Hey guys I have a question, well more of a senerio. I used to have a best friend till like six months ago, he was a scorpio(so am I). One day he's playing a game(league of legends) and he kept loosing. He was playing a champion he had never played before (ather wing kayle ) and he died like twice(I was the jungle) not 4 min into the game. Well to finish quickly, he blamed me for it. That did not bother me , I knew he was frustrated and it was not my fault. What bother me was that during a fit of rage he call me "a burden on my life" to wich I took great offense. Being a scorpio I said " I apologize for being a burden and as such I shall remove my heavy load from your difficult life" I haven't spoken to him since. I don't scream or get angry, with people when thing like this happen. Instead I got cold as blizzard said the icy words and left the game. ( was playing malphite jungle, if you wanted to know, so I could not gank properly till level 3, he should have farm quietly/ was fighting ziggs) well the point is that I lent this grind several of my books (6 or 4 I think). I want them back, so I asked him for it. Yeah I know but being 18 I thought that he would be mature enough to give me back my fucking hunger game books and the other 3 I lent him (so it was 6?) point is he's being petty and is acting like I'm an ass, cuz I want my expensive hardcover books back. Also he blames me for the friendship ending and he never eve apologized for calling me a burden and screaming at me (duch). well how would you have reacted, say if you did that to a friend and then that x-friend asked for his books and tarot card back? I personally would mail it to them, what about you?
And no guys it's not that we fought over a game, it's that he said that to me over something as stupid as an online game. You don't say that to Simeon you call a frind over losing a game, like why have friend like that right? Also now evey one of our frinds that he met through me thinks I'm a dick, wtf right. I'm the dick for not wanting to be frinds with someone so petty and duchy that he bites his friend heads of over a game?
Ok so I have two questions.
1 would you return my books if you were my x-friend?
2 am I an a dick for ending the friendship or is he the dick, and if I am why?
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
Playing League? Yeah both of you are tards for even fighting over a stupid ass video game.