This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by VIRGOEXALTED on Monday, February 5, 2007 and has 19 replies.
Hey, It's VE, and I'm BACK IN THE DUNGEON!! lol Hey Scorps; I've been meaning to ask anyway; are you paranoid? Do you ever truly trust, or are you TOO caught up with being 'nobody's fool'?.....I get that you guys are senstive, and emotional, and loyal, and it's all great, but how can you experience true love if you don't open yourself up to it? Yeah, there's the physical thing, and that's great, but then what about really loving someone? I never had the good fortune of meeting many water signs in my life, but when I do it's usually you guys I frequent....So, what do you guys, and gals want, and when do you know....YOU'RE GETTIN' IT!? lol I'm REALLY not getting Hello?! Hello to PLUTO NATIVES! lol
you use alot of caps...your entire name is in caps...its a little daunting.
lol Lady M, You 'tailin' me?! lol I knew I was irressitable but you're gonna make me the new addiction lol Tongue I'm just joking.....I use alot of caps? I hadn't really noticed, but now that you mention it yeah I do....what of it? I mean to say I didn't mean to offend you or intimidate....that's not my area of involment, however I use caps to express myself; since 98% of the communication process is lost when two people do see each other face to face, I've decided to show this percent by using caps when needed; you can tell by the way I use them, and the speaking content when I'm upset or happy...
and by do see each other....I meant don't lol Tongue gawd I'm in a great mood today!
i can tell smile
There is such a thing as "levels of trust"... Think about your friends, family, lover... What do you trust / share with your family with that you would not trust / share with your friends?
More importantly, what do you trust / share with your lover with that you would not trust / share with your family? Do those things mean that you do not truly love your family?
There is such a thing as "levels of trust". I can trust / share with my family and lover 100% of my heart (and to me that IS love), but I am not quite sure that I can say the same for my soul. Though, someday, I would like to... smile
"...but how can you experience true love if you don't open yourself up to it? Yeah, there's the physical thing, and that's great, but then what about really loving someone?"

Sweetheart, it is *you* who will experience true love when you meet a Scorp! We, on the other hand, are reluctant to open up because of our immense capacity for love and loyalty which is quite frequently not at all understood...
Oh, yeah, and then most Scorps have pretty high standards,
Your just as bad as us ask yourself that question petal...
Or lets figure it out each other so to speak..LOL
VIRGOEXALTEScared I think it may depend on past experiences or when you meet the person. If they had some bad relationships or where just recently hurt, the opening up / trust may come after a while. For me, in general, I don't trust anyone; however, if I fall in love, then I will trust her.
About true love: I personally think it is very hard for two people to experience true love (usually, and unfortunately, only one person feels it for the other and not vice versa).
yeesh, mojo....that can be a big bloody bioytch!!'s so true though....Perhaps that's why the people I know say: 'when you have love cherish it and hold fast to it' lol....those people are Tongue

but to all you scorps; I wasn't criticizing, or harppin; I wanted to know what it takes for you all to know that the other party loves you, and if you're slow to love.....and eaglegirl what you said was Scorp ladies are usually the ones I fall in love with....or at least infatuation with.....Tongue Gabrielle Union.....mmmmmmmm-mmmmmm good! That is ONE fine somethin' there!.....dern y'all for gettin' me all hot and bothered....just givin' me the shivers!! lol Tongue
btw eaglegirl; it's the gauntlet that y'all can put us through! not to say it not worth it, just exhausting!! Winking continually having to present yourself in a powerful display, and constantly believeing wer're going behind your back and cheating? what the hells the point in playing low-ballin' when you can high-ball 'em, and leave? what's the point of being in a relationship if you have to cheat, when it's really all about honesty, and integrity, and respect? Is it apart of some inferiority complex like you just feel like you could never really be loved that way? I don't say anything I don't mean....NEVER....being 1/2 logical is what makes me this way....but is it enough for you?.....I've got no problem just saying what's on my mind.....the secrecy is what mind bogles me....I've never had intentions to root through the Scorps in my lives things becuase I respect them, but it's as if you WANT me to! I just need to KNOW THAT lol Tongue
alcheme, you've got a point there......with that level of trust...but when is enough trust ENOUGH for you? What ocean must I cross, what mountain must I move to make you see that I love you? My Scorp ex just didn't understand....I wanted to show her that, but she never BELIEVED; that's apart of trust as well......knowing that when you turn your back for 5 mins. I'm not thinking about cheating, or doing it.....That raised questions of infidelity in my mind, becuase I didn't do any of that only to find out she wanted to leave becuase she didn't trust me? What could I have done? I would've done just about anything, but I wouldn't control her......that goes against what I believe in.....I loved her so I let go....did she really want that, or was it just a display of dramatics....I need to know your feelings ladies.
missmorals, the last time that happened I ended up with a messed up back y'all scorp ladies! hehehehe although for you mm, I'm sure we could put something together....
*ve crosses legs*
I see your point. We tend to put people through the mill because we think everyone exists at the same level of least, I did when younger. I am now only just beginning to see how I wear people out...and this chagrins me, to say the least.
As for the trust issue...I think you did the right thing with your ex. She wouldn't have trusted Jesus Christ! Trust is a big issue for many Scorps...again, as a Scorp matures, we realise that perhaps life isn't going to hurt us in the same way, that we have better resources with which to judge people etc. etc. And we slowly learn to let down that guard. But it is a lifelong task, similar to a Gem opening up emotionally, or even a Virgo for that matter.
LOL @ VE...yeah me just as crazy about your virgs as you are about us if only those blasted feelings wouldn't get in the way!..
Real bastards they are...
I posted something else earlier but just found this and it made me think... it seems that what he (triple scorpio)needs I am afraid to just throw out there, and what I (virgo) need he is afraid to throw out there. It starts to feel like tug a war and we are both stuborn and over emotional and KABOOM its like a bomb and then we both yell and rant "this just doesn't work" and a day or two go by and it's all forgotten.
Yeah know that feeling!...If both are similar, how does it move along?
if you didn't have feelings mm, I'd may as well be looking into the mirror lol

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