One-two punch

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by scorp5pt0 on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 and has 19 replies.
usually when my work life is going well, my personal life sucks, and vice-versa.
this past week, though, feel like i've been hit by a one-two punch, with both work and personal hitting low it just me, or is anyone else feeling the same way???
(and if your life is going well, then good for you - spread some cyber joy around my way, wudja Winking )
Well, today was just a crap day but I'm eternally hopeful that the next will be better...
Hope things look up soon for ya! smile
thanks, guys smile i know, just have to ride it out. feels better already putting it out there. was just wondering how everyone else was feeling ... someone puhlease tell me it's a retrograde something or other and that it'll pass by the weekend Winking
ooh...chicken (wings) and beer...yum!!!! no wonder you're happy as a clam, hmmmmm gives me ideas. ribs, pizza, fudge brownie... hehe
"Also lots and lots of sex."
with the ribs, pizza and brownies...throw in some ice cream and chocolate syrup...
hallelujah & amen Winking
just figured out why the funk... pms passing thru retrograde. there, problem solved. calling the pizza guy. thanks for helping me figure it out, am on my way to happyville smile
thanks for taking the time to cheer me up, DK09...that's really cool of you. have a great night. am getting set up for the big hockey game ... can't wait... 1....WAHOOO
Nucks all the way, dude
Luongo ROCKS!!! Nucks/Sens final would be awesome smile smile smile
hahaha no prob wud luv that opportunity to trade insults during a Nucks/Sens series ... will start working on my trash talking skills - how's *that* for optimism???
damn she's excited...
rules the scorpio nation...
H Tongue
lol @ "le ruined"
roxijam is becoming like robocop.she will be all made of steel soon.
watch this space
then you are double the powerful.go kill the bad guys.
radioactive robocop roxi
hi notso smile it's been awhile!!! hope things are going well with you....
DK09 ... disappointing game last night Sad oh well, it's only game 1. Luongo'll save the day. all isn't lost...nice to know trash talking will getcha Winking
Roxijam ... it's good to see your sense of humour... and thanks for reminding me, i've been thinking about taking up kickboxing far the recipe to kick the funk is: alotta sex, beer, wings, ribs, pizza, fudge brownies, ice cream w/ chocolate syrup, and now Merc's mashed potatoes smile