Relationship progression

This topic was created in the Scorpio forum by OmagaIII on Friday, September 20, 2013 and has 2 replies.
Hey guys and girls. Especially girls Tongue as you are probably the ones I will get the best answers from.
I was just thinking, and wanted to ask some opinions about relationship progression. Especially between Taurus and Scorpio. Now, I know that this combo comes up very often, but I wanted to know what your thoughts are on progressing this type of bound from a friendship to a relationship. Do you think it is a good idea, if you do, why? Also, if you don't, let us know why.
Some of you might know about my postings the last week or so with regards to a scorpio I am really in love with and what has been happening. Since joining the site I have been scouring all the posts and I am learning a lot about myself as well as her. Not saying everything here matches to a T but it does help.
What I am also picking up is that usually in this combo we find our selves at different phases in life when our paths cross, and this is what prompted the thought. Can we be there for one another (Maybe only as friends initially) and use this as a foundation to build trust and love (With the outcome being a relationship).
Opinions and reasons for why and why not are welcome by all, more so from scorpios Tongue
Hmm, interesting how you associate it with age as well. Thanks for the opinion. smile