This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by SPUNKYTAURUS on Thursday, July 27, 2017 and has 27 replies.
I noticed that I'm not afraid of much... you could shoot a gun next to me and I wouldn't flinch... a loud noise might happen and I'll just turn without jumping. A fight could happen and I'll just sit there looking...intrigued but silent and unmoved.

I don't know my time of birth but I know it's between 3-6pm and so it's probably Scorpio rising (I also have a presence when I enter a room to back that up as possible fact).

Could it be my Scorpio mars or rising? Or something else?

What aspect makes me unafraid?
I remember someone getting shot in the head when I was 6 yrs old and if never bothered me. Lol
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
I remember someone getting shot in the head when I was 6 yrs old and if never bothered me. Lol
Omg same thing when I was 11 happened to me and I just stared at the body with the blood flowing. Not one scared bone in my body at the time. Thanks for that.
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
I remember someone getting shot in the head when I was 6 yrs old and if never bothered me. Lol
Omg same thing when I was 11 happened to me and I just stared at the body with the blood flowing. Not one scared bone in my body at the time. Thanks for that.
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lol I mean I still think about it to this day but not in a way that it mentally fucked me up.
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
I remember someone getting shot in the head when I was 6 yrs old and if never bothered me. Lol
That...... Should be a joke. An extreme one though.. (?????????????)
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It's not a joke RIP on the person who got shot but I heard he did a lot of people wrong and is possibly a dope dealer.
Posted by m200991
'Loudness', in general, is said to be auditory queues from our environment to warn us of potential danger; thereby, initiating our fight or flight response. My understanding of this is that it has a lot to do with our stimulus and environmental variables at a very early age. There are many studies showing how even speaking to children in an irregularly loud voice can desensitize them (even to the extent) which causes the potentially harmful stimulus to be overlooked or to go unnoticed altogether.

As far as if there is some astrological propensity to it... I'm not sure, but my curiosity is peaked enough to do some digging. I'll post if I find anything worthwhile.
Very intriguing facts... maybe even deeper than I thought now. Please let me know what you find. Thank you.
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
I remember someone getting shot in the head when I was 6 yrs old and if never bothered me. Lol
Omg same thing when I was 11 happened to me and I just stared at the body with the blood flowing. Not one scared bone in my body at the time. Thanks for that.
lol I mean I still think about it to this day but not in a way that it mentally fucked me up.
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Same here ? Well I'll be damned. I remember it like yesterday and every once in while it pops up but not out of "fear"..... coincidence? They say scorpios (or those with the aspects) always have troubled pasts... which comes in many forms... for as long as I can remember my life has NEVER been easy. Like it's purposefully testing me all the time... hence all the destruction we see maybe?

Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
I remember someone getting shot in the head when I was 6 yrs old and if never bothered me. Lol
That...... Should be a joke. An extreme one though.. (?????????????)
It's not a joke RIP on the person who got shot but I heard he did a lot of people wrong and is possibly a dope dealer.
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Also same and I'm not doing this on purpose ??? wow. That's crazy.
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
I remember someone getting shot in the head when I was 6 yrs old and if never bothered me. Lol
Omg same thing when I was 11 happened to me and I just stared at the body with the blood flowing. Not one scared bone in my body at the time. Thanks for that.
lol I mean I still think about it to this day but not in a way that it mentally fucked me up.
Same here ? Well I'll be damned. I remember it like yesterday and every once in while it pops up but not out of "fear"..... coincidence? They say scorpios (or those with the aspects) always have troubled pasts... which comes in many forms... for as long as I can remember my life has NEVER been easy. Like it's purposefully testing me all the time... hence all the destruction we see maybe?

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Lol trust me I didn't grow up with silver plate and happy days. Don't know if it's a Scorpio thing but I'm starting to think that it is.
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
I remember someone getting shot in the head when I was 6 yrs old and if never bothered me. Lol
That...... Should be a joke. An extreme one though.. (?????????????)
It's not a joke RIP on the person who got shot but I heard he did a lot of people wrong and is possibly a dope dealer.
Oh okay, now I understand. Yeah he should die indeed! Check me up next time. I can be into criminology ?
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Lol ? I've always wanted to be a private investigator or criminology.
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio2
I remember someone getting shot in the head when I was 6 yrs old and if never bothered me. Lol
Omg same thing when I was 11 happened to me and I just stared at the body with the blood flowing. Not one scared bone in my body at the time. Thanks for that.
lol I mean I still think about it to this day but not in a way that it mentally fucked me up.
Same here ? Well I'll be damned. I remember it like yesterday and every once in while it pops up but not out of "fear"..... coincidence? They say scorpios (or those with the aspects) always have troubled pasts... which comes in many forms... for as long as I can remember my life has NEVER been easy. Like it's purposefully testing me all the time... hence all the destruction we see maybe?

Lol trust me I didn't grow up with silver plate and happy days. Don't know if it's a Scorpio thing but I'm starting to think that it is.
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Followed ??
I noticed that I'm not afraid of much... you could shoot a gun next to me and I wouldn't flinch... a loud noise might happen and I'll just turn without jumping. A fight could happen and I'll just sit there looking...intrigued but silent and unmoved.

I don't know my time of birth but I know it's between 3-6pm and so it's probably Scorpio rising (I also have a presence when I enter a room to back that up as possible fact).

Could it be my Scorpio mars or rising? Or something else?

What aspect makes me unafraid?
Where is your Saturn?? Saturn rules fears.

Posted by m200991
Posted by m200991
'Loudness', in general, is said to be auditory queues from our environment to warn us of potential danger; thereby, initiating our fight or flight response. My understanding of this is that it has a lot to do with our stimulus and environmental variables at a very early age. There are many studies showing how even speaking to children in an irregularly loud voice can desensitize them (even to the extent) which causes the potentially harmful stimulus to be overlooked or to go unnoticed altogether.

As far as if there is some astrological propensity to it... I'm not sure, but my curiosity is peaked enough to do some digging. I'll post if I find anything worthwhile.
Very intriguing facts... maybe even deeper than I thought now. Please let me know what you find. Thank you.
I'll try not to get too chatty because it's no secret to anyone here that I tend to do so.

Anyway. from what I've managed to find in this short time... a lot of our unconscious characteristics is said to live within the 360° systems of Astrology. If I may suggest visiting THIS WEBSITE - 'Inside Degrees' - this may give you more insight into your question. I skimmed through a few of the degrees in a few of the Signs (mostly just the Signs that rule internal/social/environmental house systems) and found some pretty interesting stuff.

Hope that helps some.


Another decent (but unrelated) site I came across that talks specifically about signs -

The Astrology Paradigm

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Wow.. thank you! I skimmed over the first website and this is going to help me associate with who my inner person really is! I'll spend time reading through these options all day tomorrow, thank you so much for the info! I wouldn't of found this on my own ? Quite amazing actually ??

Posted by Petals
I noticed that I'm not afraid of much... you could shoot a gun next to me and I wouldn't flinch... a loud noise might happen and I'll just turn without jumping. A fight could happen and I'll just sit there looking...intrigued but silent and unmoved.

I don't know my time of birth but I know it's between 3-6pm and so it's probably Scorpio rising (I also have a presence when I enter a room to back that up as possible fact).

Could it be my Scorpio mars or rising? Or something else?

What aspect makes me unafraid?
Where is your Saturn?? Saturn rules fears.

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Saturn is in Scorpio ?? damn lol

Posted by The_Ands
I thought about death this morning and freaked myself out over breakfast
???? I swear I can't with you.
A while back Jed accused me of being a psychopath lol, because some idiot lit up fireworks right outside my living room window and it sounded like a small bomb went off. Jed jumped like he'd been shot out of a cannon but I merely turned my head in the direction of the sound. He then looked at me like I was crazy and was like "why aren't you scared??? what the hell is wrong with you???"
Posted by Petals
I noticed that I'm not afraid of much... you could shoot a gun next to me and I wouldn't flinch... a loud noise might happen and I'll just turn without jumping. A fight could happen and I'll just sit there looking...intrigued but silent and unmoved.

I don't know my time of birth but I know it's between 3-6pm and so it's probably Scorpio rising (I also have a presence when I enter a room to back that up as possible fact).

Could it be my Scorpio mars or rising? Or something else?

What aspect makes me unafraid?
Where is your Saturn?? Saturn rules fears.

Saturn is in Scorpio ?? damn lol

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I'm Scorp Saturn Retrograde

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Posted by Petals
I noticed that I'm not afraid of much... you could shoot a gun next to me and I wouldn't flinch... a loud noise might happen and I'll just turn without jumping. A fight could happen and I'll just sit there looking...intrigued but silent and unmoved.

I don't know my time of birth but I know it's between 3-6pm and so it's probably Scorpio rising (I also have a presence when I enter a room to back that up as possible fact).

Could it be my Scorpio mars or rising? Or something else?

What aspect makes me unafraid?
Where is your Saturn?? Saturn rules fears.

Saturn is in Scorpio ?? damn lol

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Lol that doesn't even need an explanation.
Scorpio placements circle jerk thread...

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I don't worry about all the major stuff.

But things like roaches scare the shit outta me.

I remember jumping across a queen sized bed in just one leap when I once saw a cockroach on the wall on the other side of the bed. I only stopped running after I reached the hallway. I once created a lotta chaos in the classroom when I saw a roach. People ran outta the class with me without even asking what it was ??

I just can't with roaches n most other insects.
Posted by HeavyEntertainmentShow
A while back Jed accused me of being a psychopath lol, because some idiot lit up fireworks right outside my living room window and it sounded like a small bomb went off. Jed jumped like he'd been shot out of a cannon but I merely turned my head in the direction of the sound. He then looked at me like I was crazy and was like "why aren't you scared??? what the hell is wrong with you???"
??? you gonna keep him on his toes all week now lol
Posted by Teena
I don't worry about all the major stuff.

But things like roaches scare the shit outta me.

I remember jumping across a queen sized bed in just one leap when I once saw a cockroach on the wall on the other side of the bed. I only stopped running after I reached the hallway. I once created a lotta chaos in the classroom when I saw a roach. People ran outta the class with me without even asking what it was ??

I just can't with roaches n most other insects.
???? I know they were like, that's what you were running for? ? Freaking followers .... I do have a fear of lizards ??

Posted by EvilHare
Unless it's heights, that Exorcist movie, or a goddamn clown then IDGAF.
???? all appropriate
Posted by Arielle83
I had a gun pulled on me in sao paulo and a at a strip club in toronto

aries rising

Now that's a bad mofo ❤️??
Posted by exo

actually i am startled easily, but no one can tell lol.
Never show your weakness? Good tatic ❤️ And I forgot about this video ? Still gets the crowd hype at the club ??
Posted by exo

actually i am startled easily, but no one can tell lol.
Never show your weakness? Good tatic ❤️ And I forgot about this video ? Still gets the crowd hype at the club ??
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It's her Cap moon. Cap moons rarely show signs of weakness.
Posted by Teena
I don't worry about all the major stuff.

But things like roaches scare the shit outta me.

I remember jumping across a queen sized bed in just one leap when I once saw a cockroach on the wall on the other side of the bed. I only stopped running after I reached the hallway. I once created a lotta chaos in the classroom when I saw a roach. People ran outta the class with me without even asking what it was ??

I just can't with roaches n most other insects.
???? I know they were like, that's what you were running for? ? Freaking followers .... I do have a fear of lizards ??

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Lol! They were like "Efftard it's not a bomb!!!"

N me was like " Cookiemonster I wouldn't have freaked out so much if it was !"?

I'm not as scared of lizards as I'm of roaches.