Pluto in 12th House

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by MasterGemini on Friday, May 24, 2019 and has 3 replies.
Any Pluto (in Scorpio) in 12th house in conjunction with ascendant?

How are you staying sane? And do you feel like you have control over your life?
I help others, mostly people: homeless, addicted, criminals, or just depressed people.

Whatever the depth of my mind, this always gets me up.

I see before me all the ways I can go, but I usually let life flow because I feel that it is right. Very often, they happen disasters of various kinds. I think we are experiencing this to prove that in the finals, we can handle anything, and be stronger.

I do not know if anyone else would understand that I see life as a map where the lives of all the people I meet are portrayed. I see their way of life and their character as if they were written in their eyes.

Sometimes I have the impression that my mind can travel through the universe and understand why all the patterns are happening and I am sad of that circle of events.

Sometimes I feel that I feel a strange connection with nature and the past, I am immensely enjoying loneliness in nature as if there is nothing but me and nature. It's a little smug, but it calms me.

Sometimes I can't handle the emotions deep inside myself and collaps, but I always get out of the ashes. Again and again.

I think this is proof that I'm not amply mentally fine Big Grin

First Aid: A small glass of red wine, plenty of sun and to be close a pisces person or person with moon in scorpion or taurus.
@novanilla, thanks for your reply. I relate to everything you said, and I'm always thinking that's what i should do. I guess I have to implement that. Thanks for the reminder.

I'm a Taurus moon myself and love the company of other Taurus mooners. My ex was a Scorpio moon, and the breakup was the worst that I experienced. Pisces suns, that's interesting.

I had an emotional change. I used to feel all my emotions so strongly, then I went to the other extreame and numbed all emotions (my breakup was a strong factor of that). I regret that a lot and wish i knew how to get back to feeling in a balanced way.

Again, thanks for your reply. I'll try to get back to Nature and help others more. ❤