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Oct 16, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1703 · Topics: 66
I just found out my bf is a venus scorpio and she doesn't really act like one. Do all venus scorpio have that intensity that ppl talk about? I dont see it
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Oct 16, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1703 · Topics: 66
U will never know maybe what going on because they mask it.
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Dec 08, 2015Comments: 6 · Posts: 343 · Topics: 39
I just found out one of my sag bf's is a scorpio venus too and I was surprised, but it makes sense now I know what I'm looking at. She's very fun loving and gregarious, but when it comes to her close friends she does have this subtle intensity about her that you can see in her eyes sometimes. It's so subtle but she can also be possessive and jealous at times. You really wouldn't know she had a scorp venus unless you knew her personally very well, and paid attention and looked for it. Her sagittarius larger than life personality hides it very well. She cares very deeply about her friends and family, and again you can see it in her eyes at times, and she doesn't really talk about it, you can just see it.
Yeah just look out for that intense look in the eyes that looks like they are holding a lot of deep emotion within themselves, and think if she's ever been extremely-low-key pissed whenever it looks like you've abandoned her for another friend or aren't keeping her close enough.
You have to look for it because it probably will not be obvious at all until you know what you're looking at.
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Oct 16, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 1703 · Topics: 66
Its so.funny now im thinking about it when i got upset and didnt talk to her for a while she would always call my mom and family in other states asking about me...then my mom calls like whats going on. Im like she could call me and talk to me personally. Why go to extreme and not face me head on but go to my family to get the scoop on me? Then another time i wanted to talk she left her house cus she knew i was on my way. She didnt want to talk but once again call my mom. Im like ok. I can tell now i see. She will never say how she feel emotionally ever except 1 time she felt my relationship was getting more attn etc