just at home here. 😘
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
We're not your love, leave this fucking forum, annoying attention whore. We don't want any double face bitches, here.
Your you are my love! And you can do nothing about it. ❤️
No we're not. I personally hate you. Bye.
Do you really THAT stupid to hate people you don't know. Save your hate for those you know my love...
After all the shit you told here, I already know that I couldn't stand a hoe like you in real life. In fact, I wouldn't hesitate to bury you. Now, leave our forum, stop sucking our asses, no one cares about you. And last time I'm saying it, I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING LOVE !
Whatever you say love.

Except I am not going anywhere...

I am feeling just at home here. 😘
Nah, it's not your home here, you're not welcome. Go on the gemibitch forum, that's where you belong. I'm sure someone would understand your gross cheating stories there.
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You know you can't make me so stop making Scorpios look stupid because you are can't let go of something that is not your business. You look this board bad, love. Not me.
Posted by ellesbelles
lol....I think this is the first time in dxp history that a Gemini created a happy birthday thread for scorpios.

I remember....several years back....a Gemini petitioning Duncan to remove the scorpio board all together Tongue

So....I'm weirdly touched by this. 🤣❤
LMAO. What??
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
We're not your love, leave this fucking forum, annoying attention whore. We don't want any double face bitches, here.
Your you are my love! And you can do nothing about it. ❤️
No we're not. I personally hate you. Bye.
Do you really THAT stupid to hate people you don't know. Save your hate for those you know my love...
After all the shit you told here, I already know that I couldn't stand a hoe like you in real life. In fact, I wouldn't hesitate to bury you. Now, leave our forum, stop sucking our asses, no one cares about you. And last time I'm saying it, I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING LOVE !
Whatever you say love.

Except I am not going anywhere...

I am feeling just at home here. 😘
Nah, it's not your home here, you're not welcome. Go on the gemibitch forum, that's where you belong. I'm sure someone would understand your gross cheating stories there.
You know you can't make me so stop making Scorpios look stupid because you are can't let go of something that is not your business. You look this board bad, love. Not me.
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Posted by TheTinMan
@Gemitati what happen to your hidden accent? You never used to attack me the way that you do now. Sure we used to troll one another and I'll admit it was fun with no harm intentions. You said you suffer from depressions I remember that on another thread a long time ago and pm'd me we both suffer from it. But I don't go around attacking everybody the way that you do and calling them all sorts of crazed lunatic names as if I'm insecure about myself or something. You've changed quite a lot.
Jed happened. As long as I was miserable she liked me just fine. When things started looking up for me and eventually my wildest dream became reality, she couldn't stand it no more. Trapped in her own lunatic delusion with no way out and no good outcome scrambled whatever brain cells she had left. And she's jealous because I got what I wanted - which is something I myself believed to be impossibly impossible - and she'll never get what SHE wants.

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Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by TheTinMan
@Gemitati what happen to your hidden accent? You never used to attack me the way that you do now. Sure we used to troll one another and I'll admit it was fun with no harm intentions. You said you suffer from depressions I remember that on another thread a long time ago and pm'd me we both suffer from it. But I don't go around attacking everybody the way that you do and calling them all sorts of crazed lunatic names as if I'm insecure about myself or something. You've changed quite a lot.
Jed happened. As long as I was miserable she liked me just fine. When things started looking up for me and eventually my wildest dream became reality, she couldn't stand it no more. Trapped in her own lunatic delusion with no way out and no good outcome scrambled whatever brain cells she had left. And she's jealous because I got what I wanted - which is something I myself believed to be impossibly impossible - and she'll never get what SHE wants.

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Hm sounds pretty bitchy to me. The beginning part. It could be she on her period or something. I mean sometimes I do wonder about her. To come to an astrology forum in a bitchy like mood everyday somethings not right.

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I guess she didn't expect "us" to happen. I was the only one on her side while everybody else called her a slut/whore on a daily basis, she'd pm me every day about it. Even encouraged me to post sex stories about Jed and she claimed to masturbate to them. But once me and Jed got more serious, she suddenly decided to take it upon herself to inform me that all of DXP is sick to death of hearing about him lol.

Does that seem mentally sound to you? This was split-personality stuff. I didn't get why at first because she was all "everything is hunky-dory with my Scorpio". But then she started saying in threads that things aren't going the way she wanted them to, and THEN I understood it was all plain jealousy.

Here I was, a gay guy in love with a straight demigod - how could I ever stand a chance?? But like magic, it happened for me. And here she was, both straight and both allegedly madly in love with each other.......and she couldn't have him. Put that fucked-up Gemini mind of hers together with her spiteful Leo moon = intense jealousy FTW.

Jed is the love of my life, and as of a few weeks ago, my live-in partner.
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Senorita_LL
This, reminds me of my late cousin who passed away last April. He shall always remain inside my heart till my last breathe.

He was born on 8th November 1983. A Scorpio sun with a Sag moon. Someone who never fail to make me smile with his stupid jokes and sarcasm.

Happy birthday dear cuzzy. I'm gonna be there for your kids and your wife. May you rest in peace.

Once again, to all of the Scorps, have a good birthday and may you all be bless with longevity and happiness. smile
Yay another Scorp sun, Sag moon like me ! it's so rare.
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it is!

for males, like this guy...

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and anthony kiedis..

for females, i like that "drop Dead Diva" series years ago....the main character is a Scorpioo sun/Sag moon and she's sooooo awesome!!

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Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
Posted by TheTinMan
@Gemitati what happen to your hidden accent? You never used to attack me the way that you do now. Sure we used to troll one another and I'll admit it was fun with no harm intentions. You said you suffer from depressions I remember that on another thread a long time ago and pm'd me we both suffer from it. But I don't go around attacking everybody the way that you do and calling them all sorts of crazed lunatic names as if I'm insecure about myself or something. You've changed quite a lot.
Jed happened. As long as I was miserable she liked me just fine. When things started looking up for me and eventually my wildest dream became reality, she couldn't stand it no more. Trapped in her own lunatic delusion with no way out and no good outcome scrambled whatever brain cells she had left. And she's jealous because I got what I wanted - which is something I myself believed to be impossibly impossible - and she'll never get what SHE wants.

User Submitted Image
Hm sounds pretty bitchy to me. The beginning part. It could be she on her period or something. I mean sometimes I do wonder about her. To come to an astrology forum in a bitchy like mood everyday somethings not right.

I guess she didn't expect "us" to happen. I was the only one on her side while everybody else called her a slut/whore on a daily basis, she'd pm me every day about it. Even encouraged me to post sex stories about Jed and she claimed to masturbate to them. But once me and Jed got more serious, she suddenly decided to take it upon herself to inform me that all of DXP is sick to death of hearing about him lol.

Does that seem mentally sound to you? This was split-personality stuff. I didn't get why at first because she was all "everything is hunky-dory with my Scorpio". But then she started saying in threads that things aren't going the way she wanted them to, and THEN I understood it was all plain jealousy.

Here I was, a gay guy in love with a straight demigod - how could I ever stand a chance?? But like magic, it happened for me. And here she was, both straight and both allegedly madly in love with each other.......and she couldn't have him. Put that fucked-up Gemini mind of hers together with her spiteful Leo moon = intense jealousy FTW.

Jed is the love of my life, and as of a few weeks ago, my live-in partner.
Have she met Jed before? Cus that's the way it sound.

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No she hasn't, he only signed up a month ago but it's not really his thing. He's more of a fitness/health talk guy so he doesn't participate much.

And she's only seen his bod, not his face. You saying she wants him? Well he's 25, almost 3 times her junior but it wouldn't surprise me. She'd have even more cause to be jealous of me and resentful of him.
Posted by TheTinMan
@Gemitati what happen to your hidden accent? You never used to attack me the way that you do now. Sure we used to troll one another and I'll admit it was fun with no harm intentions. You said you suffer from depressions I remember that on another thread a long time ago and pm'd me we both suffer from it. But I don't go around attacking everybody the way that you do and calling them all sorts of crazed lunatic names as if I'm insecure about myself or something. You've changed quite a lot.
I've never sent you pm! You were blocked, remember? That's why I haven't paid any mind to you. Thats your answer.
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by peachy06
We're not your love, leave this fucking forum, annoying attention whore. We don't want any double face bitches, here.
Your you are my love! And you can do nothing about it. ❤️
No we're not. I personally hate you. Bye.
Do you really THAT stupid to hate people you don't know. Save your hate for those you know my love...
After all the shit you told here, I already know that I couldn't stand a hoe like you in real life. In fact, I wouldn't hesitate to bury you. Now, leave our forum, stop sucking our asses, no one cares about you. And last time I'm saying it, I'M NOT YOUR FUCKING LOVE !
Whatever you say love.

Except I am not going anywhere...

I am feeling just at home here. 😘
Nah, it's not your home here, you're not welcome. Go on the gemibitch forum, that's where you belong. I'm sure someone would understand your gross cheating stories there.
You know you can't make me so stop making Scorpios look stupid because you are can't let go of something that is not your business. You look this board bad, love. Not me.
Lmao I'm not making my sign stupid, I'm too proud of my sign for that. You're the stupid one. Look at you almost kneeling in front of us. It's not my business but since you like sharing your annoying cheating stories here, because you need so much attention, it is.
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I had just made another Scorpio friend at work and she is like a...sister I never had!

I AM in awe to your sign. Because we have an amazing connection and every Scorpio I know has something that I lack of. It started waaaay before my love.

You can huff and puff your brains out but it's not going to change anything except you going to collapse for lack of oxygen!


Hope that someone near you know CPR!

Posted by TheTinMan
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by TheTinMan
@Gemitati what happen to your hidden accent? You never used to attack me the way that you do now. Sure we used to troll one another and I'll admit it was fun with no harm intentions. You said you suffer from depressions I remember that on another thread a long time ago and pm'd me we both suffer from it. But I don't go around attacking everybody the way that you do and calling them all sorts of crazed lunatic names as if I'm insecure about myself or something. You've changed quite a lot.
I've never sent you pm! You were blocked, remember? That's why I haven't paid any mind to you. Thats your answer.

Stop lying. You pm'd me long before you blocked me. I still got that pm saved in my inbox. and mind you, I can screenshot it and post it right here on this thread to refresh your membrains.

Or however, if you are a weakling who can't handle the heat you more than welcome to put me back on block. Got that?

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You can refresh my memory anytime.

If I ever did pm you - it was probably before I realize that you are who you are.

And I don't SUFFER from depression anymore. My love thought me how to fine beauty in suffering. But I don't suffer anymore because we are growing closer by day. Apparently it drives you up-a-wall but what do I care? Not at all. Just laughing at your sorry attempts to hurt my feelings. Keep trying. I need some entertainment sometimes.
Posted by TheTinMan
@Gemitati it would be in your best interest to just block me because now at this point I'm getting ill in the abdomin just by you keep quoting me and piling up my notification box with 20 something odd red notifications with the majority of it being you quoting me.
You LIVE for trolling me! And I am ONLY responding to you. Never adressing you first because I have no interest in your stupid ass.

You following me like a hungry puppy after person who eats hot dog!

And what's in my best interests is none of your business.

People whom are you noted as 'worthy' of your stupid trolling - I am sure they are insulted right now.

Nobody need to be insulted like that!

Because you are nobody and your name is nothing! And you don't matter.

Posted by TheTinMan
And while I'm at it it's not even worth it to troll you anymore. My trolling is only for those whose worthy of my trolling ie lady Neptune, Roman, edgelord sometimes just to name a few.
This is one fucking stupid post!!!

Posted by TheTinMan
Im about to do something ive never done before in all the years of my life b/c i was always known to be a respectible person with class. But you led me up to this and hopefully you seen it coming. At this point i dont give a rats ass who report this to duncan and have me perma banned because i dont care about you or anybody on this site for that matter. At the end of the day its all about me and caring only about myself. Now go do something productive with your life and don't even tell me to do the same. I'm officially retired.

So here's to you.....

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You? Respectable with class?


That is good Sunday laugh!!!


Posted by TheTinMan
Gemitati do you drink? Do you like ever get out the house and enjoy a breath of fresh air sometimes because you're here like everyday of every hour on the hour beneath the hour. Do what I'm doing. Drink some beer let your mind flow and forget dxpnet for a while will you?
I do get a fresh air. My windows are open!

Posted by Gemitati
As your season approaching I want to wish you happy birth days!

And let you know (as if you didn't know it yet) that you are the sexiest and best sign of a Zodiac and I love you men and women with my all heart and whoever trying to say you are overrated - let them wallow in their misery and envy you and die with envy!

Because you are the gods gifts to a God!

Happy Birthdays and for all of you - happy lives and keep that sexy going.

You are the only. And no one ever like you. Love you. 🙏💦🙌

Thank you for the good wishes, Gemitati.

Posted by Scorpion sting
Posted by Gemitati
As your season approaching I want to wish you happy birth days!

And let you know (as if you didn't know it yet) that you are the sexiest and best sign of a Zodiac and I love you men and women with my all heart and whoever trying to say you are overrated - let them wallow in their misery and envy you and die with envy!

Because you are the gods gifts to a God!

Happy Birthdays and for all of you - happy lives and keep that sexy going.

You are the only. And no one ever like you. Love you. 🙏💦🙌

Thank you for the good wishes, Gemitati.

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Let them come true! 😘
It is still a season. And love must prevail!

Happy birthday to all of us! Thank you Gemitati.
Life is better with you. It's wonderful!

You Scorpios are making it fun and joy and awesome!

Just want to say it before your season is up!

Just wish my cousin loved me. She does in her own way but:::I love her more...


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