on a more serious note

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by scorpio_wreck on Thursday, April 24, 2008 and has 39 replies.
have you ever felt like you lost yourself, and then you found yourself like a year (or however much time) later? and then the whole year that had past felt like a fuzzy dream, and now you were waking up from that fuzziness and things didn't feel dream-like for the first time since you can remember?
we responded to each other at the same time on different posts,
that's telepathy Winking
Ohh yeah. I married a mama's boy - I am a strong Aries woman very independent, and i married this pussy. For a few years, I was grinded into dirt by abuse, neglect and put downs from his family. Then one day I got a divorce adn I thought what the hell just happened?! How did I let that go on for so long?
Yeah, I found myself smile
haha @ the weed thing...hasn't made me lose muhself.

what sign was your ex-husband - a.k.a., the pussy?
I don't think I've ever lost myself. Nevertheless, I am always finding myself. Everday.

Ex-husband was a Virgo, very attached to his Pieces manipulative mother. And BAAAADDD really really boring bad in bed.
I had spelled "Kitty" with a P and 2 S's and a Y smile
"I don't think I've ever lost myself. Nevertheless, I am always finding myself. Everday."
that sounds ssoooOOOSoosoosooSOo naughty
I knew it! I always figured virgos would be bad in bed. Thank god I never found out.

lmao @ poo

is that your hair, btw?

yeah, my sister (Aries) has a Gemini husband. I like the guy, but he gets verbally punished on a daily basis. Sometimes, he deserves it. He's in total awe of her spark and strength.
Mutables. I like 'em myself.

mspisces, i just don't get addicted to stuff. substances, activities (ahem), people. with one exception.
"is that your hair, btw?"
yup, snapped it right before i shaved my back

it's purrrty.
au naturel
well not anymore now that i shaved it Sad
lol @ MsP
we do, don't we? god i love myself.
haha, mspisces, i would never shave my hair. oh no, i don't have the BALLZ for that. i was joking about having shaven my back hair. cause sometimes au naturel is used to describe hairy chicks!
in all seriousness, one other thing i've noticed is that leos tend to have the "cat-like" eyes. i've been told mine look so much like a cat's sometimes that it's creepy.
I just meant that I learn something new everyday, about myself and the world. I am not the same person I was yesterday, although parts of me remain the same.
"Yep, eversince I stopped smoking weed"
-damn it Ms. Pisces! Tongue
have you ever felt like you lost yourself, and then you found yourself like a year (or however much time) later? and then the whole year that had past felt like a fuzzy dream, and now you were waking up from that fuzziness and things didn't feel dream-like for the first time since you can remember?
yes...in my younger and dumber days...
"then the whole year that had past felt like a fuzzy dream"
That's pretty much what all of 2007 was for me. Glad it's OVER! smile
hehe, well thank you cusper.
aaww, does the virgo want some 'tention? your hair is lovely too, shaka. *pats head*
you know, shaka, i bet most posters would never guess that you and i used to be dxp-nemeses.
"I always figured virgos would be bad in bed. Thank god I never found out."
Well I'm a virgo and the Scorp i was seeing couldn't get enough of me especially that certain jobs i do...TongueTongue
it seems a virgo has to really be comfortable with you to be "good"...and when they are, i'd imagine they'd be very good indeed, given their attention to detail.
oh yes.
uuuummmmmm....both. yes.
actually i believe it may have been north?
my goodness, shaka! you must have out-clairvoyanted the clairvoyant to be able to see that. i'd suggest capitalizing on your newfound talent. Winking
i've got it. you can become "the psychic who gives back" - think of all the good you could do, for humanity and the psychic community as well!
i don't buy that excuse. you could help people with your psychic powers if you really wanted to. i certainly would if i had...the gift. however, unfortunately my help will have to take another form.
telepathy, check. telekinesis...one day.
"maybe having seen you in my future wasnt as crazy as I thought"
or maybe it was crazier than you thought...
like i'd ever be your maid. hmph!
scorpwreck, yes this has absolutely happened to me. Once I have come out of those phases, it's like I totally don't recognise the person I was when I was in them because I have at times been so "not myself". It feels weird, I really hated it coz it was such a hard time in my life and i'm sooooooo glad it's all in the past *sigh of relief* smile