New Moon Solar Eclipse

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by LetltB on Thursday, May 9, 2013 and has 6 replies.
Did we learn anything from the Full Moon eclipse in April? (by the way we have another lunar eclipse in 4 degrees sag on April 25th)

"I like this new moon solar eclipse for you. Arriving May 9/10, in Taurus 20 degrees, it will open a door on a new era for a close, committed relationship, whether you hope to join forces for business or for personal reasons, such as marriage. Within the days that follow that eclipse, if the relationship is strong, and you feel there's a future by joining together, talk will come up concerning those serious plans. Mars, of your two rulers, will reach the same degree as the eclipse (20 degrees Taurus) on May 17, so it's a day to watch, for Mars rules action, and things may fall into place rapidly.
Pluto will be friendly to this eclipse too, and Pluto is your other ruler, so that's significant. Marriage and business relationships are serious, contractual deals, and fortunately, Pluto is in your third house of agreements and contacts - another good sign of good things to come. It's so hard to get Mars and Pluto to agree on anything, so now that you have both in sync, you really do have an excellent outlook for forming an alliance.
If you were born on November 12, plus or minus five days, you will benefit from this solar eclipse the most. Also, if you know your natal chart, see if you have a planet at 20 degrees (plus or minus five degrees) of Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn - that planet will receive many benefits too, depending how it is situated in your chart. (It's good to keep a little diary of how events play out for you listing the planet that you had noticed would be sensitized, and how you benefited.) Next in line in the pecking order (in third place) would be a planet at 20 degrees Pisces or Cancer, for that planet will receive a beam from this eclipse, too.

An eclipse will always fall on a new moon or a full moon - two weeks apart. New moons are always (without exception) a solar eclipse, and similarly, all full moons are lunar eclipses. Full moon lunar eclipses are much more emotional than a new moon eclipse, as they bring things to a conclusion. Lunar (full moon) eclipses end things, while new moon solar eclipses like you have on May 9/10 begin things. I find solar eclipses (like May 9/10) to be exciting, and lunar eclipses, because they finalize things, sometimes make us a little sentimental.
What is the difference between a regular new or full moon and one that is eclipsed? A monthly, regular new moon or full moon would be powerful in their own right, but when eclipsed, they become much more so, with at least three times the power. Whoa! They become super strong! I have found that memorable marker dates tend to come up at eclipse time: engagements and marriage, births, promotions, the start of a new business, major surgeries, publication of an important new book, purchase of a house, the day to defend a thesis - you get the idea. Big life events, ones that become the pillars that form the very structure of your life, come at eclipse time."
Does this mean the scorp is gonna ask me to marry him this weekend? lol.
He moved in last month...
Big Grin
Things have been very harmonious with us.
Well, Scorpiorabbit, thanks, but I'm kind of half kidding, based on the forecast. lol.
It's gonna happen sometime in the future, probably not this weekend. But hey, ya never know.
Last weekend, he said he wanted to go to Vegas. I said, "Let's go to Vegas and get married so we don't have to live in sin." lol.
He was like, "I just can't afford a ring right now. Wait- do they take credit?" Big Grin
I'm just so in my happy place with him.
im waiting for the May 25 eclipse.
Posted by capgirl69
Does this mean the scorp is gonna ask me to marry him this weekend? lol.
He moved in last month...
Big Grin
Things have been very harmonious with us.

Well, I'm sure we'll be close to the top list of those you will tell if that does happen. Good luck!