Signed Up: May 23, 2019 Comments: 2 · Posts: 22 · Topics: 1
I help others, mostly people: homeless, addicted, criminals, or just depressed people.
Whatever the depth of my mind, this always gets me up.
I see before me all the ways I can go, but I usually let life flow because I feel that it is right. Very often, they happen disasters of various kinds. I think we are experiencing this to prove that in the finals, we can handle anything, and be stronger.
I do not know if anyone else would understand that I see life as a map where the lives of all the people I meet are portrayed. I see their way of life and their character as if they were written in their eyes.
Sometimes I have the impression that my mind can travel through the universe and understand why all the patterns are happening and I am sad of that circle of events.
Sometimes I feel that I feel a strange connection with nature and the past, I am immensely enjoying loneliness in nature as if there is nothing but me and nature. It's a little smug, but it calms me.
Sometimes I can't handle the emotions deep inside myself and collaps, but I always get out of the ashes. Again and again.
I think this is proof that I'm not amply mentally fine
First Aid: A small glass of red wine, plenty of sun and to be close a pisces person or person with moon in scorpion or taurus.
Signed Up: May 24, 2019 Comments: 0 · Posts: 4 · Topics: 3
@novanilla, thanks for your reply. I relate to everything you said, and I'm always thinking that's what i should do. I guess I have to implement that. Thanks for the reminder.
I'm a Taurus moon myself and love the company of other Taurus mooners. My ex was a Scorpio moon, and the breakup was the worst that I experienced. Pisces suns, that's interesting.
I had an emotional change. I used to feel all my emotions so strongly, then I went to the other extreame and numbed all emotions (my breakup was a strong factor of that). I regret that a lot and wish i knew how to get back to feeling in a balanced way.
Again, thanks for your reply. I'll try to get back to Nature and help others more. ❤
There is another shit that makes my skin crawl.
WTF is with these men who are afraid to be hurt? So they are non commital, dissapearing, whiny...etc.
I see it as if man been hurt - he gets drunk, meets a few women and having unsatisfying sex with them b
I have been together with this Scorpio man for 7 years. He is 32, I'm 29.
Our core problem is that I was not ready for his dream: get marriage and have children.
This April he came back after 1 week travelling and broke up with me: "I found another woma
Inspired by @Ellygant 's mini-rant earlier.
If you have any gardening tips or hacks that you might like to share, please do so.
Some of my plants had some serious ant infestation but because they're fruit/vegetable plants, I couldn't use pesticide spray
This is the latest I am trying to find out about.
Why is this happening to some women that men seems into them so much but after sex they dissapear.
Then men come back and ghost again after sex...
Seems like men drawn to the women but dont stay...