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Aug 12, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1492 · Topics: 43
Is it good or bad? What do you gain from it?
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30822 · Topics: 650
nothing. its true what they say, the biggest revenge is walking away and getting on with your life.
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Sep 29, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 1419 · Topics: 92
The Scorpio that was trying to get revenge on me gained absolutely nothing I have to laugh she's put herself back 2 steps and ruined her reputation in the process. She was so focused on revenge she didn't think of what might happen afterwards. I still have all my friends and people that support me all the people that are around her lost trust in her. She might have though she won she is still a loser everybody around her thinks she is a loser.
Do I think she is a loser? No, I think she's realized don't try have a fight with a Cancer man you won't win. Cancer men are good at gaining the trust of people and people like us.
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Feb 11, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 185 · Topics: 11
For me justice and being "fair" is one of my core values, so when I was a child and teen revenge was the way to set the record straight, to be fair. After many years I learned that life itself wasn't fair and it wasn't up to me to serve "justice". So now I do what I believe is right and if I feel like somebody is doing something wrong to me I remove myself from the situation, cut ties with them, move on and let karma deal with them.
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Jan 31, 2015Comments: 1573 · Posts: 6705 · Topics: 16
I've never related to the description of Scorpios being vengeful. It isn't that I've never thought about it, but it's rare. I've never gone through with it after thinking about it. It was simply a way to process things internally, only in my imagination, not an action to take.
With people who have hurt me badly, I walk away. I'll speak up for myself first when appropriate (with some people it's pointless or dangerous), then walk away.
The people who have wronged me the most didn't have happy lives and egos to start with. That's why they wanted to bully me, or related, most likely. Goodbye to them. They suffer without me having to do anything direct to them to make that so.