need help frm scorpio males on virgo scorp relatn

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by ama on Sunday, December 14, 2014 and has 16 replies.
hye! m a virgo woman being in a very serious relationship with my scorpio man from 5+ years...been through huge ups n downs, he always insults me very badly n latter when i confront him, he says it was anger. gifted me alot in start but has stopped gifting me that much now...he has issues because of her mother, and now its ALWAYS me who has to ask out...he is happy n connected while be with me, but becomes distant as soon as he drops me at my door....never had sex because of religious restrictions, n he understands that also, but enjoys n sometimes forces me into some intimate acts which we both repent later... i am soooo much into him that i starve for his voice n his time, n he always gets angry about this, we had a row after me complaining and insulting him about this, since then he is constantly insulting on my apology after apology and has said that he doesnt love me anymore, he was just keeping his words from 3 years(its a lie cz before 2 yearz he was fighting his mother for me) asked me to marry somebody else. he KNOWS how much i am into him, and cant survive this but still. now he has stopped replying me at all.... i am soooo much in pain n confuse about his acts, its umpteenth time he has crashed my self respect by calling me ugly n whore n what not... what shall i do??? any suggestions??? i still love him madly but cant take these insults anymore...
I'm only going to guess this is a troll post.
Therefore..keep on starving for his voice.
NO...this is very serious request for help!!
What's there to love? A verbally abusive piece of shit? Seriously? Toss his ass to the curb and move on. So far you haven't said one thing about this guy that makes him sound remotely likeable, let alone loveable. After you dump him, don't date for a very long time. You need to figure out why you put up with him treating you that way. Once you figure that out, you'll have a better understanding of yourself and how to set some ground rules and boundaries for your own self respect.
Posted by scorchedearth
Posted by Damnata
I'm only going to guess this is a troll post.
Therefore..keep on starving for his voice.

i knew you'd be here before i even opened this thread. Big Grin
click to expand

just had my mind blown by the OP.
I still think she/he/it is trolling.
I'm going to say it before Damny does. OP, stop spelling "hi" wrong!! There, my inner grammar nazi is less annoyed now. Maybe.
Posted by MoonArtist
I'm going to say it before Damny does. OP, stop spelling "hi" wrong!! There, my inner grammar nazi is less annoyed now. Maybe.

"hi" was the last thing grammar wise and common sense wise that jumped at me in that post.
pls god give me patience to accept everyone's grammar errors.
Posted by scorchedearth
damnata i'm going to lol so hard when you end up married to a scorpio or scorpio dominant. Smug

Straight Face
buh bye.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by MoonArtist
I'm going to say it before Damny does. OP, stop spelling "hi" wrong!! There, my inner grammar nazi is less annoyed now. Maybe.

"hi" was the last thing grammar wise and common sense wise that jumped at me in that post.
pls god give me patience to accept everyone's grammar errors.

click to expand

It makes me itch.
dear scorch whtever n mam dam kindly have ur personal chatter smwhere else, if u think it nonserious.... kindly behave if u r educated enough, grammar mistakes r faaaar less of a concern than morals.... thanku! its better off without u people....
thanku moonartist for your advice, but why i kept on has lots of answers, he helped me alot in my difficult times,+ i genuinly believe tht he also loves me as much as i do...the problem is, he just cant control his anger, i wanted to ask some scorps how to tackle this?
It's irrelevant if he loves you or not. Is his behavior and treatment of you loving? NO. Does it hurt you? YES. There's your answer. Is it easy to leave a relationship? NO. That hurts, too. So, ask yourself if this is how you want to be treated for years, or are you going to demand a bit more respect from people on how to treat you decently? I've been down the road of being verbally abused like that. It chips at the core of how you see yourself, it erodes your self esteem, it eventually shoves you into a horrible, dark hole of depression that is fucking damn hard to claw back out of. Have enough love for yourself to not put up with his crap.
i agree to you moonartist...the hardest thing is i am a one man woman....i can leave him, but that means i cant be with anybody else. i took more than a year to decide about him, and then after getting so much involved i took another half year to say YES....n he waited for all that time, facing his family resistance since then...i am not having grip of what is actually going on in his head??? is he really giving up on me?? or is just so much pressurized and disturbed... and he is also a one woman man + all this conflict made him a patient of very elevated blood pressure! i dnt know what to do?
Ama, how old are you? This "one woman/one man" stuff is nonsense. That only works in Disney movies, and they never show you how it might turn out in 15 yrs.
well i understand u being surprised smile but m very mature, m 29....actually the society i live in is very different from urs...m an asian. this is the key problem! had we been not bound by his family's consent, we would have been HAPPILY MARRIED since 4 yrz.... these are the unnecessary pressures i was talking abt....n yes moonartist my dear, such one woman/one man people still exist smile
One man/one woman can exist, but for the most part, we learn by trial and error, especially if the person you got involved with isn't what he made himself seem. You have no way of knowing if you would have been HAPPILY married. If this is how he treats you because of outside stress from his family, then you would be treated this way while married. He isn't mature enough to control himself, or doesn't care to, and that isn't how love treats a person.
i CAN write pretty well mam exoskeleton... its just we dont bother while being on internet...prefer short n quick... anyways, you are right moonartist in all your point of view, i respect that and value that, has surely shown me a neutral and logical side. BUT my purpose behind this post was to reach male scorpion's mentality in such situations...i would also like to have a word from few of them