Presidential Match-up

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by Galileia428 on Tuesday, January 8, 2008 and has 5 replies.
Thought this was interesting. By answering a few questions about your opinions on certain issues, this selects the presidential candidate most aligned to your beliefs. My results were exactly what I thought they were going to be. Kucinich's platform is exactly what I believe in (he is the vegan pacifist who has no chance in hell of winning and Obama is a very close second. What are your results and who are you actually voting for in the primaries?
2008 President Selector
1. Theoretical Ideal Candidate (100 % )
2. Dennis Kucinich (89 % )
3. Barack Obama (81 % )
4. Christopher Dodd (withdrawn) (80 % )
5. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended
Barack Obamerroist won't even do the pledge of allegiance and he has a Muslim background.
I think all the candidates are slimy this year. All the way from Edwards to Obama. The only good part I see about Hillary is that shes got a former president for a husband. She can go to him for advice on how to run a country.
Who got us into Iraq?
Barack Obamerroist won't even do the pledge of allegiance and he has a Muslim background.
What is your source for this, Hillary's website? The fact that he is Muslim has nothing to do with how he would lead this country. JFK's Roman Catholic background was a big deal at the time that he was elected, but now he is cited as being one of the best presidents in this country's history.

It is a shame we live in a country that will not elect Ron Paul.
Do you even know anything about Ron Paul, b/c if you did, how could you, in good conscience, support the U.S. withdrawl from such things as the United Nations and the International Criminal Court? I can understand Paul's position in that policies should be based on the Constitution (whenever possible), but really, the Constitution was written over 200 hundred years ago, long before things like globalization, massive world wars, genocide, humanitarian intervention, nuclear weapons, and global warming could ever have been possibly envisioned. The Constitution was written with the current environment of the world in mind. But it doesn't account for the unthinkable changes this world has undergone since. State sovereignty is a good thing but it should no longer be thought of as indispensible b/c the issues we face on this planet involve everyone, irregardless of nationality. B/c of the far-reaching affects of globalization, what happens in Bangladesh, affects even someone in the United States. And especially as it involves things like trade, global warming, war, etc. Who's to say that just b/c someone was born on the other side of the world, they aren't just as deserving of a safe and happy life as someone born in the United States? (which was all a result of mere chance anyways). And even though the UN and the International Criminal Court are imperfect systems b/c they are in their infancy (and for the very reason that countries, like the US, considere themselves outside of international law), they are where the hope of this world lie.