panic attacks

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by R1g0rM0rT1s on Friday, March 15, 2013 and has 15 replies.
ever had one? i apparently experienced my first ever anxiety attack yesterday. unfortunately, it didn't end well and i had a seizure. i've had a whole bunch of stress which i've just been bouncing off my forcefield lately in attempts for it not to get to me but yesterday while i was trying to get some rest cos my mind is constantly churning over all this crappy stuff...i suddenly sat bolt upright like i'd had some kinda shock...then i got a chest pain so bad i literally thought i was having a heart attack...i tried to relax and breathe but my body wasn't having it. i guess my sugar level plummeted (i have underlying diabetes) and i passed out during which time i missed two calls on my phone which was next to me and on a very loud ringtone.
i'm usually as strong as an ox when it comes to stress but this time i was over-ruled by my body. has this happened to you? what was the trigger? did the source of your anxiety get sorted out? apparently some people regularly experience these attacks which i always thought was just a dramatic reaction to something but having gone through it now, i can't imagine how draining and scarey that must be.
and how do you feel after them? i still kinda feel like i'm in an altered state of being.
Uh yes. Meds for the shit is just whack though ( so bad for you ) I haven't found natural stuff helpful either though. I don't know there are a lot of options out there haven't tried them all yet but it is hell to live with. I feel u
It's happened to me before, too... although not the seizure part.
Humor me on the preachy advice: just go get yourself checked out by a psychiatrist. I did after it happened to me, and found their advice to be pretty helpful
i know i should go to the doc's but i'm scared of them. i don't want to dwell on it but i've had cancer and live with the prospect of it returning on a daily basis. my cancerian friend lives too far away otherwise i know she would drag me kicking and screaming...i just don't have anyone like that close to hand right now.
Posted by IntriguedScorp
My Scorp sister used to get these--then again she was in the midst of the change of life (she started early) so it had to do with hormones and such. She ended up in the emergency room once only to find out it was only a panic attack and there really wasn't anything the docs could do but to tell her to RELAX. smile

yeah. i should deffo relax more. i've just hoovered the usual response to stress. i've kept away from caffeine with the exception of a cup of tea so that should help.
my mother was 40 when she went through menopause although to be fair, she did have 6 kids so her body prols just had enough. she had a hysterectomy and i remember feeling slightly unwell when i overheard her telling someone she was now 'built purely for pleasure'. i'm nearly bloody 50 and i'm still waiting!!
Posted by everevolvingepithet
If you're getting chest pains I'd seriously just go to the docs and get checked out just to be on the safe side.

Rest for a day or 2,sleep loads if you will.
Take one day at a time.
Accept any work that comes your way just so you can stay afloat apart from asking the rich folks for money.
Look for full time work opportunities in your area of interest alongside.
Stay busy-it helps prevent negative thoughts from entering your mind.
This too,like everything else,shall pass.
Good luck.

Ive had one panic attack was the most terrifying experience. I thought I was actually dieing....I got this weird feeling come over me...then its like my whole body went numb and I got really cold and couldnt stop shaking. My vision got blurry, thought I was having a heart attack and I laid down because I thought this is it...well it never came, so I called my scorp dad and tried to talk to him and couldnt even form words...he knew right away that I was having a panic attack and tried to talk with me calmly (which helped). I did finally calm down but was scared that it would happen again (which just fuels them even more) Now I recognize when its going to happen and either try to calm myself, call someone or just take a Xanax.
Anxiety attacks are different for get the rush of nervousness and feels like my heart is going to beat outta my chest along with chest pains, my hands and feet sweat, I get a knot like sensation in the back of my throat, Muscle tension, twitches, startle more easily...its horrible but less intense then a panic attack.
The panic attack started after crying so much over my bf death one night. The anxiety started last year...I had it everyday and its slowly starting to go away...or I guess it more under control since I was diagnosed with GAD (general anxiety disorder) Ive always been an anxious person but this was non stop :/
My advice is just take it one day at a time...eliminate the stress and relax more (easier said then done..I know). Go for walks, exercise, most importantly just can push thru them. If all else fails...get a prescription for some Xanax or klonopin...just dont abuse them..they are highly addictive! and this is if all else fails that I mentioned above. The mind is a powerful thing...and it will fuck you if you let it.
hope everything gets better Rig smile
I forgot to mention how I feel afterwards..
I dont feel like myself at all...totally out of body experience and it takes me at least two days to recover...they are quite draining :/
Posted by everevolvingepithet
If you're getting chest pains I'd seriously just go to the docs and get checked out just to be on the safe side.

I went after helped ease my mind that it wasnt a heart attack.
Posted by LostinmyMind11
Ive had one panic attack was the most terrifying experience. I thought I was actually dieing....I got this weird feeling come over me...then its like my whole body went numb and I got really cold and couldnt stop shaking. My vision got blurry, thought I was having a heart attack and I laid down because I thought this is it...well it never came, so I called my scorp dad and tried to talk to him and couldnt even form words...he knew right away that I was having a panic attack and tried to talk with me calmly (which helped). I did finally calm down but was scared that it would happen again (which just fuels them even more) Now I recognize when its going to happen and either try to calm myself, call someone or just take a Xanax.
Anxiety attacks are different for get the rush of nervousness and feels like my heart is going to beat outta my chest along with chest pains, my hands and feet sweat, I get a knot like sensation in the back of my throat, Muscle tension, twitches, startle more easily...its horrible but less intense then a panic attack.
The panic attack started after crying so much over my bf death one night. The anxiety started last year...I had it everyday and its slowly starting to go away...or I guess it more under control since I was diagnosed with GAD (general anxiety disorder) Ive always been an anxious person but this was non stop :/
My advice is just take it one day at a time...eliminate the stress and relax more (easier said then done..I know). Go for walks, exercise, most importantly just can push thru them. If all else fails...get a prescription for some Xanax or klonopin...just dont abuse them..they are highly addictive! and this is if all else fails that I mentioned above. The mind is a powerful thing...and it will fuck you if you let it.
hope everything gets better Rig smile described my panic attack to a tee. really thought it was lights out for me. i'm scared of meds cos i have an addictive personality and i won't know where to draw the line with them. i need to do more yoga i think. that always sorts me out.
Yeah I have an addictive personality too...but Im too freaked out to go down the drug abuse road, so its easier for me to stop etc. so I understand that aspect. yeah I heard yoga is good.... havent done it myself...Ive been thinking about it though.
you must give it a whirl. i've only been doing it a few years and rarely get to a class. i always thought it was a bit namby pamby and new age for me cos i prefer more agressive pursuits like martial arts but yoga is a very thorough work out and at the end you have meditation so that you don't feel the same kind of exhaustion you do after the just feel really chilled and in tune with yourself although it still kills the next day lol. i thoroughly recommend it smile

I get them! I wasn't sure at first, but when I described them to others, they confirmed that that's what they were. Sad
Posted by R1g0rM0rT1s
i know i should go to the doc's but i'm scared of them. i don't want to dwell on it but i've had cancer and live with the prospect of it returning on a daily basis. my cancerian friend lives too far away otherwise i know she would drag me kicking and screaming...i just don't have anyone like that close to hand right now.

Hey Roxi this is Vicky aka Scorpionlady. I understand what you are going through, if you need to talk you can always email me. I was there for you during your treatment and I'm here for you now. Send me a pm so i can give you my email address i can try and find you or can you connected to a support group that can help you.

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