Please adive need!!!female and meale scorpio can t

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Scorpio_Kira104 on Thursday, March 9, 2006 and has 5 replies.
I'm a female scorpio and right now I'm going out with and male scorpio.i hear alot from here and there about how cruel they can be (i know personaly from my x) and it scares me because i fell for this guy.I really fell for him hard,even though i didnt mean to.Alot of times i find myself leting him be the boss,and taking the lead alot.It doesnt bother me,as long as hes happy I'm happy.But are scorpio males really as unfaithful as i hear from so many?If so i rather save the pain,'cause the worst thing a man can ever do to me is cheat.Since we started off not too long ago(feb 6)we're still learning things about each other and as far as i know,hes the best guy i ever met in my whole life.We havent had a fight yet about anything,and when we do get alittle heat between us i see he lets it slid,as do i and we leacve it at that.My friends tell me it will never work and I'll just get hurt again.As much as i love my friends ,latly i have been questioning their jugdment.So i was wondering if any,female or male scorpions can be as so kind as to give their advice to this questionable realationship,I'd be very greatful...>.
I think you have the right attitude for a scorp/scorp long as you don't start playing the controlling game and who's in charge type thing, it will be plain sailing..I have been in a relationship with a scorp male and it was the best ever..and defo waiting for another to come into my life..We understand and compliment each other brilliantly. A bit harsh of your friends to make such a strong judgement. Friends should be helpful and encouraging whoever you choose to spend your life with. Use your scorp gut instinct..if its telling you its fine, then it probably is..
Thanks alot...^_^ it really means alot to me to hear that....^_^
Hi scorpkira104,
the relationship between a scorp pair is something which other signs would never understand. As missmorals has said " nothing else will suffice" and that is the plain simple ABSOLUTE truth. But that does not mean that you feel that way for each and every scorpio who comes along. it just so happens that the extra special connection at the deepest level with empathy, sympathy, mutual respect, caring, adoration and the love you feel topped with 'just knowing' each other can occur only with another scorpio where you just do not have to explain everything ---as such odd feelings are so understood !!! is something unbelievable whether it is a long distance platonic connection or something experienced luckily through marriage.
BUT be extra-attentive, give your all, be open in your communications and be willing to take all that is thrown towards you - as he would be constantly testing you with sudden unexpected bouts of temper, trying to pull back, 'feigning' disinterest, making seemingly impossible demands etc. Others may ask WHY BOTHER TO BEAR ALL THESE ?? But he is WORTH ANYTHING if he has captured your love.
Question.....What is the point of giving the impression that your ot interested...or pulling back?

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